
HRM: Key aims of education and training in HRM

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Added on  2022-01-20

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As a teacher, the key factors that I believe to enhance through this subject in my students are basically focussed on three things. It helps the workplace and the society at large when an individual is able to manage and take care of his actions and of others in his team, organizations and community. The cognitive skills are focussed on three things - communication, quantitative and research skills. The management of human resource let learners know the about the characteristics and behavior pattern of different personalities, the motivational factors that works

HRM: Key aims of education and training in HRM

   Added on 2022-01-20

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Tuktuki’s All Files
(January 24, 2021 to September 03, 2021)
i. Key aims of education and training in HRM
HRM is one of the core subjects that enables a learner to lead in any occupation
regardless of the subjects. Whether the background comes from a science, arts or
business genre, the effectiveness of HRM is applicable in every field of knowledge. As a
teacher, the key factors that I believe to enhance through this subject in my students are
basically focussed on three things. The first one is the ability to perceive things and
analyze or can say that is to bloom up the cognitive skills. It helps the workplace and the
society at large when an individual is able to manage and take care of his actions and of
others in his team, organizations and community.
The cognitive skills are focussed on three things - communication, quantitative and
research skills. To be able to have effective communication in both in written and oral
form is a need of time. The management of human resource let learners know the about
the characteristics and behavior pattern of different personalities, the motivational
factors that works for authoritarian, directive, supportive persona. To know the sector of
improvement through regular interactions and help to learn the approaches in different
environments HRM manages to keep the learners equipped with the various models
and theories proposed and practiced in the giant corporations.
Quantitative skills are those that
ii. Philosophical issues related with HRM
The philosophy of HR Management is not primarily about the function of human
resources. It's all of the top management's leadership style, as well as the new
organizational vision and traditions. It's all about the organization's capacity to lead. The
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contemporary leader typically wants a modern HR Management approach and creates
an atmosphere conducive to the modern HR Management's evolution.That's the
philosophy behind the scenes of HR Management.
The development of the philosophy of HR Management is a lengthy road. The doctrine
is generally unstructured and appreciates the values and beliefs of the stakeholders
involved. The management of the organization has a considerable influence on the
philosophy of the HR. The Hrm Department is the next to have a significant impact on
The Casualness of the Management of HR Philosophy is important. It distinguishes it
from the Strategy Formulation. Philosophy is a set of principles, behaviors and attitudes.
Practices are vital to the manager. The Leader is not interested in written form
Organizational processes. The leader is aware of the real decision-making management
of the organization. They could be different from the ones written on the rulebooks.The
main factors influencing the HR philosophy in the organization are - Leadership Style,
Corporate Culture, Corporate Values, Market Competition.
The way an organization lead is extremely significant. Managers and staff look up to the
organization's representatives as role models. The manager strives to behave in the
same manner as the chief. The behavior is noticed and spreads across the business.
The leader determines the ground rules for all staff and managers. They change their
actions to adhere to the standards of the leader.
The person who initiates the reform or re-design of the HR Management Philosophy is
typically the leader. The organization's conduct is observed by the chairman, who
requests some modifications. The leader normally appoints a new HR leader, who is in
charge of organisational change leadership. The most challenging job is to adjust the
leader's actions.
The HR Management philosophy's limits are set by the organizational culture and
corporate values. HR Management must not be at odds with business culture. It must
be a part of the society as a whole. If the HR paradigm shifts, the HR team must begin
to shape organizational culture. It, too, needs to be tweaked. The leadership
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management and Human Resources teams are working together to improve the
organizational culture. It does have to be changed by the changing of living
experiences. Employees can naturally respond to the changes.
The HR Management Theory is influenced by the external market, as well as primary
and secondary rivals. The industry standard is set by competition. The organization's
vulnerability is generally compounded by a totally different strategy. HR philosophy must
improve; it cannot be wholly separate.
3. Inclusivity
inclusive learning means a method where the differences of students are not a barrier in
getting the final output. Whether it's a physical disability, or a mental dysfunction, or a
difference in ethnicity, race and culture - students will be able to get what is being
taught in the same way. The method is executed when there is a strong collaboration
between necessary equipments and curriculum design. students who value their
learning outcome and do well in the examinations the basically adore those academic
systems that help them to correlate with their social identities and who identify the
particular needs and try hard to fulfill them.
There are some principles introduced by Hockings et al. (2010a) that can be applicable
in inclusive learning which are :
• to ensure collaborative learning ground rules must be set. the management should be
able to make time that helps to know the students as individuals they have to encourage
the students so that they can take part in free thinking, open analysis so that they have
the trust in their ability to think. An environment which encourage the students to not to
get stuck, not to fear from making mistakes, and not to afraid of unleashing their
• this learning environment should be enough so that students are capable of sharing
and generating knowledge. There should be tasks, flexible activities to sharpen their
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own knowledge and will increase the interest and experiences of different knowledge
and different perspectives of others.
•each other's lives should be connected. There should be such topics that will love them
to relate with other's lives and help them to imagine how their future identities will be.
• cultural heritage should be at the core of each student. They should be able to utilise
the resources, materials they found out and should be able to respect the cultural
diversity in the area they operate.
To insure inclusity in my teaching method I first started off by understanding my
students base,
From which background they have come from what their educational journey has been,
is there any special needs of any child for how long take in catching a lecture all this
information has been found out by just taking two A1 classes at first. Then I reschedule
my program planning,
Along with academic sessions, there are a number of social practices exercised in the
class that the new generation should be aware of. The first one is reducing the impact of
social class status. This is the one of the most valuable thing that students face at a
very early stage from their peer groups. This creates a vulnerability in their state of mind
and it gradually rises by lessening up their confidence level. The class runs by several
activities. Several topics have been given and at the end of the class, there are a
number of opinions taken from each group and shared among the students. From there,
the students get the idea that a single topic can be seen from different perspectives and
all of these can be amazing. From the perspective to overcome the shortcomings of the
students, particular assignments are given to particular student that focuses on to get
over their shortcomings without even making them realize it. The groups are formulated
in a way where people from different cultures and ethnicity are gathered together. The
groups go through several stages and after that the only outcome that this learning
method expect is to identify their uniqueness and how to utilise it in a group in the
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ii. Own approach in key curriculum issues
curriculum design focuses on the key differences that each subject has from another.
outcome of the implemented course design. In designing the curriculum, a teacher has
to focus on three things- learning objectives, what the course content and the reading
material should be and to assess the both the low and high stakes. The curriculum
actually builds the foundation that help the students to step on the next step in the peak
of success.
Three models of curriculum design are being practiced all over the world. The first one
is the subject centred curriculum design. In this design the concerned of the students
are not taken care of properly, it doesn't focus properly on the individual learning style.
The second one is the learner centred curriculum design which is on the focus of the
students and fulfills the needs and interest of the students and make such an
environment where they are open up to embrace the diversity. there is an option to
choose their assignments and their teaching methods and learning experiences. This
actually engage and motivate the students, they can shape their education according to
their choice. This can be identified as an standard curriculum design.
The third one is called the problem centred curriculum design where students are taught
how to look up problem and how to find out the solution of that it actually help the
students to engage with their authenticity maintained, life skills and issues are being
transferred from one to another. In this scenario, students actually work hand to hand
and depend on other by deepening their problem solving skills. the collaboration of the
second and the third one actually makes a curriculum design effective.
To maintain and create a course plan takes a critical analysis because the sessions
should have an impact before and after my class. Every time before preparing the
lessons I look for the content to be meaningful, during the lessons I try to understand by
the body movement of the students and by asking several questions that whether they
are understanding the topics or not or whether I am capable of making them
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acknowledged with the concepts. After the lessons, I give them some kind of
assignments to check whether they have understood or that was just a node.
4. How to use resources for inclusive teaching and learning in HRM
i. Ways in which teaching and learning resources, including new and emerging
technologies, meet the individual needs of learners
With the emergence of new technologies the need for a physical presence is reduced to
half. The same duster and white board, the use of projector is not required for students
to have their attention. The teaching and learning tools have been doubled by the use of
internet all over the world and with the emergence of covid-19 the online platform for
education sector has been considered as a must around the world. Inclusivity in
teaching and learning can be adapted more than ever because of the individual
participation. With the presence of individual devices , classes through zoom meeting
increase the sense of responsibility and sense of ownership which enable them to focus
on the topics more than ever. To some extent, it was not possible before to describe
and make students understand about all of the HRM practices and theory. But now with
the help of google drive and other storing and sharing platform teachers can run through
the video presentation. The visualisation of the great minds and the pioneers those
have brought this sector in today's position can be identified and introduced to them with
a deeper extent. Basically with the help of technologies teachers now can customise the
service for students, whether it's disability or a diverse ethnicity or a different age group
- they will have the same share of the learning outcome as a random learner would.
For the differently able learners, they are now able to give the exam online which they
can type through their voices and they don't have to write it down.
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For people with hearing problem, they can see the videos of their the HRM practices
and can get ideas from.
For the students suffering from blindness, there is brail system introduced from which
they can get the learnings on their own and all of these things are possible because of
the emergence of new technologies for sure. The simulation of a virtual environment
enables the students to take decisions like a professional.
The best part of this learning method is one doesn't have to put the attention for a
particular tim. For the students of different age who have diverse work pattern can
watch the videos and can learn from the classes whenever they have the possible time.
Zoom meetings can be recorded and people who are not available at that time can
connect anytime with the help of this technology. The individual needs of learners from
different categories in any specialised sector is actually very well settled through the
emergence of new technologies.
ii. The inclusiveness of own use of teaching and learning resources in HRM
Shift of online platform in education sector is the most remarkable thing that has
happened in this decade. the participation of learners regardless of their disability and
background online platform has welcomed them well. To incorporate inclusiveness in
my learning method, I made the group formation with people from different culture and
make sure that there are a diverse set of people in each group.
Global and most thought-provoking case studies have been chosen for each group
regarding human resource management and asked to solve them with the help of the
cultural practices, behavior, norms and issues in their locality and combine them with all
of the group mates and make an informed and structured solution to the problem. While
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doing so students will be able to understand the cultural practices of different region and
the generosity and profoundness of such activities will increase the adaptation of
culture. Talking about inclusivity, this idea seems perfect to practice HRM in a group. It
will enhance the efficiency of group activities and teach them the value of teamwork
because the formation of groups can't be changed and they have to solve the collision
because of the difference of opinions by their own.
The next thing I did is, assigned the students to develop a particular theory of their own
regarding HRM sector. We know about the Z theory, X theory, Maslow's theory, theory
of Scientific management - we know all of them but it's necessary to know what are the
factors that motivates today's generation, how they would like to be treated in the
workplace. The students came up with various mesmerizing ideas. The proposed theory
of individual help to get to know about the expectations of the youth in this sector.
5. Be able to work with others within a specialist area to develop own practice
i. Liaise with others
There are numerous relevant parties and specialist areas that are directly and indirectly
interested in the overall practice for learning in the specialized field. For a young mind,
career development planning or activities begin at an elementary level. There are a
number of other specialist industries involved in this case as well.
The first liaison that I made in my this specialised area of HRM is with the textbooks.
Because it's the source from where I got to know about Henry Fayol, Frederick Taylor
who were the pioneers in this field. They showed the pavements through which one
should go ahead in this subject. all the new theories that are being built today are
standing on the base they have created for us the all the proposed theories are simply
the modification of their wide view.
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