8.TblPayment AttributeData TypeKeyCompulsory fldpaymentIDINTEGERPRIMARY KEYY fldcustomerNumberINTEGERFOREIGN KEY references TblCustomer (fldcustomerNumber) Y fldinvoiceNumberINTEGERFOREIGN KEY references TblInvoice (fldinvoiceNumber) Y fldpaymentDateDATETIMEY fldamountDOUBLEY (Edugrabs.com 2015) Assumptions a.An order may contain any number of items. b.There is option to do payments in instalments for an invoice. c.The delivery method is necessary to be stored while ordering. d.The credit limit of customer will increase after payments. e.The credit limit of customer will decrease after orders. f.A sales representative can manage number of orders.
Reference Holowczak.com (n.d.). Database Normalization. [Online]. Available: http://holowczak.com/database-normalization/. [Accessed: 5-June-2019] Edugrabs.com (2015). Types of Attributes in DBMS with Example (ER MODEL – Part 2). [Online]. Available:http://www.edugrabs.com/type-of-attributes-in-dbms/.[Accessed: 5-June- 2019]