
Lessons for US Foreign Policy


Added on  2022-09-08

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Lessons for US Foreign Policy_1

Question 1
The term ‘terrorism’ does not have a universally agreed definition, however, this term
may be largely comprehended as process or technique relating to force, coercion and
intimidation, which exploits or portends to exploit violence with the purpose of spreading fear
and distress, in order to accomplish the ideological, political or socio-political goals and
objectives. The present violence by the terrorist groups is thus notably differentiated in law from
any kind of violence of ordinary nature. The terrorists of the modern world employ and exploit
various kinds of violence, and extensively target the regular citizens or civilians, State officials
and military facilities among others. The glitches and difficulties in relation to defying and
counteracting regarding terrorism are not considered as new ideas. The notion of counter
terrorism certainly have an extensive history. The word “terrorism” was originally invented in
order to provide a description in relation to the ‘Reign of Terror’. The ‘Reign of Terror’ is
considered as the period in relation to the French Revolution, which continued from the 5the day
of the month of September in the year 1793 to the 27the day of the month of July in the year of
1794. During the time of the French Revolution the Revolutionary Government deliberated and
engaged in vehemence, severe and unforgiving method and actions against the regular citizens.
Such violent actions were given effect to by the revolutionary government because they
suspected certain civilians as being the opponents regarding the Revolution. This essay focuses
on the terrorist group known as ‘ISIS’, which is, ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’. This terrorist
group is also called the ‘ISIL’, that is, ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’. This particular
essay discusses and critically analyses the history of ISIS, ideology of ISIS and the impact of
Lessons for US Foreign Policy_2

ISIS locally and on the global scale. This essay also discusses the structure of ISIS as well as the
targets and the tactics that is utilized by the group in order to fulfil its objectives.
History of ISIS
In order to apprehend the existence of ISIS and the reason for its existence, one is
required to comprehend the twisted story regarding how and why it was formed. In the year of
1999, this group was created in a very distinct form. This terrorist group was established by a
Jordanian named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi of the Salafi Jihadist ideology. This group has been
molded by the ideological and physical conflicts, which have been taking place in the Middle
East for so many years. On various occasions the group itself has assisted in shaping such
conflicts. One shall be unable to comprehend ISIS without the understanding of the terrorist
network known as the ‘Al-Qaeda’. The origin story of ‘Al-Qaeda’ may be related to the invasion
of the nation of Afghanistan, which was given effect to by Soviet Russia in the year of 19791.
Osama Bin Laden is regarded as the father and the founder of the aforementioned terrorist
network. Although, the Soviets left in the year of 1988, the war sustained. During such time
Zarqawi joined ‘Al-Qaeda’.
It may be stated that Zarqawi was converted by a man, whose name was Sheikh Abu
Muhammad al-Maqdisi. Maqdisi was considered as a foremost supporter of violence, a
fundamentalist Islam. In the years to come, distrust and cynicism grew between Bin Laden and
Zarqawi, and Zarqawi built his own terrorist group2. However, afterwards Zarqawi pledged
loyalty in favor of ‘Al-Qaeda’. In the year of 2006, an airstrike by the nation of the United States
caused the demise of Zarqawi. After the death of Zarqawi, the downfall of AQI, that is, ‘Al-
Qaeda of Iraq’ began. Starting from the year of 2006, within the year of 2009, everything
1 Cockburn, Patrick. The rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the new Sunni revolution. Verso Books, 2015.
2 Dagli, Caner. "The Phony Islam of ISIS." The Atlantic 27 (2015).
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regarding AQI came crashing down. However, the calamitous and disastrous interior politics of
the nation of Iraq led to the rise of ISIS from the ashes of AQI. The then Prime Minister of the
nation of Iraq named Nouri al-Maliki defeated his political opponents, stripped them of power,
and prearranged his allies and associates to govern the army. The Prime Minister killed all the
peaceful protesters activists. His actions led to the reconstruction of the Iraqi state on the
sectarian lines, favoring and benefiting the majority of the Shia sect against the minority of the
Sunni sect. During this time the AQI or the ISIS gained a new leader. The name of this new
leader was Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi3.
Presently, ISIS is considered as the richest terrorist organization in the world. In the
modern days, generally the funding for the organization depends on the numerous extortion
schemes and arrangements4. However, it may be stated that previously, for instance in the year of
2012, donations from foreign countries played a significant role in raising the funding for the
aforementioned terrorist organization. Such donations led to the growth of ISIS into the
mammoth that it is in the modern days. Very commonly they are considered as the ‘angel
investors’ by the jihadists.
Ideology of ISIS
ISIS is considered to be a proto-state. It may be regarded as a ‘Wahhabi’ or a ‘Salafi’.
The group may be considered as a theocracy. The ideology of ISIS signifies and characterizes a
firm, severe and puritanical practice or custom in relation to Sunni Islam. Radical Salafi Islam is
represented by the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS stimulates and endorses violence in the name
of the religion, and considers the Muslims who refuse to agree with the interpretations of the
3 Barron, Bruce, and Diane Maye. "Does ISIS satisfy the criteria of an apocalyptic Islamic cult? An evidence-based
historical qualitative meta-analysis." Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations 8.1
4 Walt, Stephen M. "ISIS as revolutionary state." Foreign Aff. 94 (2015): 42.
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aforementioned group and refuse to follow the ideologies of the group, as infidels or defectors.
Several Muslim organizations that exists globally do not agree with the ideologies of ISIS. For
instance, Islamic Networks Group [ING], which is present in the nation of the United States,
have forwarded arguments against the interpretations of the ISIS, regarding Islam5.
As per Hayder al Khoei, it may be said that the philosophy of ISIS is epitomized by the
imagery in the variant of the Black Standard in relation to the renowned and fabled battle flag
of Prophet Muhammad. This flag has been adopted by ISIS, which shows the seal relating to
Muhammad that is inside a white circle. Above the circle a phrase exists, which mentions that
“There is no God but Allah”. Such symbolism or imagery has been assumed and thought to
direct towards the belief of ISIS that it signifies and characterizes the reinstatement and
refurbishment of the caliphate, which existed in the early years of Islam. The aforementioned
terrorist group shall represent all the religious, political and eschatological implications and
corollaries, which has been implied by the Caliphate mentioned above. ISIS follows the
worldwide principles in relation to the jihadists and conforms to the assertive and forceful
ideology of the terrorist organization known as ‘Al-Qaeda’. ISIS also adheres to the principles of
several other jihadist associations of the present day that are meticulously connected
to Wahhabism6.
According to The Economist, mutineers and nonconformists in Ragga, which is regarded
as the former capital of ISIS, provides that the twelve judges who governs the system and
structure of the court are Saudis. The practices of the Saudis that are also followed and
monitored by the terrorist organization called ISIS, embrace the institution and formation
5 Abrahms, Max, Jonathan Leader Maynard, and Kai Thaler. "Correspondence: Ideological Extremism in Armed
Conflict." International Security 43.1 (2018): 186-190.
6 Mello, Brian. "The Islamic State: Violence and Ideology in a Post-colonial Revolutionary Regime." International
Political Sociology 12.2 (2018): 139-155.
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of religious police in order to root out evil and depravity, and implement and administer the
prevalent and extensive utilization of capital punishment, the presence at salat prayers and the
obliteration, annihilation or re-purposing of any buildings or edifices related to non-Sunni
religion. It has been described and explained by Bernard Haykel that the creed of the leader of
ISIS Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may be considered as a type of untamed and wild Wahhabism.
Senior leaders of the religion of Saudi Arab have issued proclamations and declarations
regarding the condemning of ISIS. These leaders have attempted to cause a distance between the
aforementioned terrorist association and the official beliefs of the religion of the Saudi Arab7.
ISIS intends to go back to the initial years of Islam. The group discards any kind
of innovations regarding the Islam because the group believes that such innovations degrades the
original spirit of Islam. It denounces the Ottoman Empire and the later caliphates because it is
believed by ISIS that they deviated from the pure ideas and notions of Islam. Hence, ISIS is
attempting to resuscitate the original Wahhabi development in relation to the reinstatement and
refurbishment of the caliphate that is governed by firm and severe doctrine of the Salafist.
Impact of ISIS
In the years that have gone by since the happenings relating to 9/11, a change has been
caused to the world in numerous insightful and reflective ways. The terrorists groups, which are
considered to be a small percent in relation to the populace of the whole wide world, have been
successful and thrived in causing a change to the lives of the general populace of the world,
possibly for endless times8. Questions and queries in relation to security now pervade the lives of
the people of the world. For instance, when a particular individual considers and plans a holiday
7 O’Shea, Justin. "ISIS: The Role of Ideology and Eschatology in the Islamic State." The Pardee Periodical Journal
of Global Affairs. Accessed (2018).
8 Alfifi, Majid, et al. "Measuring the Impact of ISIS Social Media Strategy." (2018): 1-4.
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