
Eat Organic Food Business Analysis and Information Management System Development


Added on  2022-11-13

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Student Name: Maddala. Sanath Kumar Reddy
Student ID No.: 23254974
Unit Name: System Analysis and Design
Unit Code: ISY00243
Tutor’s name: Ms Susanne Brun
Assignment No.: 1
Assignment Title: Eat Organic Food
Due date: 14-04-2019
Date submitted: 14-04-2019
I have read and understand the Rules Relating to Awards (Rule 3 Section 18 – Academic
Misconduct Including Plagiarism) as contained in the SCU Policy Library. I understand the
penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. The work I am
submitting electronically is entirely my own work.
Signed: Sanath Kumar Reddy
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“Eat Organic Food”
business analysis and
Information Management
System Development
A case study analysis
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Table of Contents
Report A
Background Information:..........................................................................4
Organisation Chart:...............................................................................6
Business Functions:.................................................................................6
Project Management:...............................................................................7
Gantt chart:............................................................................................8
PERT/CPM Chart:.................................................................................9
Critical Path:..........................................................................................0
Total Duration:.......................................................................................0
System Vision Document:........................................................................1
System Capabilities...............................................................................1
Business Benefits..................................................................................2
Risk Analysis:...........................................................................................3
Cost Benefit Analysis:..............................................................................4
Report B:
Fact Finding Techniques..........................................................................5
Use Case Diagrams.................................................................................8
Brief Use Case Description:.....................................................................8
Full Use Case Description:.....................................................................10
Activity Diagram:....................................................................................12
Entity Relationship Diagram...................................................................13
Database Schemes and format used:....................................................13
Sample Data:.........................................................................................14
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System Sequence Diagram:..................................................................17
Software Options:...................................................................................17
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The case study presented discusses the “Eat organic food”
company of Ian and his wife Ruth. The farm completely deals in growing
and selling organic vegetables. They currently use a phone based
manual system of taking orders from customers. The customers also
self-pickup their purchased vegetables. Also their customer base is
limited now. They want to expand their business by shifting to an
Information based system that will be able to help manage the customer
handling and marketing aspects. They want the system to be able to
automatically take orders from the customers and reduce the ordering
time. The system should display the customers all the available
vegetables in stock and also recommend them vegetables based on
their previous purchases for faster ordering. There are quite a few
people working on the farm along with Ian and Ruth. They all report to
Ian and Ruth and help in different departments from marketing to
production. Ian manages the production aspect and Ruth the marketing.
They are also planning to introduce another information system to
manage the legal paper work for their organic farming issues. The self-
pickup system is now replaced by home delivery to reduce traffic issues.
Overall the farm needs a information management system to handle the
marketing aspect of the business so that more time can be given to the
production part. This will also reduce the need for separate manpower
for each individual departments and increase profit.
Background Information:
The company described in the case study is a small to medium
enterprise which deals with the production of organic food vegetables.
The company is owned by Ian and his wife Ruth. The company first
started in Ian’s home’s backyard but now has shifted to his grandfather’s
farm where Ian had grew up. The farm is quite big in size and has
enough space to run a small production business. Ian manages the
production aspect of the business and Ruth the marketing aspect. The
quality of the organic vegetables is very good and hence has drawn
customers from around the area. The customer ordering system is done
through phone or talking directly. This is a very time consuming process
and has become a problem both for the customers as well as Ian.
The company generally communicates to its customers about the
availability of vegetables a day before the actual delivery date. This
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creates some problem for the customers as they return disappointed not
getting the vegetable of their choice and quality. The delivery system is a
self-delivery system where the customers usually come and collect their
own vegetables. The increase in the number of customers had led to the
hiring of more helping hands for the farm. For taking orders through
phone, Ian hired four people. Chris, Christina, Cathy and Charlie’s job is
to take the customer orders and also help in gardening sometimes. They
reported directly to Ruth. The regular customers were given 20%
discount for their trust. To help with accounts aspect of the farm, Sam
and Samantha were hired to oversee that department. They also
answered directly to Ruth. The self-pickup delivery sytem was abolished
and home delivery was started to avoid the traffic jams caused by
multiple incoming customers. Mark and Marsha were appointed to help
with the home delivery service. Dirk was hired as an assistant to Mark
and Marsha to help with the heavy lifting of the produce boxes. They
were trying to combine the deliveries to reduce the number of trips. Ian
was completely dedicated to serving the production side of the business.
To manage the production side, Noel, Noeletta, Mick and Netta
were hired to help in different aspects of gardening like watering,
fertilizers, pruning, picking, planting and weeding. They all reported
directly to Ian. Ian also hired Tim, Terry and Tina to manage with the
machinery aspect of the production. Tina and Terry both are experts in
operating all types of farming machinery. They both reported to Tim, who
is the machinery manager and in charge of all the farming vehicles. Tim
directly reported to Ian for production and to Ruth for marketing
purposes. Ian is an expert knowledge in machineries and helps Tim is
maintenance of the tractors. John, is the son of Ian and Ruth, who is
studying marketing currently at Southern Cross University. Ruth and Ian
have asked him to help them in developing the Information system for
their business and he has agreed to it. He will work independently and
will report to both Ruth and Ian. On top of that, he has access to all the
information required for him to develop such a system.
The farm owners have also tried to shift towards fruits production
but lacks the necessary space and resources to produce in bulk that is
needed for the commercial market. They are planning to negotiate a deal
with the neighbouring fruit producers to strike an exchange deal where
they will be able to grow fruits in the neighbour’s land and vice versa.
However, their condition is that the production should be completely
organic which seems a little unpractical now but may be possible in
future. All in all, they want to develop an information management
system that will be able to help them solve their marketing problems and
help them shift from manual to automatic ordering system. Ruth also
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wants another or an integrated system which will be able to organise and
handle all the legal paperwork needed to authenticate their organically
produced vegetables.
Organisation Chart:
Figure 1 Organisation chart (Source: created by author)
Business Functions:
This section will help the reader get accustomed to the business
functions of the system. The system will have two main parts. One will
focus on the production aspect and the other will focus on the marketing
aspect of the company. Each of these main divisions will have multiple
sub divisions for the smooth functioning of the system.
For example, the production system can be divided into the following
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1. Gardening jobs: Done by Noel, Noeletta, Mick and Netta.
2. Operating farming vehicles and machinery: Done by Terry and
3. Managing the farm vehicles and Machinery: Done by Tim
For example, the marketing system can also be divided into the following
1. Taking customer orders through phones: Done by Christina, Chris,
Cathy and Charlie.
2. Accounts and record keeping: Done by Samantha and Sam.
3. Pickup and delivery of goods: Done by Mark and Marsha
4. Heavy lifting and sorting of boxes: Dirk (Assistant to Mark and
So from the above examples, a rough idea about the business functions
can be estimated. The functions of the business comes out to be
gardening activities like weeding, pruning, planting, picking and watering,
accounts and book keeping, operating farm vehicles and machineries,
managing and maintenance of those vehicles, taking customer orders
and delivery of the produce. At least the marketing part of the business
functions excluding the delivery needs to be incorporated into the new
Information management system.
Project Management:
This section will likely have some SUB SECTIONS...so give
them each their own header (or sub-header) so that it is easy
for the user ...to USE the document by easily being able to find
any given section (or sub section).
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