
The organizations take the initiative


Added on  2022-08-19

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The organizations take the initiative_1

Table of Contents
The screening criteria......................................................................................................................2
Potential country markets................................................................................................................2
Fine grained screening criteria.........................................................................................................6
Selection of one market for making an expansion out of the alternatives.......................................6
Market entry strategy for the selected market...............................................................................15
The organizations take the initiative_2

Market expansions are critical functions that are considered by the organizations for
empowering their growth and sustenance. Moreover, the market expansions are undertaken by
the organizations with the purpose of improving the market scope for increasing the business
profitability. The organizations take the initiative of improving their market prospects through
conduction of a detailed screening method. In this connection, the screening methods are aligned
with the product features and the target market that the organization focus on positioning their
brand offerings. The report will take the initiative of detailing the screening criteria for Lucky
Dog, an intelligent dog feeding tool proposition while analyzing the potential economies where
the organization might expand. Therefore, the purpose of the report is to identify a potential
target market for the concerned organization while making their expansions.
The screening criteria
The screening criteria will be specifically reliant on clustering the economies that are
experiencing a growing GDP rate in the East Asian regions. The clustering mechanism is
specifically reliant on the assessment of the close association between the economies. In this
connection, the GDP growth rate, employability of the people and the political stability index in
the nations would be considered as the major metrics that would support the organization in
narrowing down their choice of the target market from a wide range of alternatives.
Potential country markets
The potential markets for the concerned organization are the ones in the East Asian
regions like China, Taiwan, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea and South Korea. The Assessment of
the potential countries would assist in supporting the identification of the best suited economy
The organizations take the initiative_3

for growth of the concerned organization. The assessment will be made through clusters where
close association between the economies would be assessed with the perspective of improving
the rate of operation of the venture while operating as per the common goals of the venture. The
section will take the initiative of collecting data on the feasible list of economies and thereby
differentiate between the same in terms of the diverse opportunities and challenges that are being
expositional by the same.
China Taiwan Japan Mongolia North
stability index
-0.26 0.85 1.06 0.79 -0.35 0.54
GDP growth
6.1% 1.9% 0.5% 5.37% 1.30% 2.22%
rate 2020
3.8% 3.8% 2.4% 8.1% 3.30% 4%
Table 1: Preliminary screening based on clustering of East Asian nations
(Source: Worldbank.org 2020)
The preliminary screening aimed at identifying the different opportunities and concerns
that might be encountered by the organization while making an expansion related decision in the
aforesaid economies. It has been observed from the preliminary screening that Japan has an
increased political stability with 1.06 followed by Mongolia with 0.79 which critically states that
the concerned organization would encounter minimized government intervention in the different
The organizations take the initiative_4

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