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Developing Academic And Professional Skills


Added on  2023/06/14

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This presentation discusses the challenges of studying business management and thriving in professional practice. It emphasizes the importance of effective academic and professional skills development, and provides a personal SWOT analysis with a detailed example of actions to develop skills identified as weakness. The subject is BMP4001 Professional & Academic Skills.

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BMP4001 Professional & Academic Skills
Assessment 1 - Individual Presentation

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Developing Academic And Professional Skills
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Table of Contents
Challenges of studying business management and thriving in
professional practice
Importance of effective academic skills development
Importance of effective professional skills development
Identification of one skill that is particularly important – personal
SWOT analysis
Detailed example of the actions that would be taken to develop skills
identified as weakness in SWOT analysis
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The current presentation is related with determining the
challenges of studying business management and thriving in
professional practice with appropriate examples. It will also going
to throw light on the significance of effective academic as well as
professional skills development and will also determine effective
team working skills.

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Challenges of studying business management
and thriving in professional practice
There are different challenges of studying business management and
thriving in professional practice and these are
Time management
Working in teams
Dealing with numbers
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Time management
Factors affecting time management
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Working in teams
Teamwork results in two types of outcomes
Building strong association with cooperation among the students
Conflicts, competition and failure

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The researching process includes different steps
Research question
Hypothesis development
Data collection
Evaluating the data
Conclusion finding
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Dealing with numbers
Issues related to pronunciation – Following is the manner of
getting pronunciation in a correct manner
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The importance of effective academic skills development
Academic skills
These are being referred as methods being applied to learning. Academic skills are very essential for tertiary
study and it includes different skills such as communication, writing, independent study skills, digital and
numeracy skills and so forth. Some of the importance of these skills include:
Getting higher grades
Gaining knowledge
Approaching assignment in a better way
Critical thinking
Motivate students to become more effective learner

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The importance of effective professional skills development
Professional development is being defined as continuous career and education training after individual
has attained a desired level of academic skills and experience. Effective professional skill
development offers different benefits and these are as follows:
Helps in boosting confidence and credibility
Augments earning potential
Improved efficiency
Expands knowledge base
Open door for future career changes
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Identification of one skill that is particularly
important Personal SWOT Analysis
I am very patient and stand out from
Can work under pressure
Effective Communication skills
Creative and inspiring
Time management skills
Overthinking sometimes push me
Leadership skills
Problem solving skills
Internship and apprenticeships for
Managerial jobs
Learning languages
Using networking for gaining insight
My career objectives
Experienced people
Competition in the job market
Being introverted hinder the growth
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One skill that is particularly important but I am weak at:
From the analysis of personal SWOT analysis, it has been determined that
there is one skill which is extremely important but I am quite weak at and it is
“Leadership skills”
Leadership skills
For becoming an effective leader, it is important to have an ability to
communicate with other in well-behaved manner, motivate and encouraging
others. Seeking help from the leadership skills individual can learn the
manners of delegating and handling accountabilities and become patient in
listening feedback of others.

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Importance of leadership skills
Drives the team forward
Taking accountability of decision making
Boosting engagement and motivation
Enabling innovation
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Detailed example of the actions that would be
taken to develop skills identified as weakness
in SWOT analysis
After analysing the personal SWOT analysis, there are different weaknesses which are
being determined and these are:
Time management skills
Leadership skills
Problem solving skills
For the development of these determined skills, different actions needs to be
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Action plan for developing skills identified in weakness in
SWOT analysis
Skills to be developed Actions to be taken
Time management
Setting of SMART goals
Making meetings productive
Maintaining schedule
Setting of weekly priorities
Avoiding multi-tasking
Delegation of work activities and tasks
Completing the leadership developmental program
Delegation of activities to sub-ordinates
Communicating strategic vision and goals of the company effectively
to the sub-ordinates
Observing other
Learning from experiences
Attending meetings with experienced leaders

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Let going the past
Attending yoga classes and meditation
Focusing on things that can be controlled
Analysing the responses
Problem solving
Conducting and attending sessions
Paying attention on the problem
Brainstorming sessions
Attending seminars and discussion
Management of emotions
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To conclude it can be said that personal, professional and academic
skills plays a crucial role in the life of each and every individual.
Seeking help from this, opportunities can be determined significantly
for improving the success of an individual.
Encouragement of professional and academic skill development
helps in enhancing self-awareness, time management skill,
communication skills and motivation at the workplace
Thus, through personal SWOT analysis, skillset lacking in an
individual can be easily determined and worked upon for further
enhancement in career
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Baruch, Y. and Peiperl, M., 2020. The impact of an mba on graduate careers. Human Resource
Management Journal, 10(2), pp.69-90.
Burns, T. and Sinfield, S., 2016. Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University.
2nded. London: Sage.
Johnson, C.C. and Fargo, J.D., 2014. A study of the impact of transformative professional
development on Hispanic student performance on state mandated assessments of science in
elementary school. Journal of Elementary Science Teacher Education, 25(7), pp.845–859.
Koch, A., 2017. SWOT does not need to be recalled: It needs to be enhanced. Swinburne University of
Morgenstern, J., 2016. Time Management from the Inside Out. New York: Henry Holt and Company.
Powell, D. R., Diamond, K.E., Burchinal, M.R. and Koehler, M.J., 2018. Effects of an early literacy
professional development intervention on Head Start teachers and children. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 102(2), pp.299–312.
Upadhaya, B., Munir, R. and Blount, Y., 2018. Association between Performance Measurement
Systems and Organisational Effectiveness. International Journal of Operations & Production
Management, 34(7), pp.2-2.
Whetten, D. and Cameron, K.S., 2011. Developing Management Skills. 8thed. London: Pearson.

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