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Cyber Crime: The New Hooliganism


Added on  2023/01/18

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This article explores the rise of cyber crime, specifically cyber trafficking and online sexual harassment. It discusses the impact of these crimes on individuals, particularly teenagers and college students, and the measures being taken to prevent them. The article also highlights the role of organizations like the United Nations Children's Education Fund in raising awareness and combating cyber trafficking.

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Cyber crime

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Table of Contents
From the editor...........................................................................................................................3
Is cyber crime the new kind of hooliganism?............................................................................5
Media review..............................................................................................................................8
Top links.....................................................................................................................................9
Site Map.....................................................................................................................................9
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From the editor
Cyber security is a magazine which deals with the unearthing of various kinds of cyber
crimes at a huge level by reporting related incidents in an effective and efficient manner. It
helps in the spreading of various kinds of awareness related to incidents such as hacking of
websites and social media accounts thereby implying the steps and measures to be undertaken
accordingly to prevent cyber crime accordingly. Due to the advancement of Information
Technology at a rapid level, cyber crimes are increasing at a huge level thereby the law
enforcement authorities taking various steps and measures for the prevention of cyber crimes.
We at cyber security help the readers to beware of cyber crimes and undertake appropriate
steps and measures to avoid being a victim of cyber crimes (Yar and Steinmetz, 2019). We
also provide an opportunity for our readers to report any incident of cyber crime so that we
can publish the story accordingly. We by the virtue of our best efforts provide information
related to cyber crimes to our readers so that they can gain as much information related to the
various incidents of cyber crimes. We also engage with law enforcement agencies such as the
cyber police to conduct investigations of the cyber crime and punish the offenders
We have since our inception been distributing magazines at a huge level. We have also
received positive reviews from our readers who comprise not only of general public but also
the officials and authorities engaged in activities related to the prevention of cyber crimes.
We also report the details of the hackers who are regularly engaged in activates related to
cybercrimes by accessing into social media accounts of people and websites to a huge level
thereby leading various kinds of offences as far as cyber terrorism and cyber espionage are
We at cyber security aim to make sure that the readers are informed about various instances
of cyber crimes taking place around them thereby leading to the awareness at a massive level.
Our objectives also include the aspect relating to the presentation of legal issues relating to
cyber crime thereby presenting the laws of cyber crimes and the punishment for various kinds
of cyber crimes. As a result, the policies, frameworks and regulations are essential for the
combating of cyber crimes along with the laws. The procedure relating to the combating o
the cybercrime is also presented by us.
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So, relax and enjoy our story relating to cyber crime so as to spread awareness amongst
people relating to the aspect of the content as far as the theme pertaining to cyber trafficking
is concerned. Enjoy browsing and internet surfing without any hassles and check our
important mails. Also, enjoy your social media chats and related activates accordingly
without any kind of hurdles related to your account being hacked or used by people unknown
to you. Please do not share your user name or password of your social media account with
any person.
Happy browsing

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Is cyber crime the new kind of hooliganism?
Cyber crime has risen to a rapid level off late. Since the advent of Information Technology,
there have been a huge number of instances related to cyber crime. For example, in the recent
past, a student at a local school was charged with cyber trafficking since it led to a person to
take his own life as a result of victimization by such kind of cyber trafficking. Cyber
trafficking and online sexual harassment is at a rampant level as a result of the development
of Information Technology (Rhodes, 2016). Cyber trafficking also includes inducement of
people in to forceful sexual acts thereby leading to pornography in an illegal manner. It also
includes the distribution of pictures and videos at various kinds of pornographic websites
thereby leading to the online harassment to such an extent that it results in various kinds of
mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety (John, 2018). Cyber trafficking is
prevalent amongst adolescents to a massive level, most notably amongst the youth and school
and university students. Cyber trafficking also leads to vulnerable acts such as self harm and
suicide at a huge level as far as victimization is concerned (Lavorgna and Sergi, 2016). Such
kinds of vulnerable acts have in the recent years taken place in the recent years to a huge
level, most notably amongst teenagers and college students. As a result, the students unions
at universities are conducting events to spread awareness accordingly by distributing
newsletters, pamphlets and flyers accordingly. The university halls of residences have also in
the recent past provided platform to combat cyber trafficking to a great extent by offering
services related to pastoral care and spreading awareness about the steps and measures to be
taken in order to prevent online sexual abuse. Additionally, academic tutors are also playing
an important role with reference to the taking into consideration the issues faced by students
in terms of cyber trafficking by spreading awareness about it during the lectures. It is
observed that the outcomes related to cyber trafficking have proved to be quite fatal. As a
result, policies and procedures are being formulated by educational institutions as far as the
prevention of cyber trafficking is concerned. Students are being provided with the scope and
opportunity to report incidents related to cyber trafficking (Wittes, 2016). As a result, the
incidents of cyber trafficking are reducing to a considerable extent. The victims of cyber
trafficking are provided adequate counseling sessions along with appropriate care and
protection so that they do not indulge in vulnerable acts as aforesaid and have their issues
related to traumatic experiences resolved at the earliest. The offenders of cyber trafficking
are being dealt with in a stringent manner according to the law in force thereby leading to the
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imposition of the punishments in a stringent manner as far as their enforcement is concerned
(Palmer et al., 2016). The content related to online harassment and cyber trafficking are
delved into a proper and appropriate manner and are subsequently removed at the earliest by
the moderator concerned. Videos on YouTube which contain the aspect of cyber trafficking
are to be flagged as inappropriate at the earliest thereby leading to the prevention of
promotion of pornography as far as dehumanization is concerned. As a result, it is observed
that cyber trafficking is no different form heinous crime.
Social phobia has risen to a huge level as a result of cyber trafficking. It also implies social
anxiety disorder. As a result, it leads to distress amongst people in social situations. It has
also resulted in marginalization and isolation of people at a huge level thereby leading to the
rising of loneliness amongst people. There are various aspects related to the combating of
social phobia. Such aspects mainly include the usage of antidepressants and the undergoing
of various kinds of psychotherapy sessions, most notably Cognitive Behavior Therapy. It
would help in the prevention of social anxiety disorder to a huge level.
Fig 1
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The United Nations Children’s Education Fund has played an important role in the spreading
of awareness related to the importance of preventing the malicious act related to cyber
trafficking as far as child sex tourism is concerned. It has implied the aspects related to
suicide and self harm is mainly caused as a result of cyber trafficking along with other related
vulnerable acts as far as the trauma is concerned. It has also called for the undertaking of the
appropriate steps and precautionary measures as a result of cyber trafficking thereby implying
its prevention to a massive extent.
Fig 2
Cyber trafficking has to be dealt with in a stringent manner. The punishment related to cyber
trafficking must attract such kinds of stringencies that it must act as deterrence. It would lead
to the prevention of various acts related to posting of various kinds of explicit content online
thereby leading to the vulnerable acts as a result of cyber trafficking. It would also result in
the prevention of the vulnerable acts to huge levels which are mainly caused as a result of
cyber trafficking. As a result, cyber trafficking must be prevented at all spheres and sectors of

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Fig 3
Media review
The book Backlash authored by Sarah Darer Littman implies the mental health disorders
undergone by a schoolgirl as a result of cyber trafficking such as being induced to perform
sexual acts even if she does not express her consent for the same. It also implies the
complications which school children have to go through due to cyber trafficking. She is
constantly being tormented by her per group online as a result of being overweight. She is as
a result being going through various kinds of issues related to mental health such as anxiety
and depression. It is observed form the book that parental support is essential so that mental
health issues such as anxiety and depression such as anxiety and depression can be addressed
properly and appropriately.
The book Deeper authored by Robin York implies the ill-effects of cyber trafficking and
online sexual harassment with regard to the posting of nude pictures on the internet. Such an
action leads to the degradation of the reputation of the college girl to a massive level. It also
results in the judgmental aspect of the viewers as a result of such kinds of malicious act
committed by the person thereby terming her as a potential prostitute. The book also depicts
the punching of the person by a man who was behind such kinds of malicious acts with
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regard to the posting of such pictures thereby leading to possible vulnerabilities as a result of
such kind of human trafficking through online.
This blog implies the retorting to pornographic activities as a result of break up. Such kinds
of acts imply the aspect of cyber trafficking and online sexual harassment to a huge level
thereby leading to vulnerable acts. It further depicts trafficking through emails, messages and
texts as far as the explicit content is concerned. It also highlights the aspect of stalking
thereby leading to contemplate suicide and other related vulnerable acts. It also implies the
aspect of psychotherapy as a result of cyber trafficking and online sexual harassment. Such a
blog implies the aspect of revenge porn as a means of online sexual harassment and its
prevention to a huge level. Such kind of online sexual harassment is no different from cyber
trafficking as far s pornography is concerned.
This blog implies the detrimental effects of the game relating to the blue whale challenge. It
is one of the main kinds of cyber trafficking thereby leading to suicidal effects amongst
teenagers at a massive level. It is reported that after horrendous acts which includes sexual
activities, the player of the game ultimately ends his or her own life. In this aspect, awareness
is being spread amongst parents since most of the victims of the blue whale challenge are
mainly teenagers or adolescents. It is one of the aspects of child pornography as most of the
deaths occur mainly amongst teenagers.
Top links
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Site Map
Aspect Explanation
From the editor It implies the concept of cyber crime and its
prevalence in the modern society at a huge level
thereby highlighting its aspect in an effective
Article It implies the rising of cyber trafficking at a rapid
level due to the advancement of Information
Technology to a huge level. It also presents the
ill-effects of cyber trafficking such as online
sexual abuse at a rampant level.
Figure 1 It implies the aspect of social anxiety disorder as
a result of the acts related to cyber trafficking and
the vulnerabilities associated with it.
Figure 2 It implies the steps and measures undertaken by
the international organization United Nations
Children’s Education Fund as afar ass the
prevention of cyber trafficking is concerned
which has led to vulnerable acts at a rampant
level, primarily due to the sexual exploitation of
Figure 3 It implies the prevention of cyber trafficking at
all spheres in the interests of maintenance of
peace and security as far as the society as a whole
is concerned. It also implies that cyber trafficking
must result in stringent punishment. It also
implies the signs to look for as far as cyber crime
is concerned.
Backlash It implies the mental health disorders of a
schoolgirl to a huge level as a result of cyber
trafficking thereby highlighting the ill- effects of
cyber trafficking, especially amongst the minor
Deeper It implies the ill- effects of cyber trafficking and
online sexual harassment thereby depicting the
concept of illegal pornography thereby leading to

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victimization of teenage girls.
It implies the aspects related to contemplation of
suicide as a result of the malicious aspects of
online sexual harassment as far as pornography
for vengeance is concerned.
It implies the ill-effects of the game concerning
the blue whale challenge whose ultimate outcome
is to take one’s own life after a series of
horrendous acts.
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Reference List
John, G., 2018. Analyzing the influence of Information and communication Technology on
the scourge of human trafficking in Rwanda. Academy of Social Science Journal, 3(1).
Lavorgna, A. and Sergi, A., 2016. Serious, therefore organised? A critique of the emerging"
cyber-organised crime" rhetoric in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Cyber
Criminology, 10(2), pp.170-187.
Palmer, J., Llorens, B., Kaufman, S., Gibbons, C., Chowdhury, M., Chen, C. and Fu, X.,
2016, October. Modeling Cyber Crimes and Investigations for Digital Forensics Education.
In Journal of The Colloquium for Information System Security Education (Vol. 4, No. 1, pp.
Rhodes, L.M., 2016. HUMAN TRAFFICKING AS CYBERCRIME. Agora International
Journal of Administration Sciences, 1(1), pp.23-29.
Wittes, B., 2016. Cyber Sextortion and International Justice. Geo. J. Int'l L., 48, p.941.
Yar, M. and Steinmetz, K.F., 2019. Cybercrime and society. 4th ed. California: SAGE
Publications Limited.
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