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Importance of Academic Integrity at University - Game Design


Added on  2023/06/14

AI Summary
This presentation focuses on the importance of academic integrity at university and how it can be learned through a fun game design. The game requires participants to use communication, critical thinking, and creativity skills to answer questions related to academic integrity. The presentation includes instructions for playing the game, the skills used to produce the game, and the rules of the game. The presentation also highlights the consequences of academic dishonesty and the benefits of maintaining academic integrity. The references used in the presentation are Aiyebelehin, A.J., 2022 and Curtis, G.J. And et. al., 2021.

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Instructions for playing the game
BMP3003 Further Academic Skills
Quality of learning
There will be three teams of 12 participant, each group have
to submit name of their respective team members.
After this, there will be four round of this game and five
minutes will be give to each team with each round.
There will be a leader form all team who will pick a card in
which a question will be mentioned and leaders give answer
on the behalf of their team members.
All question will be consist yes and no format. So it s
requested to all team members to read each question carefully
and then give answer.
All right and wrong answer of participant will result
appropriate feedback straight away on a screen.
Each correct answer will earn 4 points and negative answer
will lose 2 points.
After this the winner team and other participant will get their
wining prized on the basis of their performance.
An explanation of why academic
integrity at University is so important
Game Design Skills used to produce the game
Communication skill
Critical thinking
Creativity skill
Writing skill
Aiyebelehin, A.J., 2022. “Add-my-name” as a
parody of research collaboration among Nigerian
researchers. Accountability in Research, 29(1),
Curtis, G.J. And et. al., 2021. Moving beyond self-
reports to estimate the prevalence of commercial
contract cheating: an Australian study. Studies in
higher education, pp.1-13.
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