
Networking Questions and Answers | Assignment


Added on  2022-08-13

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Networking Questions and Answers | Assignment_1

Answer to question number 1
The port number of the source is 80. The port number of the destination is 10526.
There are number of port numbers for the TCP/IP ports. Port numbers are very
fundamental scenarios which are used by a number of common services used in the internet. The
port number 80 is generally used for the Hypertext transfer protocol. It is one of the commonly
used protocols in most of the networks (Atmoko, Riantini & Hasin, 2017). It is mainly used by
the web browsers and hence any client who would be using the files located on the servers are
required to be connected to port number 80.
In addition to this, FTP over TLS/SSL are conducted over port number 10526. The users
use the port for downloading the data from the servers.
Answer to question number 2
Both the segments would be directed at the same socket for Host C (Milic et al., 2017).
The origins for the individual segments would be determined with the help of the IP addresses
provided by the Operating system at the socket interface by the received segment.
Answer to question number 3
For each of the persistent connections, a separate connection socket is created by the web
servers. Four tuples are required for the identification of a connection socket. These tuples are IP
address of the source, Port Number of the source, IP address of the destination and Port number
of the destination (Hinze et al., 2018). When an IP datagram is received by host C, all the four
fields are examined by the datagram which would be helpful in determining the socket which
would be able to pass the payload of the TCP segment. Hence, requests from the 2 nodes would
Networking Questions and Answers | Assignment_2

be passing through different type of sockets. Identifier of the sockets have destination port
number 80, however, the values for the IP addresses are different for the course IP addresses.
The transport layer would be passing a TCP segment for the payload for application of the
process and the source IP address is not specified. This because the socket identifier is specified
Answer to question number 4
Part a
FALSE. Piggybacking is technique that helps in the optimization which would helpful in sending
data to both sides so the receiver would be sending ACK and a data packet (Rashmi, Shah &
Ramchandran, 2017). While the receiver would not be able to send any data it would still be able
to an ACK which is corresponding to the field of sequence number that would containing the
details of next sequence it is supposed.
Piggybacking is also used for gaining access to a network freely without performing any
type of malicious activity on the network(Rashmi, Shah & Ramchandran, 2017). This is also
referred as Wi-Fi squatting, which would be slowing down the rate of data transmission of the
legitimate users of the network. The type of communications performed in piggybacking is two-
way communication. In this type of communication, the receiver does not acknowledgment to
the sender and instead waits for the sender to complete the transfer of data.
Part b
FALSE. RcvWindow gives the sender the idea for the free buffer space which is currently made
available with the receivers (Dew, 2018). Therefore, the amount of TCP data which is
unacknowledged varies as per the RcvWindow and changes accordingly. In the TCP segment the
Networking Questions and Answers | Assignment_3

receiver informs the sender explicitly about the data and the amount of free space. The sender
then keeps the transmitted data which is left unacknowledged in the recently received
Part c
TRUE. The permission for the overflow of the buffer received and the sender would not be able
to understand the data RcvWindow. Therefore, the RcvWindow would be 0 unacknowledged
data would be present on all the buffer.
Part d
FALSE. The subsequent segments containing the sequence number is dependent on the number
of 8-byte characters which are present in the current segment.
Part e
TRUE. The TCP segment has a field in its header for RcvWindow.
Answer to question number 5
Part a
The sequence number is data segment which is a portion for an object file which is
corresponding to the virtual address space and have a static variable contained in them. The
segment size is value of the size of the source code of the program. This not being changed
during the run time. For supporting a large address space which is greater than the native size of
the internal address register would be able to allow the CPU to segment where indexes would be
using offsets for certain areas (Kirillov et al., 2019). Segments are generally placed in the
memory blocks discretely. The global static variables are generally formed using the object files.
Networking Questions and Answers | Assignment_4

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