
Academic Skills and Studying with Confidence


Added on  2023-01-17

7 Pages1614 Words78 Views
1908299 Academic
skills and Studying
with Confidence
Academic Skills and Studying with Confidence_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1
Developing effective study skills and self confidence................................................................1
Students perceptions of their information literacy skills.............................................................1
Impact of EAP study on the academic experiences of international post graduate students in
Influence of Personality on HE Students' confidence in their academic abilities.......................2
Perception or Confidence? Self concept, self-efficacy and achievement in Mathematics: a
longitudinal study........................................................................................................................2
Student confidence/ overconfidence in the research process......................................................2
Developing information literacy skills in pre-registration nurses. An experimental study of
teaching methods.........................................................................................................................3
Adolescent depression: evaluating paediatric residents knowledge, confidence, and
interpersonal skills using standardized patients..........................................................................3
Meta-cognition and confidence: comparing maths to other academic subjects..........................3
Academic Skills and Studying with Confidence_2

In present time, it can be said that for an individual it is much needed to have academic
skills and confidence as well while studying different subjects within a University (Al-Otaibi,
2017). This portfolio of my own is going to cover the impact of EAP study, comparison of
mathematics and other subjects and there will be brief information in regards to adolescent
Developing effective study skills and self confidence
In present time, developing the effective study skills along with self confidence are said
to be the two elements that has helped me out whilst studying various academic subjects. On the
other hand, it has also led me as a student to gain knowledge in much effective and in efficient
manner. Including this, self confidence is something that would help me and other young
adolescents whilst taking lectures or attending a class as it will help in resolving queries in short
span. There are five primal study skills that are important for me or any other young adolescent
to become confident and i.e. communication, analysing, understanding, composition and
comprehension as well (Developing Effective Study Skills and Self-Confidence in Academically
Able Young Adolescents, 2019).
Students perceptions of their information literacy skills
Being as a student, it is much needed for me to have effective literacy skills as this would
directly aid me in becoming successful at University and enhance my learning skills. On the
other hand, if it is talked about the confidence gap then there are many research took place in
past few decades and from one of those investigation, the data showed that male international
business students (n = 70) consists with high confidence than female counterparts (n = 102). In
regards to this perceived data has showed that literacy skills which was calculated on the basis of
SPIL-Q where, 3.78 male individuals (students) and female students consists with a score of 3.58
(Chen, Grove and Hussey, 2017).
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