
(PDF) Academic and Research Skills


Added on  2020-12-18

12 Pages2961 Words283 Views
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................2TASK 3............................................................................................................................................4TASK 4............................................................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONIt is very important for each ad every person to develop themselves and give attention tothemselves as well so that they can feel more confident and do their activities in more effectivemanner. For this, an individual has to set their targets and goals so that they can go step by stepfor achieving it (Shapiro, 2011). In this, a proper research may also be conducted by the studentsso that they can come to know about their strengths and weaknesses and can utilize it their selfdevelopment. This assignment is being prepared so as to analyse own strengths and weaknessesso that they can overcome them and do self development as well. Here, a personal andprofessional development plan will also be prepared. TASK 1It is very much important for each and every individual to examine their own strengthsand weaknesses so that they can come to know that in which areas they are strong and wherethey are weak so that they can effectively reduce these weaknesses and become more strong andconfident. Here, if the individual will prepare a personal and professional plan for themselvesthen they will be able to access all the detail about their own in a proper manner. Once the skillsand knowledge of the employees is increased then they will be in a position to handle all theimportant tasks which are going on in the company. Therefore, personal development should beon a priority basis for the individuals as it will benefit them only on various levels. While doingthis process, various types of skills and knowledge are required to be gained by the employees sothat their career can also be established in a proper manner. Therefore, a proper study is requiredto be done by the student so as to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. I have analysedmy strengths and weaknesses and they are as follows:Strengths: From the research conducted, I have come to know that I am having a good patience leveland thus I can handle all the situation which will come in the company in very effectivemanner. This strength is required to be present in every individual so that they can faceany kind of situation on their life (Wong, 2011). I have also come to know that I am having effective research skills because I am havingan ability to gather all the kinds of data in a proper and effective manner and it is relevant1
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