
Business Functions


Added on  2023-01-04

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Data Science and Big DataNutrition and Wellness
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Business Functions
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Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
Human Resource Management..................................................................................4
Motivation............................................................................................................... 4
Retention................................................................................................................. 6
Training................................................................................................................... 7
Evaluation of training process- Kirk Patrick’s Model of Training Evaluation............8
Marketing................................................................................................................... 9
Segmentation Targeting.......................................................................................... 9
Marketing Mix........................................................................................................ 11
Positioning............................................................................................................. 12
Section 3- Technology in Business........................................................................... 13
Three examples of technology..............................................................................14
Secured and safe data management....................................................................15
Accounting and Financial.......................................................................................... 15
Conclusion................................................................................................................ 17
Bibliography............................................................................................................. 19
Appendices:.............................................................................................................. 22
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Silver Fern Farms Limited is a multinational company from New Zealand dealing with red meat
products. The company has its legal status as limited company registered under the stock
exchange board of New Zealand. The company has equal ownership structure of partnership
between Silver Fern Farms Co-op Limited and Shanghai Maling Aquarius Limited. The co-op is
consisted of 16,000 farmers from New Zealand dealing with cattle, dear and sheep farming. This
company is reckoned as the biggest company of New Zealand dealing in processing of livestock
with subsequent marketing. The company made investment in the operation of manufacturing
process of meat processing, domestic logistics of livestock including transportation and logistics
of exporting meat. Marketing is strategized with the alliance of different organizations like New
Zealand and Australian Lamb Company Limited, Robotic Technologies Limited, the Lamb
Cooperative Inc., Livestock Logistics Nationwide Limited, Kotahi Logistics LP, Ovine
Automation Ltd, FarmIQ Systems Ltd, Primary Collaboration NZ Ltd and the Red meat Profit
Partnership. The company was founded in 1948 with the firm name as Primary Producers
Cooperative Society and its place of origin was Island of South new Zealand. This company was
established with the formation of cooperative engaged in the process of meat marketing based on
prime product of sheep meat. The company name was abbreviated as PPCS Limited. The status
of this company was a minor player in the meat processing market till 1970s. After then, the
company management was changed with a new and vibrant team. Operational strategies like
removal of subsidies to farmers, New Zealand Meat Board ceding to the company with its
monopoly in production and sheep meat marketing; and the technological ability of meat
processing industry with over-ability crowned by the cooperative advantages to utilize the
building up of its profitability over the earlier period. The cooperative had expansion plan, which
was executed in the 1980s. The strategy was to take over meat processing cooperatives and other
companies dealing in this industry from the South Island followed by subsequent acquisition
from North Island. The company had returned the released asset value to the farmers by creating
a holding company Apex Limited. This strategic step has allowed the coveted acquisition of
Canterbury Frozen meat. The consolidation process of the cooperative was going on during
1990s with the active involvement of PPCS. It was not exposed like its competitors, AFFCO
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Holdings. The acquisition of Richmond Meats made the co-op burdened with debts. Then the co-
op had changed its name as Silver Fern Farms in 2008. Present financial reporting endorses the
profitability of the company with NPAT as $ 15.4 million in 2017. (Farms, nd)
Human Resource Management
Motivation is an integral part of human resource management for any organization. Motivation
proves to be the catalyst for getting best output from the employees. It is one of the basic
requirements of leadership trait of the management to motivate their employees for getting the
best result to enhance the performance of the organization. There are different theories of
motivation prevailing in the global corporate level for efficient HRM practice. (White, 2018)
Out of these theories, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need Theory will be described with its
respective impact on SFF Co-op Ltd. This theory was evolved by Psychologist Maslow in 1943,
And is popularly used to explain motivational theory for employees. This theory has the pillar of
basic needs of human. As per Maslow, the nature of needs is to be satisfied to get best possible
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output from human. There are five types of needs identified for this theory with the hierarchy of
order as per priority of human and is being presented by a pyramid shape of presentation.
These five types of needs are discussed below:
Psychological needs-These are considered as basic needs to ensure sustainability of human life.
Psychological needs are the basic needs or biological needs, which include food, clothing, rest,
shelter, water, sleep, air and sexual containment. These needs are lying at the bottom level of
needs, which cannot be ignored for long period and are proved to be the prioritized needs over all
other requirements. If these needs are not met by the working environment to the logical extent,
other requirements do not have impact of motivation for employees.
Security or safety Needs-These needs are related to psychological panic of losing jobs,
acquaintances, through abnormal natural phenomena or hazards. Human being has the tendency
to get rid of these fears, which may cause to physical danger job security, financial security at
old age, insurance facilities to cover risk of life, etc. The safety needs are preferred after the
psychological needs. After compliance of psychological needs, safety needs come to motivate
human and have reverse impact if not satisfied to motivate human being.
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Social Needs-Human being is social inhabitant and needs to enjoy living in a group. This feeling
is motivated by the feeling of membership of any group with perpetual acceptance from group
members. This basic need also demands to be loved by other persons with the concept of
friendship followed by interactions with friends, colleagues and superiors.
Esteem needs-These needs demand respect from others with acknowledgement, power and
ultimate destination of prestigious position. These needs come when the previous three needs are
satisfied. Esteem needs promote the feelings of self-confidence, competence, self-respect, etc.
These needs can be met by organization of attachment form the viewpoint of employment or
other social activities through recognition. As per Obert Tanner, recognition can make the
business run smoother through its own role.
Self-actualization Needs- These needs are placed on the top of the needs, as specified by
Maslow. This needs originate from the feeling of self awareness to fix destination and the ability
to reach that destination through owned developed skills. This need is known as growth need.
Each individual has the dream to accomplish life objectives with the ability gained through
skills. This need promotes the sense of facing challenges in professional life to prove ability of
individual. It is often observed that the hardest hurdle to cross and not many individual can
accomplish this objective. (Jahan, nd)
In Maslow’s theory of Motivation, the needs of esteem and self-actualization are main factors for
retention of employees. (Ramlall, 2004) SFF has to prioritize retention of specific class of
employees out of lower, middle and high levels of employees. If they want to retain high level of
employees in the form of decision makers, they have to fix certain objectives for those
employees with specific quantitative and qualitative parameter of accomplishments of those
objectives. The needs of esteem and self-actualization can be met through different activities, out
of which, setting goals and appraise the performance can be good option for SFF for its higher
level employees. For those employees as per their skills, specific time-bound objectives are to be
set to make them understand about their deliverables. After the stipulated period, their
performance is to be quantitatively and qualitatively assessed as per fixed parameter to appraise
with rewarding. The setting of objective poses the challenges to those employees to be faced to
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