
Game Design for Avoiding Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct


Added on  2022-12-27

7 Pages2606 Words99 Views
Professional Development
Academic Skills
Game Design for Avoiding Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct_1

Academic skills
Plagiarism may be defined as a concept of stealing someone’s information without any acknowledgement. In the field of
academics, plagiarism is considered as an offense and breach of journalistic ethics. With the motive to develop better
understanding about module concepts and learning institution take significant actions when any student violates academic
integrity. In this, report will provide deeper insight about the significance of academic integrity in the educational sector.
Further, it also presents how varied skills can be used skills for developing plagiarism avoidance game
Task 1
Game design for avoiding plagiarism and academic misconduct for the students.
Academic misconduct is this kind of action that attempts to gain or assist others in gaining or attempting to gain
unfair academic advantages in the academic writing. Plagiarism is the part of academic misconduct in which students
copy the information from the Internet without writing in their own way (Cronan, Mullins and Douglas., 2018). this
create the similarity and student get the plagiarism in their report. There are some penalties for the plagiarism and
academic misconduct that can be applied if the academic misconduct is subjected in the range from the expulsion and
reprimand. In very serious cases and for the repeated in sentence of misconduct. mostly students get failed in their exams
if they come with the Plagiarism and academic misconduct activities.
There are various way to avoid the plagiarism and academic misconduct By the students. one of them is through
the game that strategy could be used by the teachers for the understanding and learning of avoiding plagiarism and
academic misconduct. Here is the game that could be play by the students for understanding why they should avoid
plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Game designing
Game will be based on Cardboard where the teams
will be formed equally in the group of 4 people and
there will be total six teams. one of the Student
well play the game and other students will support
them and giving the answers of questions.
Alphabets and numbers will be written on the
Cardboard and single dice will be provided to the
students. One student will roll the dice another
students who are playing the game well move there
token provided to them. Every alphabet and
number will contain a single question that will be
related to the plagiarism an academic misconduct
(Marsh,Campion. 2018).
According to the numbers an alphabets questions will be
returned on the board and what student will get they will
give the answer accordingly. With the higher level
difficulty will increase and questions will be harder for
the student. all the group will discuss the answer and a
person who know what is the answer of the questions will
give the answer and present their views. Teacher will
decide if they are right or wrong or they can move further
or not. if they will be failed to give answer then they will
have to move back to the previous positions. A student
can copy the answer from the other students who have
already give the answer of the questions but they have to
give answer in their own way and their own point of view
they cannot be copies similarly.
this will help them to learn avoiding the plagiarism and they will able to use their own mind to give the
answer. the last student who will reach to the end question will get the reward from the teachers for their confidence
building. Reward will be distributed according to the positions gained by the each team the last team will not get
anything but from 1 to 3 position Student will get the reward from their teachers. Before the game students will get
the time for prepare themselves for the topic of avoiding plagiarism and academic misconduct. Through this game
through his will learn about why they should avoid plagiarism and academic misconduct in their reports Anne what
are the consequences of plagiarism an academic misconduct then how it can affect there marks within the exam.
There are some penalties for the plagiarism and academic misconduct that can be applied if the academic misconduct
is subjected in the range from the expulsion and reprimand. In very serious cases and for the repeated in sentence of
misconduct (Perkins, Gezgin and Roe., 2020). Mostly students get failed in their exams if they come with the
Plagiarism and academic misconduct activities.
Game Design for Avoiding Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct_2

Task 2
Instruction of playing the game
There are some instructions for the game that students will play. it will be necessary for the strain 2 follow
the instructions during the game so they can play by the rules. here are instructions of the game –
There will be total 6 team who will play together and each team will contend 4 student not more than that.
students can give the similar answer that is already given by the other students but they had to give it in
their own way.
One student out of 6 will able to play the game and other students will provide them support in giving the
answer or they could also give the answer but they cannot play.
If any of these students well found cheating during the game, whole team will be eliminated.
students will get 3 minutes of time to give their answers and within 3 minutes they have to give the
Teacher will decide if the answer provided by the student is right or not (Tayan., 2017). The decision of
the teacher will be last and student will not able to argue the teachers and they have to accept what teacher
says to them.
students have to follow the rules and then they cannot break any of the rule within the game.
Students cannot use mobile phones or any other supportive element during the game if they found they are
using any electronic device or books then they will be eliminated directly.
Teachers cannot give hint or help the students in the answer they can only announce the results and they
have to monitor if students are playing according to rule.
Assessing why academic integrity at University is so important.
In University, academic integrity refers to the commitment towards honest behavior pertaining to learning
aspects within educational settings. It places high level of emphasis on giving acknowledgement to
concerned authority whose contribution is taken for the study.
Specifically, there are mainly five pillars of academic integrity which student should keep in mind such as
honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. Hence, academic integrity highly significant from the
perspective of learning and improving skills (Updike and et.al, 2021).
In addition to this, by complying with such aspect student can avoid undesirable consequences in relation to failing or
leaving university. Moreover, University has right to terminate students in the case of any misconduct where students
should adhere to academic standards which further enhance competitively. Academic integrity receives due credit
among students, where they submit for assessments towards further professional success in their individual academics.
It also heads on focus towards interests of students to not conduct any cheats, professionally grown in varied untapped
scenarios by working towards new expertise skills. This also enables students are being awarded with degrees in their
success, standards and professional requirements for further success in programmers.
Game Design for Avoiding Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct_3

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