Cultural Intelligence and Global Management
Added on 2019-10-08
17 Pages4169 Words143 Views
1International Human Resource Management
2Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Background......................................................................................................................................4Evolving nature of IHRM................................................................................................................4Purpose of IHRM.............................................................................................................................6IHRM Models..................................................................................................................................8Factors to Consider........................................................................................................................10Designing IHRM...........................................................................................................................10Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................13References......................................................................................................................................15
3IntroductionWith globalization, the number of multinational businesses is increasing. Manybusinesses nowadays show preference to enter the global market in order to tap into the largercustomer base and new talents. So, a successful attempt to the globalization can increase theprofitability of the organization to a significant level. However, in the global market,multinational organizations operate in a diverse cultural environment. Operation in differentcountries increases the need for hiring the workforce of different nations. As an effect,individuals from a different culture are included in the organization. Each culture has own valuesand beliefs. Inclusion of different cultures to the workforce increases diversity. In such cases, therisk of conflict becomes higher, if the cultural differences between the employees are managedeffectively. Such conflicts affect collaboration among team members and reduce productivity. The multinational businesses need to adjust with the different rules and regulations in themarket to operate smoothly in the global market. In addition, the organizations also requireensuring that the employees are working in collaboration with each other and they are notencountering any conflict or negative experience because of their culture. In other words, theorganizations need to offer the employees a fair and unbiased environment for workingirrespective of the cultural background and also need to improve the productivity by addressingthe conflicts. The multinational organizations, therefore, require considering the culturaldifferences while managing the diverse workforce. The current research deals with discussion onthe issues faced by the multinational businesses to execute the human resource functions in theglobal settings. The research includes the development of the appropriate interventions for theorganization expatriates (OE) in the global market. The research focuses on assessing the benefit
4of involving an OE versus an SIE in the host nation as well as determining the most appropriateselection criteria and methods in a foreign country.BackgroundThe current research focuses on Hong Kong Disneyland. It is one of the largest themeparks in the global market. Being headquartered in, US, the inspired theme park is present inHong Kong as well (, 2019). Due to its huge presence in theglobal market, the organization deals with a highly diverse workforce. With the high level ofdiversity among the employees, the management of the organization experience challenges tomanage the workforce and obtain the optimum output from them.Hong Kong is one of the preferred destinations for many large global businesses. Inaddition to being a business hub, Hong Kong is also known for its unique culture, which issignificantly different from the US or European countries. Disneyland operates in Hong Kong.So, in this research, it is used as the host country for Disneyland. The culture of Hong Kong ishighly different from that of the US. So, it is necessary for the Disneyland management tounderstand the cultural differences and address the challenges faced by an OE at work. In orderto integrate the OE with other parts of the workforce in the host destination, Disneylandmanagement requires emphasizing on identifying the cultural issues and determining theappropriate interventions to reduce the risk of conflicts and ensure smooth execution.Evolving nature of IHRM Due to globalization, the mobility of the workforce is increasing. The globalization isalso changing the nature of societies. As an effect, the nature of the global labour market is also
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