
Career Advancement Strategies for Employees: The Role of Performance Appraisals


Added on  2019-10-08

27 Pages3356 Words169 Views
0Research report: The importance of staffappraisal to improve their performanceStudent Name:Student Id:Tutor’s Name:Word Count:
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1Table of ContentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................2Research Questions....................................................................................................................2Literature Review.......................................................................................................................2Research Methodology...............................................................................................................5Result/ Analysis and Findings....................................................................................................6Discussion..................................................................................................................................9Conclusion................................................................................................................................15Limitation and possible follow-up...........................................................................................15References................................................................................................................................17Appendices...............................................................................................................................19
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2IntroductionIt has been observed that the appraisal of the employee is directly related to his/herperformance to a great extent. An appraisal that is quite effective may not only eliminatebehaviour and work-quality problems. It can also motivate an employee to contribute to morefruitful actions. It has been observed a firm mostly tends to ask its employees to perform"360-degree feedback” that assesses their peers and subordinates along with the supervisorsand management [ CITATION Obi16 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand, performance appraisal isregarded as one of the important tools that encourage the employees to work in a bettermanner for the organization for the fruitful benefits. The success of the organization is saidto be completely dependent on the employees to a great extent because they are regarded asthe assets. This particular project mainly examined the status of the performance appraisalsystem of lots of companies and also its implication to the performances of the staffs[ CITATION Ric17 \l 1033 ]. The respondents of this study were tenured staffs. Thepurposive sampling technique was used in the selection of respondents. The quantitative andqualitative method of research has been utilized to acquire the data for analysis in thisresearch. The responses were from the 22 employees.Research QuestionsThe main research questions of this project are as follows:How does staff appraisal help to improve the performance of the employees?How do organizations benefit from an employee’s appraisal?Why staff appraisal holds so much importance for a company?Literature Review
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3As per Brow, Hyatt & Benson, (2013) the performance appraisal must bring a positiveexperience and should also contribute towards the all total performance and also the welfareof the firms to a great extent. If it is done in a perfect manner then it is considered to be oneof the most effective tools for enhancing the performance as well as the productivity and alsoenhance the skills and performance of the employees [ CITATION Bro131 \l 1033 ].However, it is needed to enhance rapport between management and staffs; so that there willbe a tendency to enhance job satisfaction and improve the loyalty sense of employees towardthe firm to a great extent. Hence, it is quite evident that all of these lead to higher productivityamong employees, which naturally increases the productivity of the company [ CITATIONDec13 \l 1033 ]. On the other hand, according to Farooq & Khan (2014), in a formal performance appraisalsystem, there will be two objectives that compete during the appraisal process. Firstly is toprovide feedback to the employees. This is to help the employees to develop themselves andimprove their performance at an alarming rate. The best type of appraisals also tends to createa link between individual employee expectations and how the work of the workers alsocontributes to the larger success of a firm. They also clarify the expectations that the managerhas for the staffs and help the worker to prioritize on their stipulated duties [ CITATIONFar14 \l 1033 ].Therefore, performance appraisal is considered to be one of the most important componentswith regards to the process of performance management that includes various types ofmeasurements throughout the companies. Further, Fugate, Prussia & Kinicki (2012) said thata performance appraisal is mainly a tool that is used to find out whether an employee requiresany type of extra development and training in terms of enhancing their performance. In mostof the cases, it has been noticed that the workers tend to be quite interested in knowing howwell they are doing at present and how they can do better in the future. The employees also
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4want this information to enhance their performance in so that they will receive their salaryalong with the promotion [ CITATION Fug12 \l 1033 ]. Thus the proper performance feedback can enhance future performance of the employee. It isalso needed to consider that a lot of money and time is spent by the companies in order toselect and recruit the employees for the company. There are various tools that are used by thecompanies in order to select the process of the employees. If performance appraisal tools aregood then they will have the ability to find out the selection tool’s validity so that the firm isbenefitted in terms of selecting the staffs for future [ CITATION Gri15 \l 1033 ].On contrary, it can be also argued by Gupta & Kumar (2015) that most of the managers don’tlook forward to performance appraisals. The performance management holds the mostimportant place in terms of the employee appraisal. The most highlighted problems of theperformance appraisal are most of the companies are guilty in terms of highlighting the factthat they treat the performance management as a yearly event and not as a regular event[ CITATION Gup151 \l 1033 ]. An appraisal that is quite effective in nature has the ability to create a huge amount of impacton the morale of the employees, their performances, and also on the overall culture of thecompany to a great extent. It can be also said that appraisals provide the opportunity forrecognizing and rewarding the potential workers and for making them sure that they feelvalued for the work they perform on a regular basis. If the performance is monitored alongwith the progress against the objectives then the employers get the massive opportunity forassessing if the employees need to be rewarded with salary enhancements, promotions orbonuses [ CITATION Ham161 \l 1033 ]. Some of the world-renowned company known as Deoillite has currently announced that thecompany is moving towards a lot of ongoing feedback and discussions with the workers. As
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5an individual tends to observe already the entire process of the appraisal, it becomes complex.It is a duty of the company to remember, if any process of a firm gets complicated then it willbe quite costly for the firm in order to make up. Hence, one of the main questions that arise iswhy performance appraisals are considered by the firms? The answer is quite simple ifperformance appraisals are performed in a perfect manner then it can give a company with alot of extraordinary results. On the contrary, if the appraisal of the employees is done in anincorrect manner then it will definitely lead towards the lowers level of their job satisfactionand it deteriorates their performance to a great extent [ CITATION Kar16 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, as per Nielsen & Randall (2012) that one of the main reasons for the employeeappraisals is to provide a huge amount of opportunity for the formal interaction between thestaffs and the supervisors concerning how the firms believe their workers are performing. Ifthere is a transparent conversation with the employees about their appraisals then it will behelping them to enhance the bottom line by aligning the performance of the single personwith the objectives of the business. It also tends to support the creation of a culture that ismore focused on the employees. One of the main enablers in terms of achieving theengagement of the employees is to make sure that the employees have an appraisal and voiceas well as the performance review meetings that will be helping for fuelling the discussionand empowering the employees for sharing their opinions [ CITATION Nie15 \l 1033 ]. Research MethodologyIn research, the methodology is referred to the approaches employed to find answers to aparticular problem.The researcher chose both quantitative and qualitative research for thisstudy which is mainly aimed towards assessing the impact and the status of the performanceappraisal on the employees. A focus group discussion was conducted for triangulating theresult of the survey. The purposive sampling technique was utilized in terms of selection of
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