
Punitive Damages in Contract Law


Added on  2019-09-23

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2Blog WritingPunitive Damage 19th July 2019Punitive Damage Punitive damages are the damages which are accessed to punish any defendants for any kindof outrageous conduct to bring in reformation to the defendant and to the others who are alsoengaged in such outrageous conduct. It is quite similar to that of the punishments given underlegal regulations. Punitive damages are also known as exemplary damages. The mainobjective of punitive damage is to provide compensation to the plaintiff and to make theplaintiff able to receive some kind of punitive damage award. Punitive damages are generallyawarded if it is observed that compensatory damages are inadequate remedial options. Thecourt can impose punitive damage award to protect the plaintiff from under-compensations.The court also allows an opportunity for redressing undetectable civil wrongs under thenorms of the criminal justice system. In case of violation of any law, punitive damages seemto be most commonly used remedial options to the plaintiffs. In the cases where violations toany law are difficult to get identified, punitive damages are considered as effective. Butpunitive damages are awarded to any plaintiff in a country can vary from punitive damageawarded in another country. For example, in the European Court punitive damagesconsidered in the cases where violations to any private international law or public policydoctrine take place. Punitive damage awards are generally found to be more than the provableinjuries of the plaintiffs or claimants. Hence, punitive damages are only awarded in somespecific cases.
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3Blog Writing Punitive damages mainly observed in the case where civil wrong conducts results in loss orharm to the claimant and it is a legal obligation for the individual who has committed anykind of tortious act as per common law jurisdictions. Sometimes, financial losses, emotionaldistress, injuries, negligence, invasion of privacy, etc. are also considered to be civilwrongdoings under the regulations and norms of common law jurisdictions. In these cases,punitive damages are awarded to the claimants or plaintiffs. A plaintiff is an individualinitiating a lawsuit in a court to seek any kind of legal remedy. The term plaintiff is mainlyused in civil cases. The legal investigation is conducted as per the instructions of the court toidentify whether the claim of the plaintiff is truthful or not. The court allows punitivedamages to the plaintiffs or claimants if the compensatory damages are found to beinadequate as compared to the loss suffered by the plaintiffs or claimants. Punitive damagescan be defined as monetary rewards to be ordered by the court and to be paid to the plaintiffby a defendant in a lawsuit case. It is highly common for the claimant or the plaintiff to beawarded as compensation or money for any wrong committed by the defendants. The money of the compensation which is to be paid to the plaintiffs can include propertydamage award, medical bills, and even damages to be awarded only to punish the defendantsfor their misconduct. The punitive damage award is paid by the defendant to the plaintiff.Punitive damages are the compensatory damages which are paid in addition to the actual losssuffered by the plaintiff or claimant. This is paid by the defendant to the plaintiff. It is also anact of giving punishment to the defendant for any kind of reckless and willful misconduct.The concept of punitive damages has been originated somewhere between 1970 and 1975.These damages are also known as exemplary damages because the monetary amount which isawarded to the plaintiffs under the norms of a civil lawsuit is paid to punish the defendantsfor their willful misconduct. The defendants are given punishments because their misconductis willful and intentional and the consequences of such actions are adverse on the part of the
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