
Inventions and Innovations Assignment PDF


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Inventions and Innovations Assignment PDF_1

MAJOR FINDINGSI. Task 11. Definition of inventions and innovationsAccording to Peter Drucker (1985), Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurs, the processby which they take advantage of change as an opportunity for another company or service. It may bepresented as a discipline, capable of learning, capable of training. Whereas, based on the statement ofVaradarajan, R.(2018), Innovation is the production of value by the use of appropriate information andtools to turn a concept into a new product , process or procedure or to develop a current product ,process or practice. Specifically, innovations can be interpreted as initially commercializedtechnologies by establishing and selling new goods or by introducing new manufacturing techniques(Grant, 2002). Furthermore, according to Chris Freeman (1982), Industrial invention encompasses thetechnological, construction, production, management and business practices involved in the promotionof a new (or improved) product or the first commercial application of a new (or improved) process ormachinery. In term of invention, according to Mihaela Diaconu (2011), Invention applies solely to the field oftechnology. It denotes the phase in which a new technical artifact is constructed, typically with someunderstanding of its utility in the economy or society. Invention consists of simple understanding andstill untapped study in a particular sector (Shaista E. Khilji, 2006). The main difference between 2 concepts is invention is a brand-new understanding, while innovationoffers economic gains to the business. Therefore, we can easily understand that if the business plan isnot effective, there will only be invention without any innovation. 1.Emphasis of invention and innovation within the wearable industry TimeName of productsName of invention/innovatorDescription1972Pulsar.Hamilton WatchCompany andElectro/Data Inc.Innovations breakthough: Whileusers had to click a button to seethe time, the Pulsar essentiallyrevolutionized the watch industryand paved the way for itsintellectual descendants.1983RC-1000SeikoIncremental innovations: the abilityto connect to most computers ofthe time, 2012PebbleEric MigicovskyIncremental innovations: Firstcommercial smart watch, coulddisplay messages from asmartphone and select Android2
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devices.2013TrueSmartOmateIncremental innovations: Thiswatch will make calls, use mapsand make full use of Androidapplications separately.2014Android WearGoogleIncremental innovations: Throughcombination with a 4.3 + version ofAndroid smartphone, Android Wearwill combine the features of GoogleNow and smart mobile alerts.2015Apple WatchAppleIncremental innovations: The firstsmart watch operate in theWatchOS platform2016Apple Watch series 2AppleIncremental innovations: UsingWatchOS 3 operating systemtogether with GPS, Chip S2.2.The difference between breakthrough inventions and major, minor innovationsInventions oftechnologicalbreakthroughsRadical innovationsIncremental innovationsEstablishing a foundationto foster possibilities forinnovation. They producechanges in order-of-magnitude rather thanincrementalimprovements overcurrent technologies(Tushman and Anderson,1986). Represents the mostimportant developmentswhich are continuallyleading to new businessmarkets (Richard Leifer,2000). Depicts negligibleimprovements to alreadyexisting products and is alsoknown as the enhancementof products. (Dewar, R. D.,& Dutton, J. E. ,1986)The existence of technological inventions resulted in a mixture of existing knowledge and technologicalinfluences. In order to assess the increase in the potential of different forms of innovation while theeconomic values added to the company do not result from these breakthroughs. The concepts referredto above ensure that radical innovations are highly demanding in terms of skills and abilities that vary3
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from the original knowledge, while incremental innovations rely more on existing goods. According toWilemon and Barczak (1991), it is critical that people who manage major innovations are encouragedto produce more creative ideas by being in a self-contained workplace. In the other hand, minorproducts tend to be produced in order to meet the real requirements of customers for the products.II. Task 2According to Von Hippel (1988), the word 'functional innovation sources' refers to the manufacturers,consumers and suppliers of innovation. The functional source of innovation includes classification ofcompanies and people as regards the functional relationship from which they benefit from a certaininnovation in products, processes or services. The manufacturer of innovation will expect thisinnovation to benefit from the production process. In the meantime, the stakeholders that want tobenefit from the use of innovation may be called users of that innovation and who hope to benefit fromthe supply of that innovation are the suppliers of that innovation. Turning to scenario, Apple WatchSeries 2 has a dual-core Apple S2 processor, waterproof up to 50 meters, a double-bright camera, anda GPS receiver. In addition, with outstanding features from new products such as water resistance,entertainment, setting up a separate training interface or health care, users have benefited from theuse of utilities. innovation. Specifically, with the focus on training issues and care and health monitoringfor users, Series 2 has used a fitness application for users' health, checking the fitness level andactivity of they through 2 main applications are Activity and Workout. As a result, Series 2 productshave received positive feedback and are widely used. Therefore, suppliers are the ones who directlybenefit from the welcome quantity of users. For manufacturers, they are also gaining benefits from theprocess of manufacturing that innovation.III. Task 31.Definition of demand pull and technology pushAccording to Di Stefano, G., Gambardella, A., & Verona, G. (2012), Technology push can be definedas the driving force behind the production of innovative products in research and development of newtechnology. Thus, the key point of Technology push is that the technological knowledge of the R&Ddepartment can help create products to market. Thus, the direction of innovation will often come fromthe technology knowledge of companies developing an innovative technology that will apply thoseproducts in the marketplace, creating new demand for people. Meanwhile, according to Taylor, M.(2008), The term Demand Pull often derives from the needs of the customer and the market.Therefore, those needs of the customer will cause a wide range of products to flourish to help thecustomer meet and address a wide range of needs. In addition, potential customers play an importantrole in Demand Pull when they make requests for improvements to existing products. In order toimprove the production of successful innovations, technological push and demand pull have a strongerrelationship by encouraging each other. 2.Apple Watch Series 1To cater to the growing needs of today's growing majority of customers to make the use of electronic4
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