
The Mean of Survival


Added on  2019-09-30

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1 Applied Business Ethics
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2Part-A- Ethical Dilemma Essay Introduction to Ethical Dilemma Ethical Dilemma is one of the most complex situation or circumstances (Lo 2012) wheremost of the people face difficulty to choose a course of action. It happens because people insuch situation perceive both the actions more or less equal. It is often referred as “MoralDilemma”. (Miller et.al, 2012) Dilemmas can arise from many reasons such as difference inbehaviour, attitude, principles of life, faith, beliefs etc. as personal characteristics andculture, region, tradition, society, community, religion etc. as outside environment. It is a paradoxical situation where the human being is stuck with two decision makingsituation where none of action is clearly acceptable from ethical or moral grounds and alsonone is avoidable. Ethical Dilemma in Business How does ethical dilemma arise for a business professional?There is no definite source or cause from where the dilemma starts. It can be multiplesituations and it is also possible to have co-existence of 2-3 sources at a time in front of aprofessional. Normally, the sources are- (Abrams et.al, 2014)What is a worthwhile work?- It is the situation where the professional is under thedilemma of selection of employment after education. (Rossouw et.al2017)What is the balancing strike between work and family?- It is the situation where theworking professional allot the time for work and family beyond normal workinghours. Will I be a team player or a sole runner? - It is the dilemma where the person has tothink about doing work in a team environment or individually. (Collins 2012)What if I feel my leader is misleading me?- It is the ethical chaos where aprofessional is to decide a course of action to confront shoddy behaviour of ownleader. Being a change agent- It is the dilemma situation where someone is sighting achange but fear is there with organisational bosses who may resist or oppose it.
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3Career vs the common good- It is the source of dilemma where we have to choosewhether we can serve the society with our professional skill free of cost or not. A scenario-Mrs. Smith, an employer published an advertisement for “Financial advisor” position fewdays ago. She received 100 applications and they all were called up for the written test andinterview. Mrs. Smith was conducting the interview round and she finally short listed Ms.Ayesha as the best performing interviewee overall. Meanwhile, she received a recommendation letter from her senior colleague regrading Mr.Wilkin for the same post. (The company goes with recommendation as source ofrecruitment). The post demanded an experience of 2 years at least and a professional CFSdegree with 1 or 2 attempts. Mr. Wilkin is having 3 years working experience on the same position in anotherorganisation and he is also a CFS. Ms. Ayesha is from India (will reside after jobconfirmation). She clears CFS recently and was working in similar position over last 2.5 yearsin a different firm. Why is it an Ethical Dilemma situation? In the above case, Mrs. Smith is having the ethical dilemma situation. First of all, to identifythe presence of ethical dilemma, we need to highlight the scenarios that are indicatingchaos of moral principles. In the above case, we found that for the position of finance manager, there are now twocandidates in front of Mrs. Smith. One is Ms. Ayesha and other one is Mr. Wilkin. Can Mrs. Smith apply legal clause in this situation?If the situation can be handled by following the legal guidelines, then it is certainly not aethical dilemma. So to know whether it is a legal or ethical case, let us consider some of thecommon legal grounds of employee selection. Selection of candidate- Ms. Ayesha is selected after the formal recruitment procedureconducted by the company and supervised by Mrs. Smith. So her selection is absolutely
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4valid. Mr. Wilkin is introduced by the senior official who has the authority to recommendcandidates for any position of the company. So his candidature can’t be rejected as percompany policy. Rejection-The Company goes with diversity culture and also supports the best talentacquisition in the selection process. In this case, we have both the case of diversity and inmatter of talent, both are having almost similar experience and talent so none can be legallyrejected. (Ferrell et.al2015)From the above two points, it is quite confirmed that this situation is not a legal matter atany point. Both are having equal skill, talent and experience for the post and according todiversity and company’s policy, they are both seeming as suitable candidate for the job. As the company doesn’t laid any guidelines to give preference to formal selection orrecommendation on a specific job, this is now becoming a moral paradox for Mrs. Smith. This is about the pre-selection part. It is also important to consider post-selection situationhypothetically to understand how far the ethical dilemma exist. If Mrs. Smith goes with Ms. Ayesha If Mrs. Smith goes with Ms. Ayesha as the candidate for the post by rejecting Mr. Wilkin. Shewill face the following moral questions. (Crane et.al2016)1.Did I do justice to Mr. Wilkin as he was equally competent? 2.Was it good to say “no” to the superior on this matter? 3.Was it right to go with my selection procedure over and above supervisor’sjudgement? 4.Would it be justifying the organisation’s mission and vision? 5.Would it affect my career and faith on my superior after this decision?If Mrs. Smith go with Mr WilkinSuppose Mrs. Smith decided to go with Mr. Wilkin, then the following moral question willcome into her mind.1.What would I say to Ms. Ayesha on not being selected? Will my points beconvincing?
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