
How to Install Python on Windows [PyCharm IDE]

Team Desklib

Published: 2022-01-21

Table of Content

  • What is an IDE?
  • What is PyCharm?
  • Why is PyCharm needed for Python?
  • How to install PyCharm?
  • Final Words

Can you name the most versatile programming language? If the answer is Python, I would readily agree. Name a thing that Python couldn't do, from web development to data analysis to machine learning.

Python is such a great language with its demand touching the skies, and for your information, it has excelled both C and Java for most-in demand coding language for 2022. Surely, it's high time to start learning Python today.

To learn Python first, you need to install it, and therefore in the following article, we will guide you through a step by step tutorial to install Python and PyCharm!!

But first, let's scratch the basics!!

What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose interpreted language. With high-level object-oriented programming, it aims at code reusability support for multiple programming paradigms.

Being named after the famous circus show "Monty Python", Python attempts to provide simple syntax, logic codes, and highly extensile give developers their choices. The language embraces the following quote –"there should be one – ad preferably only one – obvious way to do it". 

Python forms its functionality with the vast set of libraries it has, which can be repeatedly be utilized in the different programs according to the coder's need. Python finds its application in Desktop GUIs, Education, Scientific and Numeric Computation, Web Development, Software Development and Business Enterprises.

What is an IDE?

IDE- Integrated Development Environment is an application used to develop software programs.

The main function of the IDEs is to provide. Understand this way, Imagine you are a mathematician, and you are into some very complex program. Obviously, complex problems give rise to so many other trivial issues while arriving at the final output. But what if I tell you you focus on the main problem and let me take care of small tasks! Let me tell you, that's what IDE does.

Hence it can be said that IDE provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) to provide aided help in performing day to day functions and, in return, increases productivity.

Pretty Amazing! Right? Now let me tell you all the major advantages of using IDE - Syntax Highlighting, Text Auto-completion, Refactoring Options, Importing Libraries, Build, Compile or Run Code, Debugging, Building Executables, managing environment and dependencies, Conduct Testing, and developing pre-defined codes.

But the problem is there is an abundance of IDEs in the market, and selecting IDE depends on your coding need, but today we will talk about one of the most powerful IDE- PyCharm and learn its installation process.

What is PyCharm?

It is one of the most widely used Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing python language. Developed by JetBrains, it works as cross-platform aiding support to python versions 2. x and 3. x. PyCharm is written in Java and Python and has compatibility with Windows, Linux and macOS.

It provides myriads of tools to ease the task of developers by creating an environment suitable for coding. It helps improve the productivity of the programmer's by consolidating common programming activities.

Why is PyCharm needed for Python?

Let's understand this way consider python and PyCharm as runway and aeroplane. PyCharm is a runway, and Python, like an aeroplane, runs on it to take off or, in technical language, Python run to execute the code.

It helps python developers to write code efficiently and quickly. Not only this, PyCharm is the one-stop solution for graphic debuggers; it provides coding assistance and all the listed advantage in the above section.

And the best part is a developer can customize PyCharm UI as per their coding requirement and preferences. It also has more than 50 plugins to meet the complicated project codes. The major features of PyCharm are as follows:

  • Code Editor
  • Refactoring
  • Visual Debugger
  • Code Navigation
  • Built-in Terminals
  • Provide Database tool
  • Web Technologies support 
  • Software Testing and Profiling
  • Remote Development Proficiency
  • Support Python Web Frameworks
  • Extended Python Scientific Libraries
  • Keep up with Version Control Systems

How to install Python for Windows?

Step 1) To install Python on your Windows, visit the official Python website from here and download. We have downloaded Python 3.10.2.

how to install python

Step 2) Downloading starts as soon as you click on the "Download button". A .exe file will get downloaded; run the file to proceed further.

The next screen asks to select from "Install Now" and Customize Installation. We are moving with default settings and moving with Install Now.

how to install python on windows

Step 3)  A Dialogue box will appear indicating Setup Progress.

Step 4)  As soon as Setup gets initialized, another screen with the heading Setup was successful will appear on the screen.

python installation

And that's how you install Python.

Step 5) Go to windows to check if your installation was successful by searching Python.

python installation complete


We are done with python installation; next, we are installing PyCharm as an IDE to run our python code. 

How to install PyCharm?

Step 1) Download

Visit the official site of PyCharm to download it. It will provide the two options, Professional and Community, as shown in the image below. Professional is paid version with a free trial while the community is free open- source. Click "Download" to move further. It takes hardly a few seconds to download it.


how to install PyCharm


Step 2) Run the exe file.

Next, run the downloaded exe file to install.


pycharm installation


It will provide the setup wizard; click "Next" to move ahead.


pycharm for python


Step 3) Choose Install Location

Further, it shows the path of the downloaded file; you can change the path if you wish to Click "Next" otherwise.


pycharm installation on windows


Step 4) Installation Options

Next Screen provides an option to create a desktop shortcut. Check the boxes you want and click "Next".


pycharm ide installation


Step 5) Choose Start Menu Folder

Keep Default JetBrains in the option and click "Install".


how to install pycharm


Step 6) Installing

The next screen displays the installation process; after completion, click "Next".


how to install pycharm on window


Step 7) Finish

The following Screen shows the wizard with Completing PyCharm Community Edition Setup; check the "Run PyCharm Community Edition" and select Finish.


pycharm installation


Step 8) User Agreement

The next screen asks for the User Agreement; check the "I agree" box and click "Continue".


how to install pycharm for pythonStep

9) Data Sharing

Next, give your consent for Data Sharing by selecting "Send Anonymous Statistics".


Data Sharing

Step 10) Successfully Installed

And here we are!! The final Screen displays the Welcome message; you can start by creating "New Project".


pycharm installation

Voila!! With this, we successfully install Python and PyCharm.

Final Words

Python is a versatile language and carries a future full of opportunities. Hope with this step by step tutorial; you would have been successfully able to install Python and PyCharm. What are you waiting for? Start coding today and explore the language as much as you can. Hope to meet you in the next blog.

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