The assignment is about a monopolist who must decide how to price and allocate product output between two geographic markets separated by a national border. The demand functions are Q1 = 30 - 2P1 and Q2 = 24 - P2, and the total cost is C = 5 + 2(Q1 + Q2). The monopolist's goal is to maximize profits under two conditions: (a) no arbitrage is possible, and (b) the border is opened to free trade and arbitrage. In condition (a), the firm can charge different prices in each market, and it is found that P1 = 8.5, Q1 = 13, and Q2 = 11, resulting in total profits of $200.5. In condition (b), the firm must charge a single price in both markets, and it is found that P = 10, Q = 24, and total profits are $187.