Understanding Plant Breeding Techniques and Genetics
Added on 2019-09-30
11 Pages2946 Words419 Views
1What is the Role of Plant Physiology?Keyword: Plant Physiology1
2What is Plant PhysiologyPlant physiology describes the physiology and functioning of the plants. It is a subdiscipline ofbotany. It primarily describes the key processes such as the respiration, photosynthesis, hormonefunctions, nutrition, nastic movements, tropisms, photomorphogenesis, photoperiodism andcircadian rhythms. It also deals with the topics including seed germination,environmental stressphysiology, stomata function and dormancy. Besides, the subject is closely connected to thefields such as plant morphology, phytochemistry, plant ecology, biophysics, genetics, molecularbiology and cell biology. In order to understand the plant way of life, knowing the structure and functioning of is crucial.Plant Physiology provides information on how the plants survive. Therefore, studying the subjectis necessary to get a deeper insight into the plants.Role of Plant Physiology in Knowledge DevelopmentPlant physiology focuses on studying every internal activity of the plant. The key physical andchemical processes are analyzed in the subject. It also covers the activities of different scale oftime and size. In other words, molecular interactions such as photosynthesis, internal diffusion ofminerals, water and nutrients are studies as part of the subject. Along with with it, the large scaleactivities such as seasonality, plant development, reproductive control and dormancy. Thesubject plays a key role to develop knowledge in the following areas—Phytochemistry or Plant Chemistry: It is one of the key knowledge areas in the domain. Theplants require producing a number of chemical compounds for survival and functioning. Many ofthese compounds are unique in nature as those are not found in other organisms. Thephotosynthesis process needs a generation of different enzymes, pigments and other compounds2
3to be completed. The plants are unable to move. So, chemical compounds are generated fordefence also. The compounds are generated by categories such as pathogens, herbivores. In mostof the cases, the toxins are produced. Additionally, the smelling and foul-tasting chemicals arealso produced by the plants for self-defence. There are some chemicals which give protectionagainst diseases. Survival at the time of drought is crucial for the plants. The chemicalcompounds are useful for this purpose as well. Dormancy can be described as a period during which growth and development in an organismstop completely. During this time, the metabolic activity minimizes. As an effect, the organismbecomes able to save energy. The environmental conditions influence the dormancy periodsignificantly. Dormancy is an important part of the plant life-cycle. Chemical compounds arenecessary for preparing the plant for the period. Attracting pollinators is another crucial activity for the plant. It keeps the reproduction worksuninterruptedly. The chemicals play a key role in this case also. These compounds attract theherbivores and pollinators for spreading the ripe seeds. The discussion indicates that studyingPhytochemistry is essential for getting an idea on the chemical processes at the different stagesof the lifecycle.Cellular Processes: The subject aims at developing knowledge in the domain of chemical andbiological processes in the cells. The cells of a plant show a number of attributes. Theseattributes are different from those of the animal cells. Due to the unique attributes, the plant cellsrespond and behave differently than the animals. For example, the walls of the plant cell aremore rigid. So, these walls influence the shape of cells. Mobility and flexibility of the plants arealso limited by the walls. Presence of the chlorophyll is another unique feature of these cells. It is3
4a chemical compound which makes interactions with the light. On the basis of interactions, theplants become able to create their own nutrients. This is a distinctive feature of them. otheranimals cannot create nutrients for themselves. The plants in this regard are completelyindependent. It states that the subject is effective to create an understanding of the uniqueprocesses within the plant cells.Cellular Interactions: The plant cells, organs and tissues interact in a unique manner. Differentcells are designated to perform different duties. Those have special physical and chemicalabilities for performing the tasks. For example, the rhizoids and the roots play a key role inholding the plant. These parts also play a crucial role in acquiring minerals from the soil. Theleaf is another important part of the plant. The leaves create the necessary nutrients at thepresence of light. The minerals collected by the roots and the rhizoids are transferred to theleaves. The nutrients which are manufactured in the leaves are then sent to the roots. Suchtransportation tasks are performed in several ways. For example, the vascular tissues are a majorpart of the process. It reflects that the subject gives importance to understanding the processesusing which the plants live.Internal Functions: Plant physiologists give importance to studying the ways using whichplants become able to control as well as regulate internal functions. In a similar manner to theanimals, plants are also able to produce some chemicals which are calledhormones. Thesehormones are usually generated in a single part of the plant. These chemicals are able to send asignal to the cells which are located in another part. The cells which receive the hormone signalsrespond accordingly. This feature of the plants explains the activities like blooming of flowers.The flowers in manyplantsbloom at the accurate time. It happens because of the presence oflight-sensitive compounds. These compounds respond according to the length of the night. It is a4
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