
Unlocking Secrets of Genetic Code: A Journey from Biology to Biochemistry


Added on  2019-10-01

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Unlocking Secrets of Genetic Code: A Journey from Biology to Biochemistry_1

2Blog WritingGenetic Code24th July 2019 Genetic CodeGenetic code can be defined as the set of rules which are used by any living cells intranslating information into proteins. The information which the genetic code or particular setof rules are used is included within mRNA or DNA sequences. The information which isencoded within any genetic materials is done by the use of genetic code. The translation frominformation about genetic materials to proteins is conducted by the ribosome. Ribosomelinks amino acids in a specified order by messenger RNA or mRNA. This link is establishedusing transfer RNA molecules which help in carrying amino acids and reading threenucleotides of mRNA once at a time. The genetic code is quite similar in every organism andit helps express the information which can be presented in a simple tabular form where wecan find 64 entries. Genetic code defines the ways the nucleotides triplets or codons indicatethe type of amino acid to be added in the next protein synthesis. There are certain exceptions.A three-nucleoside codon present in a nucleic acid sequence indicates only a single aminoacid. Most of the genes get encoded by using a single scheme which is often known asstandard genetic code or Canonical genetic code or simply referred to as the genetic code.Variant codes are also present in human mitochondria. Genetic code helps in determining thesequence of amino acid of proteins. Genomic regions help in determining where and whenthese proteins would be produced as per different gene regulatory codes. The process ofencoding proteins initiated after the discovery of DNA structure which had taken place in1953. George Gamow had postulated three-bases sets which should be employed encoding 20standard amino acids which are used in building proteins by living cells.
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3Blog WritingEfforts have always been given to understand the working of DNA. The attempts have beeninitiated since the very beginning of time. We can certainly say that people have noticedsimilar features among the members of a family and have also observed the patterns ofsimilarities. We used to say that the daughter has got the same glorious curly hair like that ofher mother. When people are wondering these kinds of similarities, they are thinking aboutDNA of which they are not aware of. The farmers must have noticed that there are certainparticular characteristics in livestock. For example, selectively bred sheep are found to havegloriously fine and curly wool. The farmers used to pick and cultivate sweet red apples whichare found to be growing wild. The farmers also do not choose woody tart green apples. Allthese decisions have their roots in the study of DNA. Everyone can sense that there is anunseen inheritance which governs every living thing and organism. There are several theorieswhich have helped in understanding the functioning of genes. With time, these models andtheories have been reformed and refined to what we refer to as genetics. Coincidentally, themain model of genetic inheritance has been described somewhere in the middle of 1800s.During the same time, DNA has also been described as a compound but DNA and geneticinheritance were not linked directly to each other for almost 10 decades. Experiments havebeen conducted which have revealed the fact that DNA is that molecule which is responsiblefor inheritance and this finding has been revealed between 1940 and 1950. After this, adouble helix structure has been discovered and became highly popular.So it is important to understand what is DNA. In a simplified version, we can say that DNAis that molecule which holds information which represents the fact why biological childreninherit similar characteristics like that of their parents or ancestors. These characteristicfeatures of genetic inheritance are not only common in human beings but also other species.Even, in the case of the blue whale, we can find similar features to be passing on from parentsto their biological offspring. DNA plays a significant role in describing physical features,
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