Experience a Smarter AI Detector Tool

Our AI Detector helps writers accurately identify AI-generated content, making it easy to confirm AI participation in your writing.

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AI Detector



of text is likely AI-generated

AI Generated Text


Can Be AI Generated

Human Written
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How It Works

Our AI Detector analyzes text segments, scores them for AI likelihood, and provides instant, detailed reports.

How It Works Thumbnail
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Content Segmentation

Content Segmentation

Desklib's AI Detector begins by dividing the text into smaller, overlapping segments or chunks. This method ensures that each chunk includes part of the previous one, providing additional context that helps the algorithm make more accurate assessments of AI involvement.

Chunk Analysis and Scoring

Chunk Analysis and Scoring

Each segment is then analyzed to assess the likelihood that it was generated by AI. The detector assigns a score to each chunk, reflecting the probability that the content was created by AI. These scores are essential for identifying which sections of the text might be AI-generated.

Score Averaging for Enhanced Accuracy

Score Averaging for Enhanced Accuracy

To improve detection accuracy, the algorithm averages the scores of overlapping chunks. This averaging process takes into account the broader context surrounding each segment, leading to a more precise understanding of whether the text was produced by AI.

Final Classification and Reporting

Final Classification and Reporting

AI Detector classifies each chunk as either AI-generated or human-written based on the averaged scores. It calculates the overall percentage of AI-generated content in the text and compiles this information into an instant downloadable

AI Detection Tool Normal ExampleAI Detection Tool Tiled Example

Free AI Content Detection Tool

  • Desklib's AI Detector begins by dividing the text into smaller, overlapping segments or chunks. This method ensures that each chunk includes part of the previous one, providing additional context that helps the algorithm make more accurate assessments of AI involvement.
  • To improve detection accuracy, the algorithm averages the scores of overlapping chunks. This averaging process takes into account the broader context surrounding each segment, leading to a more precise understanding of whether the text was produced by AI.
  • Each segment is then analyzed to assess the likelihood that it was generated by AI. The detector assigns a score to each chunk, reflecting the probability that the content was created by AI. These scores are essential for identifying which sections of the text might be AI-generated.
  • AI Detector classifies each chunk as either AI-generated or human-written based on the averaged scores. It calculates the overall percentage of AI-generated content in the text and compiles this information into an instant downloadable Content 2 report. The report highlights the AI-detected sections, providing a clear overview of the AI content within the document.
AI Detection Tool Normal ExampleAI Detection Tool Tiled Example

Key Features

Benefit from section-wise AI detection, a high word limit, and instant, private reports.

Key Features

Benefit from section-wise AI detection, a high word limit, and instant, private reports.


Section-Wise AI Content Detection

Desklib's AI Detector is designed to analyze chunks of text within a study-documents.

Section-Wise AI Content Detection


High Word Limit

With a generous word limit of 20,000, the tool is ideal for checking long- form content such as dissertations, theses, and comprehensive reports.

High Word Limit


Instant and Private Reporting

The tool provides instant downloadable reports that highlight the detected AI content, ensuring that students receive timely feedback.

Instant and Private Reporting

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Desklib's AI Detector?


Is Desklib's AI Detector free to use?


How does the AI Detector work?


What types of documents can I check with the AI Detector?


What is the word limit for text submissions?


How accurate is the AI Detector for academic content?


How is the AI content displayed in the report?


Can I choose how the AI Detector analyzes my study-documents?


Is my content private and secure when using the AI Detector?


How quickly do I receive the analysis report?


Can I use the AI Detector for non-academic content?


What is the benefit of the overlapping chunk method in the detection process?

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