
Comparison between D-block and S-block


Added on  2019-09-30

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Running Head: Blog writingBlog writing
Comparison between D-block and S-block_1

2Blog WritingAtomic Numbers-The Periodic Table of Elements (Listed by AtomicNumbers)26th June 2019Atomic NumbersThe atomic numbers are the fundamental properties of an atom. The atomic numbercan be defined as the number of protons present in an atom. Isotopes also have a similaratomic number but with different numbers of neutrons. We might have come acrossdiscussions on the domain of nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. Radioactivity becomes animportant and commonly used term in the news. The fundamental property of an atom isradioactivity. Radioactive atoms usually have unstable nuclei. They could release someatomic particles to increase its stability resulting in radiation during the process. Elements arefound to come in connection with both nonradioactive and radioactive versions which differin the quantity of neutrons content. Isotopes are defined as different element versions. We canfind radioactive isotopes in a very small quantity in nature. For example, the atmospherecontains carbon in a very small quantity as radioactive carbon-14. This is also found in fossilswhich allow paleontologists to identify the age of such fossils. Every element contains atomswith a certain number of protons which in turn determines the actual atom. For example, theneutrons content can vary from one element to the other. Isotopes are similar atoms with different numbers of neutrons. Together with thenumber of neutrons and protons usually determine the mass number of an element. The massnumber is the summation of the number of neutrons and protons. If anyone wants to calculatethe number of neutrons in an atom, he or she can simply deduct the atomic number or thenumber of protons from the mass number. The atomic mass can be defined as a property
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3Blog Writingwhich is closely related to the mass number of an atom. The atomic mass of an individualatom is the total mass and it is fundamentally expressed in AMU or atomic mass units. APeriodic Table is highly essential for the chemist and students we can place the table wherewe need it in solving problems, mark up and get a new one printed. The periodic tables useaccurate information and data for atomic number, name element, symbol, electronconfiguration, and atomic weight.What are Periodic Table Atomic Numbers?The Periodic Table can be considered as one of the most essential scientificdocuments which are developed in the form of a single table. It contains every kind ofinformation related to chemical knowledge that human beings have imbibed since centuries.There are in total of 118 elements in the table that are arranged in terms of their atomicnumbers and also according to the number of free electrons that are grouped according to theresemblances in their chemical properties. We can say that all the matter that we observe inthe universe is created by building blocks which are known as elements. The distinctionbetween all these elements is possible with the help of atomic number. Each and everyelement has a unique atomic number that makes it possible to distinguish between severalelements. An atom is made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons. The atomic number can beconsidered as a fundamental property of an atom. Each atom has a unique and distinct atomicnumber. The atomic number of an atom is denoted by the letter ‘Z'. The atomic number of atypical atom is represented by the total number of protons that make up the nucleus of theatom. We may say that each atom of a particular element has the same number of protons andtherefore, they possess exactly the same atomic number. Likewise, atoms belonging todiverse elements have specific atomic numbers that vary between all the elements. An atomof an element is electrically neutral because the number of protons and electrons within anatom are identical which makes the atom neutral electrically.
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