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Academic Quiz Game: Promoting Integrity and Academic Skills


Added on  2023/06/14

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The Academic Quiz Game is designed to promote integrity and academic skills among students. The game is played by conducting quizzes on academic integrity and plagiarism. The objective of the game is to make students more familiar with the concepts of academic integrity and skills. The game evaluates learning and knowledge of individuals through assessing their answering capabilities and skills. The game is played in teams and the rules are explained in detail.

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Instructions for playing the game
BMP3003 Further Academic Skills
An explanation of why academic
integrity at University is so important
Game Design
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Academic integrity refers to the act and conduct of students which is
expected by educational institutions. It includes rules and set of activities
which defines the behaviour of students showing values and morals. The
concept of academic integrity is a very significant term which discuss the
principles and fundamentals according to which students acquire learning
in educational institutes. Through ensuring high standards of academic
integrity, universities promote proper structure and appropriate attitude of
students. It teach students to adopt values like honesty, integrity,
truthfulness and treating classmates and teachers with respect and fairness.
The appropriate behaviour of students in the process of learning and
performing other curricular activities is very important and is related with
academic integrity. Ensuring constructive academic integrity in
educational institutions and universities promote aspect of judgements
among students which helps them in career development. It allows
teachers and students to execute the process of learning with effectiveness
which encourage freedom of expression and speech. The term academic
integrity is highly important to maintain proper culture and structure at
educational premises. It facilitate smoothness in learning process and
avoid chaos through acknowledging each other's concerns. Academic
integrity is crucial as part of learning and developing skills at universities
which helps students in the process of career development.
Instructions for the game
The game will starts with division of teams with one qualified professor as team leader which would have
expertise in the areas of academic skills. “Academic quiz game” is a game which questions students on subjects related to
academic integrity and practices of plagiarism. This game would be played with conducting quizzes on the relevant topics
which students have to answer in order to win. For not answering questions, points will be deducted and questions would
be passed to the relevant next team.
The objective of the game
The main objective of the game is to promote integrity and make students more familiar with the concepts
of academic integrity and skills. Through conducting this game, students will become more acquainted with the terms
related to academic skills which would focus upon prevention of plagiarism and cheating. The purpose behind this game is
to create awareness about academic skills and code of conduct that enables students to behave in a appropriate manner.
This game will evaluate learning and knowledge of individuals through assessing their answering capabilities and skills.
Rules for the game
Starting the game
The game will start by classification of teams into four namely A, B, C and D and players will occupy
their respective seats. The professor who will conduct game will start shuffling the cards which contains the questions
related to the academic integrity and skills. The teams will be divided into groups of four where players will be allotted
cards which they have to answer. The question will contain multiple choice questions which teams will answer. If a team
will correctly answer the question the team will be rewarded with 10 points and incompetence to answer will results in
allotment of question to the next team. If teams will answer wrong to the respective question, 5 points will be deducted.
The process of gameplay will start when professor will start allotting cards to the respective teams. The
professor will first allot a card containing one question to a team for which team will then have to choose a player to
answer the respective question. The selected player will then write the answer in the provided card and submit it to the
professor who is conducting the game. The time limit for answering a question would be one minute and after one minute
professor will collect the allotted card. If team would be unable to answer it, the card would be passed to another team and
wrong answers will results in deduction of 5 points. If the respective team would be able to answer correctly, 10 points
would be rewarded to them. This process will continue until all teams are questioned with 5 cards.
Finishing the game
The game will be finished with the calculation of scores which are attained after adding and subtracting
the determined points. The professor will then announce the winner and thus “Academic quiz game” will promote learning
and evaluate answering skills of individuals.

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Skills used to produce the game
The skills and abilities possessed by the individuals describes the manner in which they complete a task or activity. An
individual is able to perform a task with effectiveness and efficiency through acquisition of skills which enhance their
capabilities. Skill development allows a student to potentially accomplish targets and improves their learning and
knowledge. Academic skills refers to the attributes and talents of individuals which helps them in learning various
activities like making presentations, report writing, conducting researches etc. The development of academic skills are
important because it helps in exploring various opportunities related to career enhancement. Game designing is a very
effective technique which helps in promotion of academic skills. The implementation of game design requires constructive
use of various skills and traits in order to make it effective for fulfilling determined objectives. The act of game designing
use application of useful skills and abilities which are stated below:
Imaginative skills: These skills helped in creating proper plot and design of the game which looks intriguing. The structure
and rules of game requires high imagination skills in order to make it presentable and interesting. A game should be
designed with appropriate rules which teach students to avoid plagiarism and cheating.
Organisation skills: These skills helped me with presenting the game in an organised way These skills are critically
important as the development of a game should be conducted in a way that it could be understood with instructions.
Constructive game design make use of effective organisation skills which ensures that during game no confusion arises in
mind of players.
Presentation skills: Presentation skills helped me in effective development of academic skills. Game design requires
potential skills which allows an individual to develop a game which is clearly presentable. Lack of presentation creates
chaos and discussions during the course of game. Therefore, these skills are important for the purpose of proper play of
game without any disruptions.
Basic computer skills: These skills helped me in creating designs and structures through useful applications which helps in
potential designing of game.
Question Jenga with answers
Is it appropriate to use
someone's else work for
information in completing
Suitable if content is not
exactly copied
Appropriate to use if
permission of author is granted
The correct answer of this
question is D as it is not ethical
to copy someone else's work
without their knowledge and
consent. It can be used with the
acceptance of original writer.
Is it important for individuals
to have knowledge regarding
the original source from
where information is
Not important
Only if teacher asks
The correct answer of this
question is A as it is important
for students to know the
sources in order to promote
academic integrity.
Document Page
Chen, S.L. and Liu, Y.T., 2021. Learning by designing or learning by playing? A comparative study of the effects of game-
based learning on learning motivation and on short-term and long-term conversational gains. Interactive Learning
Environments, pp.1-15.
Raj, A., Biswas, I. and Srivastava, S.K., 2018. Designing supply contracts for the sustainable supply chain using game
theory. Journal of cleaner production, 185, pp.275-284.
Shi, A., Wang, Y. and Ding, N., 2019. The effect of game–based immersive virtual reality learning environment on learning
outcomes: designing an intrinsic integrated educational game for pre–class learning. Interactive Learning Environments,
Tang, X. and Taguchi, N., 2020. Designing and Using a Scenario-Based Digital Game to Teach Chinese Formulaic
Expressions. Calico Journal, 37(1).
Kim and, 2018, August. A new mould rush: designing for a slow bio-digital game driven by living micro-organisms.
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (pp. 1-9).
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