
Challenges and Strategies for Jungle Furniture Limited


Added on  2023-04-03

11 Pages2244 Words395 Views
Executive Summary
In operational management, every decision made is critical to the success or failure of the
project. Depending on the type of project being undertaken, certain factors determine the
decisions made. For the case of a business, all these are aimed at ensuring the firm makes
maximum profits at the lowest possible cost of production.
Before any project or business is started, an analysis is done to investigate the
profitability of that venture. The cost of operations is critical to this analysis. Also, it is important
to confirm the availability of a forms of resources required to for a project. If it is a business,
availability of ready market and the distribution strategy are of importance.
Other areas of consideration include resource utilization, staff management (where
applicable), production planning, risks involved, competition and expected rate of return.
This paper will put all these factors into consideration and explain them, taking Jungle
Furniture Limited as the reference point.
The objective of any business is to maximize profits and minimize cost. To achieve this,
it is very critical that the business lays down very effective structures. This is a joint
responsibility for both the management and the company staff. As such, coordination and
teamwork among the parties involved are very important for this to be achieved.
Jungle Furniture Limited is faced with a number of challenges that basically hinder their
operations. In the long run, these challenges may pile up and cause the firm to close down. This
is the main reason why the new management seeks to find solutions to these problems early
Challenges and Strategies for Jungle Furniture Limited_1

The firm mentioned above is not only facing external threats but also having internal
challenges that are affecting its efficiency in delivery. The ability of a firm to maintain its clients
is dependent on the quality of service it offers them. The services should be timely, of good
quality and should be aligned to the needs of the customers. When customers are happy, they
tend to buy more, thereby increasing sales for the business.
Internally, the firm is facing issues with conflicts among the top leadership of the firm
and unwillingness by the staff members to work extra hours. These acts result in reduced
efficiency. Externally, the firm is facing very stiff competition from a similar business. Another
challenge also experienced by the firm is the unreliable supply of raw material used in the
production process.
This report is aimed at expounding on these challenges and recommending the most
suitable approached to contain these situations. The first challenge to be addressed would the
stiff competition from similar businesses.
Jungle Furniture Limited is facing very stiff competition from similar products imported
from Thailand and Malaysia. These products from the two countries are fairly cheaper, therefore,
more affordable to the general public who the customers are. Since the target customers are the
same, JFL products are bought by fewer people as the majority are drawn to cheap products.
This calls for JFL to shift focus to ways of retaining their existing clients and to
encourage them to refer new customers to the firm. This can only be achieved if the company
makes the customer experience very enjoyable for these clients.
Challenges and Strategies for Jungle Furniture Limited_2

Some of the ways to achieve this are by customizing their products to meet the specific
requirements from the clients. This is achievable through effective design and the use of either
assemble-to-order or make-to-order production strategies. These three strategies allow for the
customer to suggest how they would want their furniture to look like. They have a chance to
specify the features to be incorporated when making the furniture (Nicholas 2010). Things like
color, size, and weight can be specified by the client. This way, the end product meets the
specific requirements of the clients, therefore making them more attracted to the products. This
provision is not available when importing furniture from the two countries mentioned above.
JFL should also consider offering unique value-added activities to the customers. These
include offering free delivery services once in a while. Such acts make the customer feel valued,
thereby winning their loyalty to the firm and its products (Abbott and Lwakabamba 2010).
As a way of ensuring the firm continuously produce quality products, they should
consider developing very well structured process performance metrics (Branimir Wetzstein;
Steve Strauch; Frank Leymann 2009). These are the parameters used to monitor the quality and
effectiveness of the production process. This way, they are able to identify any lapses in the
production process that may lead to low-quality products or delayed production of items and take
the necessary steps to rectify such lapses. The firm should also ensure it is centrally placed at a
location that is easily accessible to its customers, emphasize on timely delivery of goods, provide
user manuals to its customers, and frequently reward loyal customers.
If these strategies are effectively implemented, the customers will definitely feel more
attracted to shop with Jungle Furniture Limited despite the prices being a little bit higher, thereby
increasing revenues.
Challenges and Strategies for Jungle Furniture Limited_3

This refers to the ability of the firm to predict the number of its products that are likely to
be demanded by the clients at a future date (Daganzo 2014). This is dependent on historical sales
data by the firm. Based on that and the projected economic conditions, statisticians and
economists are able to come up with approximate quantities that are likely to be demanded in the
Due to the nature of the business, short-range forecast and medium-range forecast may be
most appropriate. It is not expected that an already manufactured product would be kept in the
warehouse for a period of more than one year. To increase the levels of accuracy in the projected
figures, there should be a margin of error that is allowed when making projections (Ganesh-
Kumar, Prasad and Pullabhotla 2012).
In order to come up with a better forecast, certain assumptions must be made. One of
these assumptions is that the factors influencing demand in the future are similar to those that
were influencing demand in the past. The population patterns are also assumed to be constant
over the periods.
The moving average method can be used. This is because there is sufficient historical
data to be used in forecasting. The data used is from sales records recorded in the past. This
method is usually more accurate (Althelaya and MohammedI 2018). However, it also has its own
disadvantages. One of these disadvantages is that it requires a lot of historical data. The other
disadvantage is that as the time horizon under consideration increases, the forecast becomes less
responsive to change. The graph below represents the number of units sold per quarter of a year
for four years.
Challenges and Strategies for Jungle Furniture Limited_4

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