
Stakeholder Engagement for Innovative Culture


Added on  2019-09-26

12 Pages3358 Words151 Views
1 Assessment-1- Options Report ParticularPage No. Title Page 1Executive Summary 2Introduction 3-4Objective of the participative organisationalsystem 4-5Impact Assessment of the new system 5-6Barrier in setting up participativemanagement 6-7Resources/Actions required for Innovation 7-9Stakeholder’s engagement in the innovativeculture process 9-10What if No Action Taken 10-11Conclusion 11-12References 12 Executive Summary
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2Innovation is a part of today’s business environment. Each and every entities are trying tobring something new in market to get customer attention. Innovation is not restricted toproduct and service, it also includes following new philosophies and framework. ABC organisation is one of the leading IT companies of the world which achieved someincredible landmarks with its innovative product and service delivery in past years. But, overlast few years, it has been losing its position in market not because of their inferiority inproduct and services but because of high attrition rate and employee dissatisfaction overmanagement. The report is talking about introduction of new system i.e. participative or collaborativedecision making culture that this organisation needs to implement as the system thatspeaks innovation in order to revamp the existing situation. The report contains explanationof the system and its impact on individual, team and organisation as a whole. It also talksabout the approaches and stakeholders’ role in the new system implementation process.This report provides the consequences on not taking any steps in later section to emphasizethe new system requirement. Introduction
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3Innovation is key of success at least in today’s world. With the rapid changes in taste andpreferences of the people around the world, the business organisations are required tobring something new as and when expected. Innovation is not taught, it is within us. If it gets support from the people and environment,innovation will take place. In today’s scenario, the business organisations which aresuccessful at global stage such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, General Motors, Toyota etc.they all follow innovative culture or “innovation at first place” philosophy. It is not just theirproduct or service that speaks about innovation but also their work culture or workingenvironment which supports innovation. ABC organisation (an imaginary organisation) once was one of the leading IT Companyoffering IT solutions to more than 100000 clients all across the world. Having theHeadquarter in Bangalore (India), it had once a client base of over $100 million USD fromboth in-land and overseas business houses. Since its inception, it has achieved a number ofmilestones including awards and recognition for market excellence and innovation[ Heath, Det.al2013]Over last couple of years, the organisation is facing a number of issues such as autocraticleadership, lack of innovative talks, no succession planning and lack of employeeengagement which is why the attrition rate has gone from 15.8 to 17. 2% in last 12 monthswhich is expected to touch 20% by end of the year. The figures are quite disturbing andwarning for the organisation to do something on this account. [Lee, C. K.et.al2008]The problem is not with products and services, but with organisational culture. In thisreport, we are discussing about “how ABC can bring innovation at workplace?” What is the New Innovative System? Until now, the organisational structure looks like an autocratic culture where the workforcehas nothing to do with decision making or speaks about innovation which now going to beparticipative culture.Participative culture is the organisational setting where the employees have equal say andparticipation in management decisions. It is the cultural system where employees will takepart in decision making process of the organisation. This also includes full rights to express
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4the ideas, knowledge, information, suggestions, recommendations etc. for betterment oforganisational result. Objectives of the Participative Organisational System The main reason behind introducing this new culture into organisational system is toimprove the trust, confidence and motivation level of people working with the organisation.If they have trust, confidence and feeling of motivation, they will give the best which willimprove the productivity and performance of the organisation. Here are the key objectives of participative organisational culture-1.To make best-use of human resource capital- This objective includes inclusiveness of theemployee’s intellectual, skill and experience utilisation for goal setting and decisionmaking. 2.To improve productivity and efficiency- When the employee has a say on decisionmaking and goal setting process, he/she feels satisfaction because it is his/her ownchoice where he/she will try the level best to accomplish the task or job. Meanwhile, inthe process, he/she will know the mistakes and will work on it in future. 3.To retain talents- If the employees find their suggestions, ideas, queries are heard andvalued by the management, they will stick to the organisation and attrition rate willdecrease. 4.To reduce resistance to change- One of the toughest challenge in today’s businessenvironment is employees’ resistance to change. But with participative culture, theemployees will not resist much as they are part of change management decision. 5.To improve employees’ behaviour- As participative culture includes equal opportunitiesto employees in decision making process, they will treat the seniors properly and willsupport them in taking decisions. They will also display sense of learning. [Ahmed, P. K.(1998).]How is a SMART?Simple or Specific- Participative culture aims at employee engagement and contributiontowards organisational success.
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