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Choose Your Model

Easily select from the top AI models, including ChatGPT 4.0, Google Gemini Pro, Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Mistral Large 2, and Llama 3.1 405b, all available within a single AI-answer interface.

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Input Your Query

Type your question, upload files, or add images to get instant AI-Answer responses. For image-based queries, you can crop and adjust the images before submitting.

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Once your input is submitted, you'll receive a streaming response directly in the chat interface. You can switch between models at any time to compare AI-Answers.

Utilize AI for Student-Specific Tasks

Utilize AI for Student-Specific Tasks

Leverage AI to assist with various academic tasks, such as summarizing articles, generating study guides, solving problems, and more. This powerful AI-Answer tool can help streamline your study process and enhance your learning efficiency.

World’s Best AI Models

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Combined access to all AI models with a cheaper price than any of them.

$20 - ChatGPT Plus$15 subscription you get the best AI models today

Core Features

Enjoy top-tier AI models, a streamlined interface, and versatile input options for instant, personalized answers.

Core Features

Enjoy top-tier AI models, a streamlined interface, and versatile input options for instant, personalized answers.


Top Tier AI Models

Experience the power of the latest AI models, including ChatGPT 4o, Google Gemini Pro, and more—all at your fingertips.

Top Tier AI Models


Streamlined Interface for Instant Results

Effortlessly switch between AI models to get quick answers in a unified, easy-to-use platform.

Streamlined Interface for Instant Results


Versatile Input Options

Get the answers you need by submitting text, uploading files, or adding images— tailored to fit your specific queries.

Versatile Input Options

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI Answers?


How much does AI Answers cost?


What types of input does AI Answers support?


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Can I use AI Answers without logging in?


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How does the model selection work?


Can I switch between models during a session?


Does AI Answers support follow-up questions?


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Can I view my past conversations on AI Answers?

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