
Utilitarianism is the utmost happiness


Added on  2022-08-29

6 Pages1350 Words22 Views
Utilitarianism is the utmost happiness_1

Utilitarianism is a form of living that stresses on the results over procedures. It can be
defined as an effort to offer a solution to a real-world question. For example, a man's activities
should produce paramount consequences possible. In simple terms, the main aim of
Utilitarianism is to better humanity and increase happiness within each other. The maxim of
Utilitarianism aims at achieving the utmost amount of benefit for the maximum number of
individuals in society. It advocates for the highest happiness principle. A human being has been
subjected to be governed by a dual supreme master, pleasure, and pain. The two themselves
determine what we should do and pointing out what we ought to be doing. On one side, the norm
of wrong and right, on the other end, the series of causes and impact, are attached to their
command. These principles direct us in all our endeavors, be it our thinking, all that we talk
around; all attempts we could create to put off our oppression will work, however, to prove and
affirm it.
John Stuart Mill also holds that individuals are equal in some fundamental way. Mill also
argues that Utilitarianism is coinciding with sentiments associated with nature that are instigated
by man's social being. Hence, if people in the society were to acknowledge Utilitarianism as
among their moral beliefs, then individuals would certainly adopt these principles as morally
necessary. Mill continues to argue that happiness is the only foundation of morality and that
individuals in society never yearn for whatsoever but joy (Mahowald, 1994). He explains the
assertion by demonstrating that all the other things of individual's expectations are either means
to happiness, or factored in the definition of happiness. Mill expounds at length that the
sentiment of justice is in fact founded on utility, and that moralities happen only since they are
essential for human pleasure. From his argument on Utilitarianism, Mill argued that equality in
Utilitarianism is the utmost happiness_2

the society could be created if it produces broad social gains that benefit a different section of the
population. He explains this through rule utilitarianism and acts Utilitarianism, which seeks the
opinion on the rights of individuals either a minority or majority, using the phrases: 'the greater
good' and 'greatest happiness for the greatest number,' thus advocating for equality. These
theories majorly focus on the outcomes rather than the actions, with the deciding factor being
goodness or badness. Both approaches ensure that the most exceptional wellbeing is produced.
Act utilitarianism is motivated by the principle of utility, where individuals are required
to promote actions that will results in the highest good for the most significant numbers. Mill
bases his Utilitarianism on the Greatest Happiness Principle, according to which "actions are
right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they to produce the reverse of
happiness" (Mill, 37). On the other hand, rule utilitarianism relies on a principle that asserts that
the surest way of creating great utility for humanity is to develop ethical values with rules of
conduct that are clearly understood. Rule utilitarianism is open as it provides room for multiple
choices for individuals. How individual acts may look similar to the law that supports act
utilitarianism (West, 2013). This assertion may be true because imposing a rule may constraint
people on how to act. However, there may be discretions of deciding what to do. Rule
utilitarianism can be viewed as an advancement of act utilitarianism as it is a more advanced way
to a better and just society.
In his argument, Mill suggested the need for harmonized rules in order peaceful society
to function. It is undoubtedly that the rule of Utilitarianism is an advancement to act
Utilitarianism since it affects the wellbeing of individuals more than moral decision making. Mill
had the aim of offering a more protective society for the minor groups, with less discrimination
(Jacobson, 2008). Mill presented his idea of lower and higher desires from the quotation, "It is
Utilitarianism is the utmost happiness_3

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