Every Assignment Desklib Verified

Achieve top grades with automated, comprehensive assignment evaluations tailored to your academic needs.

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AI Grader

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Supported formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PNG, or JPG.
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How It Works

Upload your assignment, select additional checks, and get a detailed evaluation report with instant feedback.

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Upload Your Assignment Files

Upload Your Assignment Files

Begin by uploading your assignment files, including any relevant rubrics, prompts, or additional details. Our AI Grader tool supports a variety of file formats, including .pdf, .doc(x), .ppt(x), .odt, and .odf. This ensures that all aspects of your assignment are thoroughly considered during the evaluation process.

Upload Your Solution

Upload Your Solution

Next, upload the solution you want to be evaluated by our AI Grader. Ensure that every part of your assignment is included, from the introduction to the conclusion. This allows for a comprehensive analysis of your work, focusing on content quality, structure, and adherence to assignment guidelines, with AI-driven precision.

Select Additional Checks

Select Additional Checks

Customize your evaluation by selecting from a range of additional checks with AI Grader. Whether you need a grammar review, plagiarism scan, AI content detection, word count verification, or reference validation, these options provide a thorough examination of your assignment, helping you meet academic standards.

Receive a Detailed Evaluation Report

Receive a Detailed Evaluation Report

After processing, you will receive a detailed evaluation report from the AI Grader. This report breaks down every aspect of your assignment, offering scores, in-depth feedback, and actionable suggestions for improvement. Use this report to refine your solution and increase your chances of achieving higher grades.

Key Features

Benefit from comprehensive grading, in-depth language checks, source validation, plagiarism detection, and detailed feedback.

Key Features

Benefit from comprehensive grading, in-depth language checks, source validation, plagiarism detection, and detailed feedback.


Comprehensive Automatic Grading

Our AI-driven technology automatically grades your assignment, offering a comprehensive evaluation of content quality, structure, and adherence to academic criteria, ensuring no detail is overlooked.

Comprehensive Automatic Grading


In-Depth Grammar and Language Checks

The tool thoroughly checks your assignment for grammatical errors and language issues, highlighting areas for improvement and providing suggestions to enhance clarity and readability, ensuring polished writing.

In-Depth Grammar and Language Checks


Source Credibility and Reference Validation

Ensure the authenticity and proper formatting of your references. The tool verifies each source against academic standards, confirming correct citation style and source credibility.

Source Credibility and Reference Validation


Detailed Feedback and Instant Reports

Get a comprehensive report with an overall grade and detailed feedback on each aspect of your assignment. The report is instantly downloadable, enabling quick review and improvement.

Detailed Feedback and Instant Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the AI Grader tool?


How does the AI Grader work?


What types of files can I upload?


What additional checks can I select for my assignment?


How does the AI Grader calculate grades?


Can I trust the feedback provided by the AI Grader?


What does the detailed evaluation report include?


Is the AI Grader tool only available for paid users?


How do I use the evaluation report to improve my assignment?


How secure is my data when using the AI Grader tool?


What makes the AI Grader tool different from other grading tools?


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