
11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Goals


Added on  2023-04-23

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11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Stage Goals
Student Name: Soumia Chraibi Student ID: A00630731
Student Walden Email: soumia.chraibi@waldenu.edu Student Phone #: (917)330-6743
Program and Specialization/Focus: Doctor of Healthcare Admin
Mentor/Chair: Dr. Anderson
2nd Member (if applicable):
University Research Reviewer (if applicable):
Date Started Program: 2015
Current Term Start Date: 2/25/2019 Stage of Capstone: IRB/Data Collection/Analysis
Do you have an Individual Academic Plan (IAP)? Select One Note: Your Term Plan goals must align with your IAP.
Your Term Plan: On the page labelled YOUR Term Plan, indicate your term goal(s), stretch goal(s), and the
tasks you will accomplish during the weeks of the term. Your tasks should make clear what you will be working
on and your plans for appropriate substantive submissions to your Mentor/Chair (refer to the syllabus for
more information). Remember that you must demonstrate substantial academic PROGRESS each term to
receive a satisfactory grade for the course.
Click here to indicate that you have read the course syllabus and understand the capstone course grading policies.
By Day 7 of Week 1 | Submit your Term Plan Draft for Mentor/Chair review, negotiation, and commitment.
By Day 7 of Week 2 | Submit your completed, agreed-upon Term Plan. [Chair notes acceptance on form.]
SMART GOALS can help you create a Term Goal that clearly articulates outcomes.
Specific: Set specific goals, which have a much greater chance of being accomplished than general goals.
Measurable: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attainment of each goal you set.
Attainable: Ensure that you can map out a clear path to achieving your goal.
Realistic: Write a goal that represents an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work.
Timely: Ground your goal within a time frame (i.e., by the end of this term).
Midterm Progress Check and Adequate Progress Final Review: Throughout the term, track
your progress on YOUR Term Plan by entering dates for task completion and by making journal notes on
activities completed or modifications needed, noting any barriers and strategies to overcome them. Your
Mentor/Chair must approve any modifications and can add journal notes on the plan document for archival
purposes. Submit your Updated Term Plan midterm, following your Midterm Progress Check. [Chair assesses
progress to date.] Submit your Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 11. [Chair assesses final grade.]
Capstone Stage Goals: Think about your long-term goal (anticipated date of program completion) as you
work on your Term Goal(s) and weekly tasks each term. Complete the Capstone Stage Goals. It is helpful to
think about overall progress as you think about term-by-term progress. Begin with the end in mind!
11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Goals_1

YOUR Term Plan
TERM GOAL(S) | By the end of this term, I will have completed: My term plan draft on "Electronic Medical Records
System in healthcare"
STRETCH GOAL(S) | Additionally, by the end of this term, I will try to complete: The complete doctoral dissertation on
"Electronic Medical Records System in healthcare "
Mentor/Chair Feedback:
11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Goals_2

k Tasks Toward Term Goal(s) Date
Completed Journal Notes
Submit Initial Term Plan by Day 7 of
Week 1,
set up Mentor/Chair communication plan,
and discuss the term plan draft on
"Electronic Medical Records System in
Your Notes: Submitted plan-3/4 to the chair and
will communicate with him regularly.
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Term Plan Negotiation & Commitment
Submit Term Plan by Day 7 of Week 2,
Electronic Healthcare System requires
eight steps for a complete term plan
draft and those steps are listed as:
1) Health information data
2) Result and order management
3) Decision support with lieterature
4) Patinet support through electronic
communication and connectivity
5) Administrative process and
6) Reporting
3/4/2019 Your Notes: The basic term plan is constructed.
Mentor/Chair Accepts Plan: [Select] Notes:
Collect sources from literature survey
to achieve the term plan with support
of sourced article .
Your Notes: Literature review of necessary
articles is done.
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Determine the approach and methods
for collecting and maintaining patient
Your Notes: Approaches are outlined on the
basis of literature survey and discussed with
the chair
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Advantages of collecting records in an
electric format and its application in
Your Notes: Records are collected and used for
the doctoral dissertation
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Midterm Progress Check | Submit Updated Term Plan | Mentor/Chair: [Not on Track]
Mentor/Chair Feedback:
6 Listing of patient- centered approaches
for extensive patient care. 4/8/2019
Your Notes: Still working on approaches with
more detail information
Mentor/Chair Notes:
7 Continue extensive literature survey. 4/17/201
Your Notes: Literature survey continued
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Detail review on facilities required by
the higher authority for proper analysis
of EHR.
Your Notes: Approaching the authority for
Mentor/Chair Notes:
9 Cost ananlysis of electronic mode of
data collection. 5/3/2019 Your Notes: Budgeting the expense
Mentor/Chair Notes:
10 Submit the dissertation plan to the
higher authority for approval. 5/8/2019 Your Notes: The plan is made and submitted
Mentor/Chair Notes:
Submit Final Term Plan by Day 7 of Week
11, and approval to start working on
the approach and methodologies of
the plan.
Adequate Progress Final Review
Your Notes: Final term plan submiited
Mentor/Chair Notes:
11-Week Doctoral Term Plan & Capstone Goals_3

End of preview

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