
Pediatric Anaphylactic Adverse


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Data Science and Big DataPublic and Global HealthHealthcare and Research
Vaccine 33 (2015) 1602–1607
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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / v a c c i n e
Pediatric anaphylactic adverse events following immunization in
Victoria, Australia from 2007 to 2013
Daryl R. Cheng a,b,, Kirsten P. Perrett a,c,d , Sharon Choo d , Margie Danchin a,c,e ,
Jim P. Buttery f , Nigel W. Crawford a,e,f
a Department of General Medicine, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
b Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
c Vaccine and Immunisation Research Group (VIRGo), Murdoch Childrens Research Institute and Melbourne School of Population and Global Health,
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
d Department of Allergy and Immunology, Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
e Department of Pediatrics, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
f SAEFVIC, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 10 November 2014
Received in revised form 3 February 2015
Accepted 4 February 2015
Available online 16 February 2015
Vaccine safety
a b s t r a c t
Background: Anaphylaxis is a rare life-threatening adverse event following immunization (AEFI). Vari-
ability in presentation can make differentiation between anaphylaxis and other AEFI difficult. This study
summarizes pediatric anaphylaxis AEFI reported to an Australian state-based passive surveillance system.
Methods: All suspected and reported pediatric (<18 years) anaphylaxis AEFI notified to SAEFVIC (Surveil-
lance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination In the Community) Melbourne, Australia, between May
2007 to May 2013 were analyzed. Clinical descriptions of the AEFI, using the internationally recognized
Brighton Collaboration case definition (BCCD) and final outcome were documented.
Results: 93% (25/27) of AEFI classified as anaphylaxis met BCCD criteria, with 36% (9/25), assessed as the
highest level of diagnostic certainty (Level 1). Median age was 4.7 years (range 0.3–16.2); 48% of cases
were male. The vaccine antigens administered included: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP)
alone or in combination vaccines containing other antigens in 11 of 25 cases (44%); and live attenuated
measles mumps rubella (MMR) vaccine for six (five also had other vaccines concomitantly administered).
The estimated incidence rate of anaphylaxis for DTaP vaccines was 0.36 cases per 100,000 doses, and 1.25
per 100,000 doses for MMR vaccines. The majority of cases had rapid onset, but in 24% (6/25) of cases,
first symptoms of anaphylaxis developed 30 min after immunization. In 60% (15/25) of cases, symptoms
resolved 60 min of presentation. Intramuscular adrenaline was administered in 90% (18/25) of cases.
All cases made a full recovery with no sequelae identified.
Conclusion: This comprehensive case series of pediatric anaphylaxis as an AEFI identified that diagnos-
tic criteria are useful when applied to a passive vaccine surveillance system when adequate clinical
information is available. Anaphylaxis as an AEFI is rare and usually begins within 30 min of vaccination.
However, healthcare professionals and vaccinees/parents should be aware that onset of anaphylaxis can
be delayed beyond 30 min following immunization and that medical attention should be sought promptly
if anaphylaxis is suspected.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Australia has a standardized childhood National Immunisa-
tion Program (NIP) schedule approved and reviewed on a regular
Corresponding author at: The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, 50 Fleming-
ton Rd, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia. Tel.: +61 9345 5522.
E-mail address: daryl.cheng@rch.org.au (D.R. Cheng).

basis by the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisa-
tion (ATAGI) and authorized by the National Health and Medical
Research Council (NHMRC) [1]. It includes infant and early child-
hood immunization, as well as a secondary school (age 12–16 years)
program for catch-up vaccines (Hepatitis B, Varicella) and new
vaccines (e.g. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine introduced for
females in 2007; males in 2012) [2]. There are also specific special
risk groups with additional vaccine requirements (e.g. Aboriginal
and Torres St Islanders).

0264-410X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pediatric Anaphylactic Adverse_1

D.R. Cheng et al. / Vaccine 33 (2015) 1602–1607 1603
Table 1
Case vaccination demographics.
Gender Age at vaccine (years) Vaccine NAME Dose No. BCCD level Adrenaline administered
Male 8.7 Fluvax 1 Level 2 Y
Female 16.5 Gardasil 2 Level 2 N
Male 4.7 Infanrix-IPV, Priorix 4, 3 Level 2 Y
Female 16.0 Gardasil 3 Level 1 N
Male 4.1 Infanrix-IPV, Priorix 4, 2 Level 2 Y
Male 1.3 Varilrix 1 Level 2 Y
Female 1.0 Priorix 1 Level 2 N
Female 0.4 Infanrix Hexa, Prevenar, RotaTeq 2, 2, 2 Level 1 Y
Female 4.0 Infanrix-IPV, Priorix 4, 2 Level 1 Y
Male 13.4 H-B-Vax II Adult formulation 2 Level 2 Y
Female 12.8 H-B-Vax II Adult formulation, Gardasil 2, 3 Level 2 Y
Male 4.9 Infanrix-IPV, Priorix 4, 2 Level 2 Y
Male 8.4 Twinrix Junior (360/10), Typherix 1, 1 Level 2 Y
Female 7.7 Panvax H1N1 2 Level 2 Y
Female 10.6 Fluvax 1 Level 2 N
Male 13.1 H-B-Vax II Adult formulation 1 Level 2 Y
Female 9.4 Influvac 1 Level 2 Y
Female 1.3 Prevenar 13 4 Level 1 Y
Female 16.2 Boostrix 1 Level 2 Y
Male 0.6 Infanrix Hexa, Prevenar 13 2, 2 Level 1 N
Male 0.6 Infanrix Hexa 3 Level 1 Y
Female 15.3 Boostrix 1 Level 3 Y
Male 0.9 Vaxigrip Jr 1 Level 1 N
Female 0.3 Infanrix Hexa, Rotateq, Prevenar 13 2,2, 2 Level 1 N
Male 4.3 Infanrix-IPV, Priorix 4, 2 Level 1 Y
Table 2
BCCD symptom presentations of anaphylaxisa .
Category Major Minor
Dermatological/Mucosal Generalized urticaria/erythema
Angioedema (localized/generalized)
Generalized pruritus with skin rash
Generalized pruritus without skin rash
Generalized prickle sensation
Localized injection site urticaria
Red/itchy eyes
Cardiovascular Measured hypotension
Shock (clinical diagnosis with 3 of tachycardia, cap
refill >3 s, reduced central pulse volume, decreased
level of consciousness)
Reduced peripheral circulation (2 tachycardia, capillary refill >3 s
without hypotension, decreased level of consciousness)
Respiratory Bilateral wheeze
Upper airway swelling
Respiratory distress (>2 tachypnea, accessory muscle
use, recession, cyanosis, grunting)
Persistent dry cough
Hoarse voice
Difficulty breathing without wheeze/stridor
Sensation of throat closure
Gastrointestinal Diarrheal
Abdominal Pain
Laboratory Raised mast cell tryptase
a Adapted from Gold et al. [9].

As part of the NIP, any adverse event following immunization
(AEFI) can be reported via appropriate state or territory procedures.
All reports are forwarded to the centralized national body, the Ther-
apeutic Goods Administration (TGA). Likewise, reports directly to
the TGA are redirected back to SAEFVIC for local clinic follow-up and
evaluation [3]. Anaphylaxis is a rare but potentially life-threatening
AEFI [4], with an estimated incidence of approximately one case
per million vaccine doses [5,6]. It can manifest in a wide constella-
tion of non-specific symptoms. This variability in presentation can
make it difficult to differentiate between anaphylaxis and other
isolated allergic AEFI such as urticaria or angioedema [7]. Anaphy-
laxis is usually an immediate IgE-mediated phenomenon, requiring
allergy workup including skin prick and intradermal testing and if
indicated supervised vaccine challenge(s) [8] (Table 1).
The Brighton Collaboration is an internationally recognized
body who developed a case definition for anaphylaxis as an AEFI
(Table 1), outlining levels of diagnostic certainty (Table 2) [9].
By providing a standardized objective definition to apply to AEFI

reports, it is hoped that the accuracy of reports can be verified
and that standardized management across the pediatric population
would prove easier to disseminate and implement.
Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Vaccination In the
Community (SAFEVIC) is a passive surveillance system monitor-
ing all AEFI across the state of Victoria, Australia. Established in
May 2007, it provides specialized outpatient services for both chil-
dren and adults [10]. SAEFVIC maintains a database of all reported
adverse events and the follow-up details of each case. The pop-
ulation of Victoria, Australia, in 2013 included over 1.05 million
children under 18 years of age [11].
The primary aim of this study was to accurately detail the
occurrence, diagnosis and management of anaphylaxis post-
immunization by applying the Brighton case definition to all
reported pediatric anaphylaxis cases in the SAFEVIC database. A
secondary aim was to review which vaccines were temporally
associated with anaphylaxis, vaccine specific incidence rates, man-
agement strategies (e.g. use of adrenaline) and outcome.
Pediatric Anaphylactic Adverse_2

1604 D.R. Cheng et al. / Vaccine 33 (2015) 1602–1607
Table 3
BCCD level of certainty for anaphylaxis.
BCCD level of certainty Diagnostic criteria Number of cases meeting criteria
Level 1 1 major dermatological AND 1 major cardiovascular 0
1 major dermatological AND 1 major respiratory 9
Level 2 1 major cardiovascular AND 1 major respiratory 0
1 major cardiovascular/respiratory AND 1 minor criterion involving 1 different system 3
1 major dermatological AND 1 minor cardiovascular/respiratory 12
Level 3 1 minor cardiovascular OR respiratory AND 1 minor criteria from 2 different systems 1
Level 4 Reported anaphylaxis with insufficient evidence to meet case definition 1
2. Methods

Pediatric cases (under 18 years old) with suspected anaphy-
laxis AEFI reported to SAFEVIC between May 2007 to May 2013 (six
years) were included. Search terms used to select reports for review
included all terms currently within BCCD criteria such as urticar-
ial, hypotension, tachycardia or angioedema. Historical events (i.e.
AEFI occurring before May 2007) reported during the study period
were excluded due to a lack of reliable and objective data available
prior to the establishment of a standardized assessment process via
All events suspected or reported as anaphylaxis were followed
up within 24 h of initial report via trained SAEFVIC healthcare
professionals. Data collected included demographic information,
medical history, medications, immunization status and previous
AEFI. Clinical descriptions and details surrounding the current
adverse event, including management and final outcome were also
sourced from the family and treating physician and/or hospital
medical records. All cases were offered a specialist clinic follow-up
appointment and assessment prior to any subsequent vaccina-
tion. Any incomplete information was recollected from consenting
reporters, parents and healthcare workers prior to final analysis.
The Brighton Collaboration Case Definition (BCCD) for ana-
phylaxis AEFI (Table 1) was then retrospectively applied by two
independent reviewers (DC and NC), who were not involved in any
SAEFVIC assessments at time of initial reporting, applying a level of
diagnostic certainty for each case (Table 2).
Vaccine specific dose administration data from the Australian
Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) and National HPV Vacci-
nation Program Register were used as the denominator to calculate
incidence estimates. Data was entered into a Microsoft Access
Database (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) and ana-
lyzed with STATA 12.0 (Statacorp, TX, USA). Ethics approval was
obtained from The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Human
Research Ethics Committee.

3. Results

Twenty-five patients, with a total of 27 reports of anaphylaxis,
were identified in the six-year study period (Table 3). The median
age of immunization was 4.7 years (range 0.3–16.2 years), with
48% of cases male. Six cases (22.2%) were 12 months old when
receiving vaccination. Twenty-five of these cases met BCCD criteria
for anaphylaxis (Table 2), with a total of 37 vaccines administered.
Of these cases, nine (36%) met BCCD Level 1 diagnostic certainty,
15 (60%) Level 2 and one case Level 3 (4%). One case was deemed
Level 5 (not a case of anaphylaxis).
Thirteen cases included vaccines that are part of the routine
Australian infant and preschool immunization schedule, which has
evolved slightly through the study period [2]. The remaining 12
cases consisted of vaccines that are part of the routine Australian
secondary school immunization program. The vaccine antigens
administered included combination DTaP vaccines (DTaP com-
bined with other antigen) in 9 of 25 cases (36%). Measles mumps
rubella (MMR) vaccine was received in six cases; five of whom had

concomitant vaccines (Table 4). The majority of vaccines (93%) were
administered at a general practitioner’s (GP) primary care practice,
or at a specialist immunization nurse led local council vaccine
session. Immunization nurses also administered most secondary
school adolescent vaccines.

3.1. Anaphylaxis incidence rate

Vaccine coverage is approximately 91% at 12 months of age [12]
and 70–75% in the school program in Victoria [13]. 197,878 doses
of Infanrix IPVTM [GSK] were administered, with an incidence of
2.53 per 100,000 doses [2.43, 2.63]. Likewise, 481,297 doses of the
combination MMR vaccine were administered with an estimated
incidence of 1.25 per 100,000 doses [1.18, 1.32]. For 13-valent
pneumococcal (PCV13) vaccines, there were 498,039 doses with
an incidence of 0.6 per 100,000 doses [0.55, 0.65].
A total of 1,092,682 vaccine doses of Infanrix HexaTM [GSK] were
administered over the study period, yielding an estimated inci-
dence rate of 0.36 cases per 100,000 doses [0.32, 0.40, 95% CI]. A
minimum of 934,255 doses of HPV vaccines were administered
to pediatric patients within the study period, indicating an esti-
mated anaphylaxis incidence of 0.32 per 100,000 doses [0.29, 0.35]
(data courtesy of ACIR and the National HPV Vaccination Program

3.2. History of anaphylaxis/atopy

One infant had anaphylaxis on three separate occasions, with
different vaccines administered each time (Infanrix Hexa, Preve-
nar 13, Vaxigrip Jr). Skin tests followed by vaccine challenges were
undertaken in an allergy clinic in a hospital setting as part of a
causality assessment of specific vaccines and/or components. One
formal allergy challenge was positive, with an anaphylactic reac-
tion at 40 min following Infanrix HexaTM vaccine; the challenge for
Prevenar 13 only resulted in an erythematous rash.
Five cases (20.5%) had a past history of anaphylaxis to food
items such as egg, nuts or seafood. All had already been prescribed
an epinephrine auto-injectable device, with three patients hav-
ing utilized it on a previous occasion for food related anaphylactic
episodes; however no device was used in any of the anaphylactic
AEFI cases. Eight cases had a previous history of atopic disease; four
with asthma, six with eczema and two with hayfever.

3.3. Time post-vaccination

The time anaphylaxis occurred post-immunization is detailed in
Fig. 1. Anaphylaxis in 19 cases (70%) occurred 30 min after immu-
nization. A further two cases presented between 30 to 60 min
and the remaining three cases were greater than 120 min following
Symptoms resolved within 60 min of presentation for 15 cases,
with a further six resolved within 24 h. The remaining four had
symptoms persisting beyond 24 h, with one case having ongoing
angioedema and urticaria for the following 6-days.
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