
Solutions for Excessive Nurse Attrition at UK Hospitals


Added on  2022-11-30

16 Pages4248 Words380 Views
Running head: MANAGMENT
Principles of Healthcare Administration
Author’s Note
Solutions for Excessive Nurse Attrition at UK Hospitals_1

Solutions for excessive nurse attrition at 5 hospitals within the boundaries of the United
Coming up with appropriate relevant solutions that aims towards addressing a wide variety of
fundamental issues regarding nurse attrition at different hospitals that are known to be operating
within the UK appears to be one of the best options that is geared towards creating a wide range
of development within the entire health sector(Biswas Pramanik & Giri, 2016). Moreover, these
solutions are capable of providing appropriate recommendations on some of the operations that
should be implemented. The following are some of the major solutions that are capable of
addressing excessive nurse attrition;
(1) Implementation of both cultural fit together with conducting an extensive form of
orientation when carrying out the selection techniques during the recruitment of various
nurse. This will ensure that adequate and reliable information is passed to the personnel
thus highlighting them on some various situations.
(2) Implementation of high incentive schemes- the implementation of high incentive schemes
appears to be another form of solution most so when it is specifically implemented for
working overtime since it is fully concerned with providing a wide variety of nursing
personnel who are well versed with counseling sessions together with several other forms
of stress management and self-care support that will be able to address some of the
fundamental issues without encountering any barriers.
(3) Implementation of reliable professional in the counseling departments- Coming up with a
reliable set of professionals who will be working in the counseling department will act as
Solutions for Excessive Nurse Attrition at UK Hospitals_2

one of the biggest steps to be made by the whole organization. These individuals will be
able to come up with reliable guideline programs for the nurses thus highlighting them on
so some of the things that they should do together with the ones that they are required to
avoid as much as possible in order to meet a specific set of objectives within the
stipulated time frame.
(4) Appropriate creation of awareness among the nurses- Creation of awareness among the
nurses clearly involves taking them to certain sessions of training that are associated with
what is being done within the nursing boundaries as far as the organizations are
concerned. These further acts as an eye opener to them thus going as far as eradicating
the emergence of excessive nurse attrition within the organizations since they will have
developed a diverse thinking capability from the entire creation of awareness in relation
to various issues and decision making process.
(5) Creation of positive relationships between the nurses and the employers- A positive
environment is capable of coming up with one of the most reliable environmental
conditions where different operations can be carried out without any disturbances.
Coming up with a positive relationship that exists between the nurses and the
management officials of the organization will enable the employees to understand one
another in an adequate manner. As a result of this, positive relationships have been able
to provide some of the most relevant solutions towards excessive nurse attrition that is
being encountered by the healthcare organizations. This further makes them to attain all
their desired goals and objectives within the stipulated time frame without coming across
any form of barrier related situation.
Solutions for Excessive Nurse Attrition at UK Hospitals_3

Internal and external stakeholders involved in the decision making
There are a wide variety of both the internal and external stakeholders who are known to be fully
involved in the decision making processes where they tend to come up with some of the
appropriate decisions that are attached to the goals and objectives of the organizations.
Moreover, these stakeholders have developed the sense of implementing a wide range of ethical
considerations in most of their operations thus making it much easier for them to know exactly
what they should do. (Rao & Tilt, 2016). To come up with some of the most appropriate
decisions, both the internal and external stakeholders are required to come together with an
intention of sharing their ideas pertaining what they are capable of thinking regarding various
scenarios thus making sure that the whole organization takes the right path. When making
decisions, it requires an individual to come up with a wide range of options by adequately
identifying a particular set of decisions, gathering appropriate and reliable information together
with carrying out an alternative assessment associated with various resolutions.
Employees form one of the major examples of internal stakeholders. They have been given the
mandate to fully take part in specific types of decision making processes most so the ones that
revolve around various issues involving the performance of the employees. By coming up with
appropriate and reliable decisions, they tend to provide on one of the easiest time to the top
management officials for them for them to fulfill these needs in order to increase the employee
performance at various levels. Moreover, the physicians also play an essential role of acting as a
major internal stakeholder where they are capable of coming up with a wide range of decisions.
(Fried, 2016). Appropriate and reliable physicians have always been able to provide some of the
most efficient decisions that have brought on board a wide range of benefits therefore
Solutions for Excessive Nurse Attrition at UK Hospitals_4

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