
International journal of nursing studies


Added on  2022-08-25

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International journal of nursing studies_1

Table of Contents
International journal of nursing studies_2

Sexual harassment can be defined as a heinous crime encompassing implicit or
explicit overtones of sexual nature, making inappropriate promise to give in return of sexual
favors (Gutek, 2015). Sexual harassment is a wider term whose circumference ranges from ill
verbal comments to sexual assault or abuse. It is a hot topic of discussion in today’s world
where more and more such cases have cropped up recently. This situation demanded urgent
intervention of the government authorities and law making bodies around the world as well as
private organizations and social associations to step in and fight against such heinous crime.
Sexual harassment has no fixed place and may occur at any places like school, colleges, and
churches; however, the major complaints are lodged to have happened in workplace (Spector,
Zhou and Che, 2014). The law and statute strictly condemns such unlawful act especially at
workplace and all the major countries around the world has codified heavy punishment for
the offenders. In Australia, sexual harassment at workplace is governed by “Sex
Discrimination Act 1984” under “1.2.4 of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Code of
Practice for Employers.” In Europe it is governed by a “Directive 2002/73/EC that works on
the principle of equal opportunities and treatment of men and women in workplace. In the
Peoples Republic of China the sexual harassment is governed by “Law on Women’s Right
Protection” and further explained in “Shanghai Supplement.” In the United States, the cases
of sexual harassment at workplaces are governed by the “Civil Rights Act” of 1964 where,
“42 U.S.C. 2000e-2” now covers both men as well as women which was covering only
female earlier. This shows that it is not the women alone who is a victim of such heinous
crime but also the men too are susceptible to such crime at their work place. It should also be
kept in mind that it is not only the corporate offices where such crimes stimulates but also
there is record of such crimes among the armed forces as well as the military. In 2018, the
International journal of nursing studies_3

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