
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare


Added on  2022-09-01

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Overweight and obesity are one of the major health
issues found in the Australian context.
25 per cent of children of the country has been found
with overweight or obesity issues (Australian Institute
of Health and Welfare, 2020).
31 per cent Australian adults are obese (Australian
Institute of Health and Welfare, 2020).
67 per cent of the adults are overweight in the country
(Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2020).
The rate of the overweight or obese condition is higher
among the Indigenous people.
It has been seen that the children and young people of
the Indigenous community is affected mostly with this
A total of 66 per cent of 15 or above aged young
people are affected with obesity and overweight
among the Aboriginal people (Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, 2020)..
The rate is 17 per cent higher than the White counter
pert of Indigenous people (Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, 2020)..
This statistical data highlights the health inequity as
.Hence, it can be seen that the issue regarding the
obesity is prominent among the adults and children of
Reduction of Obesity is required and every people
should work together to reduce the rate of obesity.
Health promotion program should be developed with
the consideration of different stages which succinctly
play crucial role in the program.
First step of program is to collect data and selecting
the target population for the program.
The data collection will be done by observation and
interview of people with higher BMI rate than average.
After the selection of people the health care workers
will develop advertising process for the program and
the advertising will be done by pamphlet and poster
spreading along with television based advertising
(Samara, Andersen & Aro, 2019).
The advertisement can also be done by social media
campaign which can be marked as social media
After the marketing the health promotion program will
be conducted which will be an education and
awareness program along with physical exercise
The education program will be done by the health care
educators and the community nurses.
This education and awareness program will comprise
of helping the people know about the negative health
habits that can develop obesity, helping them to
understand the negative impact of obesity on health,
taking the participants to healthy food shopping and
let them know the values of every food products.
After the education the regular physical exercise
program will be conducted by the physiotherapy
experts and nurses (Lavie et al., 2018).
After all these the evaluation of the effectiveness of
the program will be conducted.
.The evaluation program will be conducted through
the observation and the interview of the
participants (Ten Hoor et al., 2017).
BMI index recording and comparison between the
BMI of the participants before the program and
after the program should be conducted for the
proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the
The evaluation would be done based on the
effective qualitative knowledge level based
interview process. This will help in the
determination of the knowledge development level
of the people participated in the program so that
the effectiveness of the program can be marked
properly. This program is an education program
thus, the knowledge assessment would be effective
in evaluation of the program effectiveness.
The expected outcome of this program is
developing knowledge among the people regarding
obesity (Fitzgerald et al., 2016).
Healthy behaviour development that is proper diet
following, regular physical exercise and other
healthy lifestyle factors following.
Reduction of the BMI rate of people and also the
comorbidities of obesity.
Disease burden reduction among the participants.
It can be concluded that the education development
can reduce the negative impact of obesity.
The challenges has been seen to be considered with
higher priority. Thus, the education and the
financial sector should be considered in this case as
per the assessment of the demographic and social
data of the Aboriginal people.
Planning cycle tool has been seen to be one of the
most important and effective tool for the health
promotion plan development. This tool directed the
health promotion plan in a proper direction.
This health promotion with the education
development and physical activity regimen can be
implemented in different communities.
The reduction of obesity should be considered with
priority as it can reduce the disease burden.
Health promotion and healthy behaviour
development can reduce the chronic diseases
among people and healthy population will improve
the health account of the country which lead to
reduced health care cost for the government.
On the other hand, it can also be stated that the
process of the health behaviour improvement and
the education development of the people from the
Aboriginal group would reduce the disease burden
of the country regarding obesity as the Aboriginal
obesity is putting a higher burden over the
Australian health condition.
Institute of
Health and
Obesity develops different kind of disease and
mental disorders as well.
It has been seen that the obese people are affected
with negative metabolic issues, chronic
cardiovascular issues, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease and many other chronic diseases
(GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators, 2017).
8.4 per cent disease burden is developed due to the
obese condition of people (Australian Institute of
Health and Welfare, 2020).
There are possibility of depression and negative
mental disorder development due to obesity (Gregg
& Shaw, 2017).
Causes of obesity can be marked as lack of
education, improper food habit, lack of self
management, socio-economic imbalance and also
cultural belief (Berthoud & Klein, 2017).
Hence, reduction of obesity should be considered
with priority and this health promotion program can
effectively improve the situation for people with
Obesity also reduces .self efficacy of people, so this
should be controlled.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020). Overweight & obesity Overview - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Retrieved 29 March
2020, from https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports-data/behaviours-risk-factors/overweight-obesity/overview
Berthoud, H. R., & Klein, S. (2017). Advances in obesity: Causes, consequences, and therapy. Gastroenterology, 152(7), 1635-1637.
Fitzgerald, S., Kirby, A., Murphy, A., & Geaney, F. (2016). Obesity, diet quality and absenteeism in a working population. Public health nutrition,
19(18), 3287-3295.
GBD 2015 Obesity Collaborators. (2017). Health effects of overweight and obesity in 195 countries over 25 years. New England Journal of
Medicine, 377(1), 13-27.
Gregg, E. W., & Shaw, J. E. (2017). Global health effects of overweight and obesity. N Engl J Med, 377(1), 80-81.
Hutchison, A. C., & Woodward, L. (2018). Examining the technology integration planning cycle model of professional development to support
teachers' instructional practices. Teachers College Record, 120(10), 1-44.
Islam, S., & Fitzgerald, L. (2016). Indigenous obesity in the news: a media analysis of news representation of obesity in Australia’s Indigenous
population. BMC obesity, 3(1), 30.
Khanal, S., Lloyd, B., Rissel, C., Portors, C., Grunseit, A., Indig, D., ... & McElduff, S. (2017). Evaluation of the implementation of Get Healthy at
Work, a workplace health promotion program in New South Wales, Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 27(3), 243-250.
Lavie, C. J., Laddu, D., Arena, R., Ortega, F. B., Alpert, M. A., & Kushner, R. F. (2018). Reprint of: healthy weight and obesity prevention: JACC
health promotion series. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72(23), 3027-3052.
Samara, A., Andersen, P. T., & Aro, A. R. (2019). Health promotion and obesity in the arab gulf states: Challenges and good practices. Journal of
obesity, 2019.
Ten Hoor, G. A., Plasqui, G., Schols, A. M., & Kok, G. (2017). Development, implementation, and evaluation of an interdisciplinary theory-and
evidence-based intervention to prevent childhood obesity: theoretical and methodological lessons learned. Frontiers in public health, 5,
Thurber, K. A., Joshy, G., Korda, R., Eades, S. J., Wade, V., Bambrick, H., ... & Banks, E. (2018). Obesity and its association with
sociodemographic factors, health behaviours and ealth status among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal adults in New South Wales, Australia. J
Epidemiol Community Health, 72(6), 491-498.
Institute of
Health and
Development of better health care access.
Providence of equal health care without any
discrimination based on race, culture or age. Or
socio-economic status.
Development of health care policy to reduce the
health care gap and providing subsidised care to
the people of the Aboriginal people especially the
children of the community (Islam & Fitzgerald, 2016).
Focus on the education development among the
people of the Aboriginal community as the lack of
education or the health literacy is the main cause of
the obesity development through unhealthy habits.
Development of the health promotion program
focusing on the awareness development among the
Planning cycle is a tool that focuses on the planning of
any kind of program. The factor of the planning
through this tool found to be very much directed and
selective for the program itself.
The program planning of any small or large and
organisational programs as well can be planned using
this tool (Hutchison & Woodward, 2018).
The tool is focused on planning of any kind of health
promotion program which should be implemented in
this case of the obesity reduction among the
Aboriginal children and people as well.
The factor of the planning cycle can be found with 8
different stages which are, analysis of health
situation, objectives and goals, assessment of
resources, priorities, formulate plan, programming and
implementation, monitoring and evaluation. All these
steps should be followed in order to achieve a perfect
plan of health promotion (Khanal et al., 2017).
In this case, it can be found that the education and
awareness development is required with higher
priorities. Hence, the health promotion plan is focused
on the education development.
Analysis of health situation that is the obesity rated
analysis, goal setting and the assessment of resources
can be done with the observation and literature
analysis, priorities also can be set through these
processes. Based on all these the plan formulation
would be done and monitoring along with evaluation
will be done with time.
Thus, the planning cycle eight stage tool is effective in
the process of the health promotion planning.
Based on this tool the following planning has been
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare_1

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