The Power of Public and Private Sectors in Mitigating Cyber Attacks
Added on 2019-09-16
11 Pages3259 Words347 Views
2Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Efficiency of private companies and governments to mitigate cyber-attack...................................3The importance of hack back policy for mitigating the cyber-attack issues...................................6Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................8References......................................................................................................................................10
3Should private companies and governments be able to mitigate a cyber-attack by destructivelycounter-striking against attackers? Is this a proactive policy to help insulate critical servicesfrom damage as well as mitigate harm from potential attacks or merely “hack back”vigilantism?IntroductionA positive cyber-attack can be responsible for serious damage to an organization as it completelydemolishes the trust of the customers and the brand reputation. According to Ridand Buchanan(2015), the cyber-attacks can lead to a dangerous outcome of financial loss that can be arrivedfrom the theft of the relevant corporate information, financial information, business contracts andmoney. In today’s competitive business world, most of the companies engage efficient softwaredevelopers and experts in order to mitigate the issues related to the cyber-attack within a shortperiod. This particular discourse will discuss the efficiency of the private companies and the governmentof the United Kingdom (UK) for resolving the cyber-attack issues in an immense manner. Eventhere will be an exploration of the relevant policies that may prevent the cyber-attacks withinorganizations. Various legal consequences will be elaborated in order to provide a detailed viewof the efficiency of the UK government for mitigating the cyber-attacks.Efficiency of private companies and governments to mitigate cyber-attackThe current researches have revealed the fact that most of the companies' information are notsecured, therefore, there is a high possibility of cyber-attack. The recent cyber-attack of theleading website hosting firm of the United Kingdom, named is the evidence of theresearch (Website hosting company easily hit by cyber-attack, 2017). Due to the hacking, thisparticular company has lost its required data and the internal networking system has beencompletely damaged. Even the current cyber-attacks, such as WannaCry, JD Wetherspoon, andTalkTalk have highlighted the poor networking system and policies of the organizations acrossthe world. Rosenzewig(2014) has mentioned thatthe cyber-attacks actually enhances the business
4risks of the company. Therefore, it is high time for the government of the United Kingdom inorder to take effective measures for mitigating such issues. The government of UK has the leastidea regarding the recent ransomware attack in the health system of the UK, which is consideredas an innovative way of hacking as it captures the entire control of the system and asks ransom indigital money (bitcoin). However, the National Cyber Security Center of Britain can beconsidered as a perfect initiative for mitigating the issues related to the cyber-attacks (UKgovernment in dark over who behind cyber-attack, 2017). Still, in the ransomware case of thehealth system, the professionals are in the dark although they are constantly working with thehealth services personnel for finding out who are there behind this cyber-attack.The existing laws and legislations of the United Kingdom should be stringent enough in order toprevent the cyber-attack as it leads towards a serious destruction of the companies. Although UKlegislations involves the Computer Misuse Act 1990 for dealing with the hackers. Still, thisparticular law is not suitable always for preventing the cyber-attack in large companies.Computer Misuse Act 1990 helps the organizations to secure their computer materials againstany kind of unauthorized modification or access. This specific act should be developed and strictfor handling the cyber-attack of present days. On the other hand, Denning(2014) has observedthat it is the spam, which actually moves towards the fake websites, which steals the gathereddata. However, in order to address this issues, the Privacy and Electronic Regulations of UK aresuitable. Even the independent authority of the United Kingdom are set up for promoting theaccess to the official information and protecting the personal data.The critics have argues that these days, the incidents of cyber-attack has been enhanced onlybecause of the limitation of the legislations of UK. The penalties of cyber-attack are inadequate,therefore, the hackers breach the regulations without any hesitation and fear. With the constantdevelopment of the modern technology, the government and the private companies shouldimprove their existing policies, norms and regulations for mitigating the cyber-attack by counter-striking against the hackers in a destructive manner. Iasiello(2014) has commented that theprofessionals of information technology security perceive the new legislations of the governmentas a perfect way of retaliating against the cyber hackers. Even the UK laws support and authorizeto follow "hack back" rather than trusting on the centralized establishments to retort.
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