
Date Issued Units Amount Status


Added on  2022-08-26

4 Pages636 Words16 Views
P04 - P04
C03 IV00000000023 15/07/2019 Qty 200 $5,200.00 Open
Subtotal 200 $5,200.00
C08 IV00000000025 17/07/2019 Qty 90 $2,340.00 Open
Subtotal 90 $2,340.00
Cash Sales IV00000000015 15/07/2019 Qty 20 $520.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000017 22/07/2019 Qty 75 $1,950.00 Paid
Subtotal 95 $2,470.00
Total 385 $10,010.00
P01 - P01
Cash Sales IV00000000012 01/07/2019 Qty 140 $2,800.00 Paid
Subtotal 140 $2,800.00
C02 IV00000000021 12/07/2019 Qty 250 $5,000.00 Open
Subtotal 250 $5,000.00
Total 390 $7,800.00
P02 - P02`
C03 IV00000000023 15/07/2019 Qty 65 $2,600.00 Open
Subtotal 65 $2,600.00
Cash Sales IV00000000013 08/07/2019 Qty 50 $2,000.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000016 18/07/2019 Qty 35 $1,400.00 Paid
Subtotal 85 $3,400.00
C06 IV00000000030 24/07/2019 Qty 125 $5,000.00 Open
Subtotal 125 $5,000.00
C09 IV00000000022 14/07/2019 Qty 30 $1,200.00 Open
Subtotal 30 $1,200.00
Total 305 $12,200.00
P03 - P03
C08 IV00000000033 28/07/2019 Qty 100 $2,000.00 Open
Subtotal 100 $2,000.00
Sales by item detail report
Saurav Pty Ltd
Customer Invoice No. Date Issued Units Amount Status
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Date Issued Units Amount    Status_1

Cash Sales IV00000000016 18/07/2019 Qty 10 $200.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000013 08/07/2019 Qty 50 $1,000.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000014 12/07/2019 Qty 30 $600.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000017 22/07/2019 Qty 8 $160.00 Paid
Subtotal 98 $1,960.00
C09 IV00000000022 14/07/2019 Qty 35 $700.00 Open
Subtotal 35 $700.00
Total 233 $4,660.00
P05 - P05
Cash Sales IV00000000016 18/07/2019 Qty 35 $350.00 Paid
Subtotal 35 $350.00
C04 IV00000000026 20/07/2019 Qty 50 $500.00 Open
Subtotal 50 $500.00
C05 IV00000000028 22/07/2019 Qty 100 $1,000.00 Open
Subtotal 100 $1,000.00
C07 IV00000000024 16/07/2019 Qty 80 $800.00 Paid
Subtotal 80 $800.00
Total 265 $2,650.00
P06 - P06
Cash Sales IV00000000014 12/07/2019 Qty 25 $750.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000018 31/07/2019 Qty 15 $450.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000017 22/07/2019 Qty 35 $1,050.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000015 15/07/2019 Qty 15 $450.00 Paid
Subtotal 90 $2,700.00
C06 IV00000000027 22/07/2019 Qty 200 $6,000.00 Open
Subtotal 200 $6,000.00
C07 IV00000000032 26/07/2019 Qty 70 $2,100.00 Open
Subtotal 70 $2,100.00
Total 360 $10,800.00
P07 - P07
Cash Sales IV00000000018 31/07/2019 Qty 75 $1,800.00 Paid
Cash Sales IV00000000014 12/07/2019 Qty 30 $720.00 Paid
Subtotal 105 $2,520.00
Customer Invoice No. Date Issued Units Amount Status
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Date Issued Units Amount    Status_2

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