2SOCIAL WORK Overview The focus of the group would be to provide help to the African American women who are going through the phase of depression during the post-partum period. The various factors that have contributed to their depression includes the ones of the socio economic disparities along with the attributes of the culture as well as class. Due to the inhibiting factors they are evendistinctfromreceivingsupportintermsofemotionalaswellasinstrumental (Amankwaa, 2003). The group is a support group, which has been created with the aim of reducing the factors of depression among the women and discuss the factors that might have contributed towards its development. The symptoms those make the fact quite elucidated that the concerned person is suffering from depression includes that of the anxiety, variance in the mood and irritability. In most of the cases it has been seen that the post partum depression due to the Blue Babies they have given birth to. It has been seen that out of 1000 women 2 suffer from the psychosis of post partum. The aim of the group is to reduce the symptoms of the post partum depression among the participants keeping in concern the individual context of the participants (Amankwaa, 2003). Group information The group size has been kept limited to that of five in order to enhance the cohesion of the group. Along with the five mothers looking for help, the group would also include a social worker who is professional and a mother who has suffered from the depression. The choice of the smaller group has been a deliberate choice in order to enhance the experience of the individual. Location
3SOCIAL WORK The location of the group’s activity would be conducted in a hospital where the flyers and the brochures would be used to mark the direction. Duration The total number of session would be three in number with each session continuing for the duration of one hour. Description The members, who would participate in the group, include the ones who have been referred by the doctors. The patient visiting the hospital would be scrutinized by the doctors upon the traces of the depression if they are visible in the attribute of the person. The doctors would be responsible for referring the patients to the support group. The session would flow through a beginning course, a middle course and a termination course. The first section would be concerned with the ice breaking session followed by a discussion and activities involving the thought log. The middle portion would be concerned with the discussion between the members of the group where the communication would take place based on the mutual sharing of the perspectives. It would continue to the discuss the implementation of mindfulness and deduce time in order to get indulged in activities.
4SOCIAL WORK References Amankwaa, L. C. (2003). Postpartum depression among African-American women.Issues in mentalhealthnursing,24(3),297-316. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01612840305283 Amankwaa,L.C.(2003).Postpartumdepression,cultureandAfrican-American women.JournalofCulturalDiversity,10(1),23. https://search.proquest.com/openview/4bc6d0310a57c19b73461515e93229e3/1?pq- origsite=gscholar&cbl=34124