Optimizing Supplier Relationships for Efficient Service Delivery
Added on 2019-09-30
11 Pages2605 Words263 Views
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1Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................1Approach Towards the Selection of New Supplier.........................................................................1Solution Planning.........................................................................................................................3Preparation of Documents Purchase............................................................................................3Technical and Commercial Supplier Evaluation.........................................................................4Final Evaluation for The Supplier Selection...............................................................................4Managing Supplier Relationship.................................................................................................6Stakeholder Relationship- Suppliers as External Stakeholders...................................................6Structuring Exchanges with the Suppliers...................................................................................6Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................7Reference List..................................................................................................................................8
2IntroductionSelecting new suppliers and managing the relationship with them has been considered as one ofthe most crucial aspects for any organization (Bose, 2002). There are a number of researches thathave been conducted that illustrates diverse ways to select new IT suppliers and establish a goodrelationship with them. According to the point of view of the scholars Piercy (2009), supplierrelationship management has undergone a major transition during the past few years due tointense competition and globalization. It is an evident fact that in today's world, creating a strongrelationship with a trusted IT supplier is crucial for any organization so as to ensure long-termsustainability. In order to select and manage successfulIT supplier relationships, it is essential toadopt a clearly defined as well as a structured approach for supplier collaboration.This report represents a critical evaluation of the approach towards selecting an IT supplier forthe repair service of the staff and students’ laptops at the University of Derby. Both practical andtheoretical aspects towards establishing and managing supplier relationship would be discussedso as to define a clear objective and strategical method for attaining the desired objective. Approach Towards the Selection of New SupplierGadde and Snehota (2000) in their work suggests that there are two ways to manage IT supplierrelationship, i.e. formal and informal ways, and both lead to identified and distinguishedinfluence over the suppliers. On the other hand, Koh et al (2004) suggest that while becomingaccustomed to the ever-changing marketing conditions, it is essential for organizations tomanage a wide variety of suppliers, in any of the best alternative ways possible. Effective vendormanagement approach is required for the University of Derby to select new supplier as well asestablish and manage a strong relationship with them.
3At the first stage, it is strategically significant to identify whether an IT supplier isoperative,critical, tactical or strategic. In addition to this, an appropriate level of collaboration togetherwith performance management must be ascertained for the IT supplier, that must be based on thesupplier’s impact as well as value to the business. Theorist Roberts and Mackay (1998) suggeststhat an organization must hire that supplier who best leverages the competitive advantage. Thisnorm suggests the necessity to advance a specific methodology so as to select an appropriatesupplier that best manages the service.In case the organization needs to attain competitive advantage in price, it is essential to seek forsuch suppliers who offer the lowest price, on condition that it meets the service specification(Kern et al, 2002). On the other hand, in case the organization aspires to gain a competitive edgein service quality, it would be essential to hire that supplier who implements the best quality inthe process of rendering services. Aubert et al (2004) suggest that in case, an organization wantsto get speedy delivery of service, it must hire that supplier who has high-speed in processing theservice; perceptibly, the price that is charged by the suppliers for their services must beagreeable. For the University of Derby, there is a limited amount of £ 125,000 per year, which needs to bespent on repairing the laptops of each of the staff and students. Therefore, the selection of ITsupplier that offers the cheapest price to meet the service specification, but not at the cost ofquality of service. For the managers to become efficient, discerning in terms of competitiveadvantage is much more valuable in comparison to making a decision based on cost/benefit,benchmarking cost, rate return on investment and such.
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