
Community Health Teaching Plan


Added on  2022-11-25

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Community Health Teaching Plan
Community health and wellbeing is closely associated with education and awareness of
the people. Their health behavior and beliefs are other aspects of community health
which is related to the community education plans. This can be aligned with the required
community guidelines and national awareness standards through awareness and
educational programmers. This study illustrates a review of my own experience in
community teaching. The topic was chosen to be diabetes and promoting self-care
among patients. A short rationale and significance of the topic have been provided. This
review is a reflection and the strength and areas needing effort have been identified for
future improvement.
Summary of the teaching plan
The teaching plan is about a community educational programmed and activity that was
provided to patients in the Endocrine department of a nearby hospital. They had been
asked for their consent and were briefed about the programmed. They were alert and
attentive throughout the plan. However, this does not guarantee a behavioral change.
Ensuring a behavioral change was outside the scope of this study and would require
consent from the patients for regular checkups (Gyawali, Ferrario, Van Teijlingen &
Kallestrup, 2016).
The topic chosen for the teaching was awareness about diabetes and the promotion of
self-care habits among the patients. This included a session about physiology related to
the disease and the health conditions that are brought on by it. They were told about the
difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and how both of them are diagnosed,
treated (Pedersen et al. 2017). The next session was a round of short questionnaire or
quizzes where people were assessed for understanding and health concerns related to
the disease. The basis of the quiz was to evaluate whether they were aware of the
lifestyle and dietary habits that are required for maintaining blood glucose levels.
The next concern was to ask them about their personal habits and dietary preferences
and their knowledge about the impact of the food choices. They were also shown a
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Community Health Teaching Plan
short documentary of case studies of people who have suffered greater health hazards
like damage of the retina and foot amputation, all of these were a consequence of high
blood glucose levels (Whitton et al. 2016).
Learning theory used
The social learning theory was used for the teaching plan for raising awareness about
diabetes. This theory relays that people learn through observing others and motivated to
undertake a challenge only when they are motivated by their fellow acquaintances (Ong
et al. 2018). This learning theory is especially suitable for community teaching plans. If
one can ensure that lessons provided in the teaching plans are able to induce a
behavioral change in a person. Other people are likely to follow their example and also
make the changes for the betterment. The key is to promote a few people at least to
incorporate the learning in their daily habits and lifestyle (Gough et al. 2015).
The epidemiological rationale for topic
Diabetes Mellitus is an endocrine disease that disrupts the metabolic system of the
body. More than 100 million adults in the United States are living with the disease. The
report finds that starting with 2015, 30.3 million Americans – 9.4 per cent of the U.S.
populace have diabetes. Another 84.1 million have prediabetes, a condition that if not
treated frequently prompts type 2 diabetes inside five years (Siminerio et al. 2018). The
report affirms that the rate of new diabetes analyses stays enduring. Be that as it may,
the ailment keeps on speaking to a developing medical issue: Diabetes was the seventh
driving reason for death in the U.S. in 2015.
Diabetes causes diabetic neuropathy or harm to the nerves. This can influence the
perception of warmth, cold, and torment. It can likewise make one increasingly helpless
to damage. The odds that one won't see these wounds and let them form into genuine
contaminations or conditions increments, as well. Diabetes can likewise prompt swollen,
cracked veins in the eye, called diabetic retinopathy (Misra et al. 2017). This can harm
vision. It might even prompt visual impairment. Diabetes can likewise harm kidneys and
influence their capacity to channel squander items from the blood. On the off chance
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Community Health Teaching Plan
that specialist recognizes microalbuminuria, or raised measures of protein in the urine, it
could be an indication that the kidneys aren't working appropriately.
Type 2 diabetes can be easily controlled with lifestyle changes, healthy diet, regular
exercise and low-stress levels. It is therefore needed that the community is made aware
of the interventions they can use to control their blood glucose levels and promote their
wellbeing (Alotaibi, Istepanian & Philip, 2016).
Aims and Objective
The aim of this community teaching plan is to establish awareness among the people
about diabetes and they regard it as a critical threat to their wellbeing.
Other objectives have been listed as follows:
1. People should be aware of the impact of diabetes on their metabolic systems
2. They should be aware of general health practices that can control blood sugar
levels and practice it for their own health and wellbeing.
Evaluation of teaching experience
The first step for evaluation is self-reflection and being aware of the thoughts and
experiences as they happen. Self-monitoring enabled me to teach and learn at the
same time. However, self-monitoring and introspection are not foolproof. Evaluation
needs bias less judgement which may not be possible through self-monitoring (Takian &
Kazempour-Ardebili, 2016).
Teachers can sound or videotape their showing sessions, which enables them to keep a
record of and research their genuine showing execution in detail. They can then audit
the records with different associates to examine the area for improvement ( Kiren, Priya
& Gayathri, 2017). Sound and video recording give instructors target data that reflects
what was really occurring in the class. It is in every case simple for individuals to screen
others and notice their shortcomings, however, it is somewhat hard for them to screen
themselves, particularly during training when educators are committing a large portion
of their consideration in teaching (Irshad et al. 2015). Understudies' view of learning
knowledge in class is once in a while the most immediate approach to gauge how
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