
Importance of Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Prevention: Dice Number Game


Added on  2023-06-16

3 Pages1109 Words263 Views
Professional Development
Instructions for playing the game
BMP3003 Further Academic Skills
An explanation of why academic
integrity at University is so important
Game Design Skills used to produce the game
Time management skills: One of the most essential
skill used in order to effectively produce the game is
the time management skills. This skill enabled me to
effectively divide the time and achieve desired
targets on time effectively. It also helped in to carry
out the game on timely manner. For the successful
completion of the project the time management skill
played an essentials role. It helped in properly divide
each and every task effectively making it easy to
smoothly carry out my work.
Creativity skills: Another essential skill used for
producing the game is the creativity skills.
Creativity and unique idea lead to think of the game
and proceed further with its implementation.
Creativity allows individual bring new and
innovative ideas and thoughts. Creativity helps
proper designing of the game as well as working on
the questions.
Gilley, D.P., Root, J.R. and Cox, S.K., 2021.
Development of mathematics and self-determination
skills for young adults with extensive support needs.
The Journal of Special Education, 54(4), pp.195-
Choi, S.J., Jeong, J.C. and Kim, S.N., 2019. Impact
of vocational education and training on adult skills
and employment: An applied multilevel analysis.
International Journal of Educational Development,
66, pp.129-138.
To grow, praise and value work of each other: Through academic
integrity an university is able to grow truthfulness, honesty and trust
among the works of students as well as the teachers which help them
to be optimum personality. They praise and respect each other's work
and efforts that brings accountability and sense of motivation towards
their work.
Build and Protect Reputation: Students and teachers are a part of
overall community that is involved in knowledge sharing and learning
through studies. Actions that contrasts or undermines academic
integrity could affect the reputation of university in future. This
affects accreditation process and image of an business therefore
university should take that their academic integrity is maintained.
Avoid Illegal actions: There are various illegal activities that prevails
in an university such as examination paper leaks, notes or cheating
materials in exams, bullying or ragging, blackmailing, comments on
religion, cast or gender, body-shaming etc. Academic integrity helps
to avoid and eradicate these illegal actions.
Peaceful environment: It is important because it offers peaceful
environment and a peace of mind to the officials in a university
knowing that people will do the right things. This also helps to reduce
unnecessary distress in university campus so the authorities can be
more productive in major activities like strengthening education
system and planning best for their students.
Quality of teaching and learning improves: Achieving success in
academic integrity helps to improve communication and coordination
among the teachers and the students. It inculcates the behaviour of
praising and respect towards each others work which motivates
overall personality of individuals. Teachers teach in the best way
possible and students collaborate with their efforts and attempt their
best to maintain effective knowledge sharing.
Name: Dice number game
Mode: Offline
Objective of the game
The main objective of designing the game is to provide
students regarding the plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Also the main objective of designing this game is offer
students with proper understanding of the academic integrity
in their academic career. This game will help students to work
with proper honesty and integrity. It will also help students to
avoid any kind of academic misconduct practices in their
academic process and create positive image effectively.
Instructions for playing the game
The game will be played in a team so as to make it more fun
and interesting.
All the students will be divided in a team of equal students by
the teacher.
The game will be played in the offline mode, there will be two
dice of different colours with numbers.
Student from each team will come and roll both the dice, them
sum up the number appears on the dice. If the number sum up
is even then student needs to pick card from the bowl from the
bowl consist of questions for even set and vice versa.
The correct answer will get 10 points and the wrong answer
will get zero number. Each team will be get 2 chance
Team which gets highest number will win the game.
The set of questions will be related to plagiarism and
misconduct which help students to get information regarding
the plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Importance of Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Prevention: Dice Number Game_1

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