
The standing of G4S PLC in the corporate social responsibility model defined by Archie Carroll


Added on  2023-01-03

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The standing of G4S PLC in the corporate social responsibility model defined by Archie Carroll_1

The standing of G4S PLC in the corporate social responsibility model defined by Archie
The corporate social responsibility model defined by Archie Carroll can be compared with
Maslow's need pyramid. This comparison is necessary to simplify the dynamism of CSR
activities for a given organization like G4S PLC. Maslow's need pyramid defines four stages,
gratification of the psychological needs, financial stability, social acceptance, and self-
actualization. In the similar fashion Carroll's CSR model identifies four stages of economic
responsibilities, legal responsibilities, ethical responsibilities, and philanthropic
responsibilities. Just like humans, organizations also follow an order of progression. With an
increase in the status of the organization, they jump onto the next ladder of the responsibility
automatically. The mode is given by Archie Carroll also implies that an organization should
perform its CSR related duties in accordance with the achievement of the organizational
goals. We can elaborate it further with the help of the case of G4S PLC (Carroll et.al.2015).
The standing of G4S PLC in the CSR model
G4S PLC is a UK based organization with an employee fleet of half million employees
working in various parts of the world. As an organization, we can check its operations and
status at various different levels as well (Carroll et.al, 2012). The centralized body of this
organization can be considered as an esteemed and profit making organization. Right now
this organization is standing on the stage of "legal responsibilities" in the CSR pyramid. In
order to show their CSR commitment, in the year 2013 this company has signed the "UN
Global Compact." This compact binds any organization under certain rules to take care of the
human rights of their employees, anti-corruption practices, responsible behavior as a
corporate player and implementation of the labor laws.
The standing of G4S PLC in the corporate social responsibility model defined by Archie Carroll_2

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