
Several Degrees Of Measurement


Added on  2022-09-08

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Clinical Nutrition
Several Degrees Of Measurement_1

Lecture 1
Osteoporosis is the most prevalent disorder of the bones. It is caused mainly in the old
age due to loss in bone density. In this condition, there are more chances of getting fractures
and back pain due to weak bones. It also results in decreasing of height and slouching of the
posture as the time passes. There are several factors that might cause the osteoporosis in the
older people which includes hereditary factor as the major reason because in most cases this
disorder is inherited form the previous generation. Race or ethnicity is another reason as there
are several groups and racial classes where the osteoporosis is most prevalent. Lack of
exercise and nutrition in the adolescence and youth may result in the condition of
osteoporosis in old age (MacGill, 2019).
Lecture 2-3
There are three types of fats namely saturated, monosaturated and polyunsaturated fat.
Saturated fat does not include any double bond which is a series of carbon chain that
accumulates high amount of energy and are considered to be quite active in nature. It is found
in beef, pork, egg, chicken, milk and dairy products. Monosaturated fat also termed as MUSF
contains only single bond between the carbon chain. It is found in cashew, avocado, olive and
almond oil. Polyunsaturated fat or PUSF contains multiple types of double bonds in its
chemical structure. It is found in fish, walnut, flax and pumpkin seeds that are clubbed under
omega three fatty acid, whereas omega six fatty acid includes sunflower, borage and black
currant oil (The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2020).
Lecture 4
The process of removal of toxins or the chemical compounds that harm the
metabolism of the body is called as detoxification. It is vital and must be carried out
regularly. The major toxins that need to be removed form the body includes microorganism
that easily enter from the air, food and water into the body. Moreover, preservatives,
herbicides and pesticides are to be removed that usually gets into the system through the
food. Additionally, drugs, alcohol, heavy metals, pollutants are other toxins that can be
commonly found. However, body has its own mechanism to remove toxins regularly though
sweat, urine, faeces, mucus and sebum. (Pizzorno, 2020).
Several Degrees Of Measurement_2

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