
Examining the Mere Exposure Effect: An Exploratory Study


Added on  2019-09-30

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Examining the Mere Exposure Effect: An Exploratory Study_1

1IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESSTable of Contents1.0Introduction...................................................................................................................................21.1 Advertising.............................................................................................................................31.2 Advertising and Customer Behavior......................................................................................31.3 Advertising and Brand Awareness/Preference.......................................................................41.4 Research Aim.........................................................................................................................51.5 Research Objective.................................................................................................................61.6 Research Question..................................................................................................................62.0 Literature Review....................................................................................................................63.0 Methodology...........................................................................................................................143.1 Research Philosophy.............................................................................................................143.2 Research Approach...............................................................................................................153.3 Research Design/Strategy.....................................................................................................153.4 Data Collection Method........................................................................................................173.5 Sampling method..................................................................................................................183.6 Accessibility Issues...............................................................................................................194.0 Data Analysis and Interpretation.......................................................................................2044.1 Survey Method.....................................................................................................................205.0 Findings..................................................................................................................................336.0 Discussion...............................................................................................................................357.0 Conclusion..............................................................................................................................378.0 References...............................................................................................................................39Appendix.......................................................................................................................................43
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2IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESSAbstractThe consumers’ decision to purchase a product is influenced with a higher awareness for brandwhich explains the reason for product with high brand awareness to have a high share in themarket and a better evaluation of the quality (Allen, et al., 1989). This perceived quality may aidthe customer to own a subjective opinion over the aggregate quality of product which makes theproduct to hold differentiation as well as become a chosen brand in the mind of customers. Inthis research paper, the company chosen was Bread talk Group which is Singapore basedMultinational beverage and food corporate whose headquarter is in Singapore. Bread Talk isknown to be a staple in many people’s diet in Asia. It also honors and gives respect to the art ofmaking bread by providing the life and energy to the novel developments since its incorporation.In the continuous process of innovation and creativity, the growth and evolution of Bread talk isencapsulating the four different generation being a brand which is internationally recognizedover previous 16 years. The research findings suggest that Bread Talk Food and beverages inSingapore thinks about the efforts of communication and marketing and accordingly adjust theiradvertising to effectively reflect upon the accept imagery of brand for a target group which fallsbetween 20 to 35 years of age by meeting their self-expressive and social needs and desires ofthis group appropriately. By accurately identifying and recognizing the values that are taken carethe most by this target group, the brand may easily adjust the value proposition as per the needfor enhancement of its share in the market (Ferraro, et al., 2008). The research also suggests thatthe management of the Bread Talk should mark upon quality of the product. Consumer no doubtwill go with the brand loyalty as if the quality of the product will be good it will increase theirrepurchase (Riordan and Tedeschi, 1983).
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3IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESS1.IntroductionIn recent years, the increasing customer consciousness is making the customers to buy theirfavorable and familiar brands. Thus, if the business desires to defeat the competitors, they mustmake their consumers forced to purchase their brands and products (Shapiro, 1999). Sharp andMacdonald (2000) states that though customers are willing and familiarize to buy the product,the awareness for the brand is considered as a significant factor for influencing the decision topurchase. When the customers desire to purchase a product and any brand name clicks in theirmind, it shows that the product has great brand awareness (Valette-Florence et al., 2011). Theconsumers’ decision to purchase a product is influenced with a higher awareness for brand whichexplains the reason for product with high brand awareness to have a high share in the market anda better evaluation of the quality (Allen, et al., 1989). This perceived quality may aid thecustomer to own a subjective opinion over the aggregate quality of product which makes theproduct to hold differentiation as well as become a chosen brand in the mind of customers.Besides, the business must develop a brand loyalty. Few research states that the expenses forattracting a new customer is five times more than maintaining the customer loyalty (Allen, et al.,1989). In this research paper, the company chosen was Bread talk Group which is Singaporebased Multinational beverage and food corporate whose headquarter is in Singapore. Bread Talkis known to be a staple in many people’s diet in Asia. It also honors and gives respect to the artof making bread by providing the life and energy to the novel developments since itsincorporation. In the continuous process of innovation and creativity, the growth and evolutionof Bread talk is encapsulating the four different generation being a brand which is internationallyrecognized over previous 16 years. Thus, the main purpose of this research involves:
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4IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESSTo discover the impact of brand loyalty, perceived quality and brand awareness over theeffect of purchase intention of customers aiming to buy the Bread Talk products The impact of perceived quality over the brand loyalty of Bread TalkWhether the perceived quality as well as brand loyalty intercedes the relation betweenpurchase intention and brand awareness for the products of Bread Talk Company.1.1 Research AimThe aim of this study is to help the companies understand and learn the significance ofadvertising. Also, it will help them to structure their brand and adverts to appeal the customersfor improved sales and maintain the competitive advantage. As this study will provide a clearinsight in how the advertisement may impact the brand awareness, many organizations will bemotivated to use the adverts for marketing their goods. When the companies will start taking theadvertorial mode to publicize their products, the Singapore Economy will be enhanced as morerevenue from the tax may get accrued to the government of Singapore (Pand and Gui, 2016).
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5IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESS1.2 Research ObjectiveThe following are the main objectives of this research:To identify the factors which motivate the brand loyalty for the products of Bread Talk incustomersTo identify the impact of advertising of Bread Talk Products on Brand awareness in theCustomer’s mindTo determine the impact of brand awareness on competitive advantage of Bread TalkProducts.1.3 Research QuestionThe following questions for research were formulated to attain the objectives associated with thestudy:How advertisement helps in influencing the brand equity and brand awareness developedfor the Bread Talk Products.How brand awareness among customers of Bread Talk products helps in leading to thecompetitive advantageHow it helps in the growth of company i.e. Bread Talk as well as brand reputation.
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6IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESS2.0 Literature ReviewBrand commitment and advertisement is the significant form of communication which isinstantly required in the market that induces the customers to continue some process that makesuse of the electronic media or print. It is generally paid the form of the communication. (East,2013). Evidently, it has been found that advertisement, especially which includes media that isaligning to the mass which plays a crucial role for the companies to meet their long-termobjectives (Poh& Adam, 2007). According to the studies which were conducted by the Teixeirain 2014 reveals that there are three components that are rapidly required for preparing theadvertisement that are persuasion and content attractiveness. There are so many mediums thatcould be used intensively for advertisement. Generally, TV is the fastest means oftelecommunication medium that is being worn across the various boundaries. According to thestatistics that are being evaluated by the (Sonkusare, 2013) Social media is one of the active orconcerned media where the marketers are playing the game of targeting their customers in orderto augment their profit. By targeting the customers they expect that their customers will directlyor indirectly ask their friend or families on social media by posting the links (Corcoran,2009).The other effective tool for advertisement is the magazine and magazine impact thedecision making a power of the customers? Magazine assists in establishing a relationshipbetween the buyer and seller. AdvertisingAdvertising is defined as a tool for mass communication for the purpose of marketing.According to Ayanwale et al (2005), the tool for mass communication gives an opportunity forcommunicating similar message to a huge customer at minimal cost instead of personal mode ofselling. As per Richards (2002), the advertising is persuasion process, socio-economic,
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7IMPACT OF ADVERTISEMENT ON BRAND AWARENESSmarketing process and communication process at same time. The view so Philip Kotler says thatadvertising is a non-personal promotion and presentation of products and services of paidFormby any known sponsor. The AMA (American Marketing Association) is having the sameviews.Brand Equity and Brand AwarenessBendixen et al. (2004) states that all business aspires to get high level of loyalty from theircustomers as keeping and retaining the present customers is considered to be highly valuable forthe organizations and is cheap comparative to the recruiting and attracting of new customers. Thebuyers usually rely over their prior experience which they had with the product while choosing itinstead of buying any substitute of that (Avanwale, et al., 2005). For instance, many peopleprefer to buy Nike shoes as compared to all other brands if any new range of their products areavailable. In this scenario, the Nike establishes the preference of brand in the mind of thecustomers (Kurtz et al., 2009). Vallette Florence et al (2011) cited another author Marc Globe(2001) in their book showing that all good brands emotionally connect with their customers bymaking engaged the customers through multifaceted sensory attitude and deep emotionalexperience.Advertising and Customer BehaviorAccording to Ayanwale et al. (2005), advertisers make a lot of investment to advertise theirproducts and make their access to all potential buyers as well as influence their level of behavior,attitudes and awareness of buying along with maintain their interest in the products (Baker,1999). They also cited another author’s views in the same document that all advertisers must
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