
Comparative Study of Land Registration in England and Wales


Added on  2020-06-04

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A comparative studies of the land registration inEngland and Wales and Jamaica West indies
Comparative Study of Land Registration in England and Wales_1

Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................1History of land law registration in England / Wales...................................................................1LRA act 2000..............................................................................................................................2Law commissionreport...............................................................................................................3Registered/unregistered land.......................................................................................................6Legislation...................................................................................................................................6CHAPTER 2....................................................................................................................................6JAMAICAN/WEST INDIES Land law registration in Jamaicanproblem saced.......................6CHAPTER 3....................................................................................................................................6Comparative analysis of land registration in England and Wale and Jamaican........................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................6RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................................................6REFLECTION.................................................................................................................................6REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION3600History of land law registration in England / WalesEnglish law is found under the Roman law. After fall of Roman Empire land registrationsystem of England has got changed significantly. In the Anglo Saxon era registration of land wasdone just to get tax. In the year 1925 the land law of England was focusing on comprehensivestatutory reform. Government of the nation has made land registration act in order to simplifyownership of land (Wang and et.al, 2016). This act focused on priority issues in ownershiptransfer of land and doctrine notice. This has helped in remodelled the entire registration system.Romans has introduced land registration form to England and Wales. At that time authoritieshave to do regular censuses in which they have to record ownership and productivity details ineach land registration. It was done to earn more land tax which was known as tributum soli. Lastcentury Romans have introduced new rule known as iugum (Bagrow, 2017). After some timesconcern authorities have realised that there is requirement of full land registration system forconveyances and mortgages. Over a period of time property market has grown well in manynations (Land registration in England and Slovakia − comparative study, 2010). Increasingproperty prices encourage individuals to invest in this market. Government has made many lawsin respect to land registration. Each person has to follow these regulations while registering theland. England is the country where initially purpose of comprehensive land registration was toget tax. Initially there was no legal requirement in England for registration of land. In the year2002 Land registration act came into existence (Land registration in ENGLAND andSLOVAKIA, 2010). Land registration act 1925 has been replaced with land registration act 2002.This law presents clear picture of title, rights of the land so that registration can be done moreaccurately. Section 4 of this regulation revels that registration is compulsory when freeholdestate is transferred and give on lease (Scott, 2017).Wales is the geographical are where land registration commenced has taken place in the19th century. Ministry has established the land books' system. The main objective of establishingthis land book system in the nation is to fix land rights in legally manner and maintain it. Thishas supported in protecting land ownership and managing tax effectively. Land registration ofEngland and Wales are the most active phenomena in entire world (Kroll and et.al, 2017).Changes in laws and regulation has created difficulty for the land owners in selling and giving on1
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