
Enhancing Resilience among Nurses: Strategies for Overcoming Compassion Fatigue


Added on  2019-09-30

8 Pages2241 Words172 Views
1Effect of compassion fatigue on nursing skills: Possible strategies for resilienceWord count 1411 (Excluding title and references)
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21.0. IntroductionThe term, ‘compassion fatigue (CF)’ refers to the experiences of nurses towardsforgetfulness, reduction of attentively, fatigue, physical sickness prompting a state ofdisregard and anger. CF is portrayed by vicarious trauma, secondary traumatic syndrome,anxiety and/or depression (Craig and Sprang, 2010). CF occurs due to a blend eventscomprising of physical, passionate, and profound consumption connected with patient care inemotional pain and physical distress (Anewalt, 2009). The consequences of weariness arepulverizing, adversely influencing the medical caretaker, the patient, the association and evensociety (Sabo, 2011). Therefore, the discussion on the topic towards minimization of stress onnurses is required to be addressed. Hence, the present paper describes the repercussion ofcompassion fatigue and its relevance on patient care followed by resilience to reboot theperformance in healthcare system2.0.Search strategyThe topic ‘compassion fatigue’ and ‘resilience’ in healthcare system in general and nurses inparticular have been searched utilizing online resources, text books and magazines. Thekeywords used for the online search include, compassion fatigue and its symptoms,resilience, physical stress on nurses, nursing issues, problems encountered in patient care,mental health of nurses and remedies of nurses. The online resources include Pub med,Springer link, Weily science, Science direct and ingenta. Adequate measures were taken forthe filter in order to get relevant articles. The outcome of search was described in belowsections as ‘compassion fatigue’ and ‘resilience’3.0.Compassion FatigueWatson (2010) proposed a theory behind the relationship between the nurse and the patient interms of how well the nurses perceiving the feelings of patients and their families; eventuallycommunicating them to the doctors. There exist three types of core relationships for nurses
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3including relationship with patients and families; self, and fellow staff members (Koloroutis,2007). Among, the nurse association with self is a core idea in overseeing compassionfatigue. The nurses should be emphatic, to express individual needs and values, and to viewwork-life parity as an achievable result. This association with self is crucial for advancingone's wellbeing, for being empathic with others, and for being a productive individual from ateam inside hospital. The symptoms of CF can be seen as an acute onset during the patientcare (Anewalt, 2009). The symptoms can be broadly categorized to profession related,physical and emotional (Lombardo and Eyre, 2011). The work related symptoms for instanceinclude avoidance certain patients; decreased association towards patients and their familiesand lack of adequate involvement in profession. It was evidenced from the reports (Van Molet al., 2015) that the profession related CF is due to lack of adequate communication skillsleading to emotional distress, ethics and patience. The physical symptoms of nurses thatcontribute for CF include altered physiology, muscle disorders, sleep disturbances andfatigue. Among, the nurses who work for 80 hours or more per week are associated with thedevelopment of CF and it was more prevalent in nurses during night shifts (Bellolio et al.,2014). The extent of stress contributes for the emotions (restlessness, anxiety, depression andanger etc) and they in turn influence the CF. Such stress related factors could be thecontributing factor for the nurses and other health work force to leave the hospital (Whitebirdet al., 2013). It was evident from the preceding section pertaining to the symptoms thatcontributes for CF. Either single or multiple factors related to the development of CF. Itfurther can lead to increase the financial burden on hospital management towards recruitmentof new nurses, mental illness of nurses, high turnover rates for nurses, and reduction ofproductivity. Therefore, the stress related conditions have to be avoided in health care facility
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