
Academic Skills Development Report


Added on  2020-07-23

29 Pages6359 Words151 Views
Autumn 17Academic Skills Portfolio (ACSK4001)This is your Academic Skills ONLINE Portfolio. Please save a copy on your computer and back it up regularly(e.g. by saving it on your computer / in the cloud (e.g. Google Drive) / emailing it to yourself. You will receivea printed copy which you should bring to all lectures and tutorials. However, at the end of the course, youneed to submit this electronic copy. Please refer to suggested word counts for each task included within thisportfolio.WeekTable of ContentsPageLearning OutcomeSection 1: Portfolio Evidence(These tasks will be drafted in class and are designed to inform the written tasks in section 1; Suggested wordcounts are included in brackets where appropriate.)1Self-evaluation checklist3LO 3 & 41Personal SWOT analysis (suggested word count: 200 words)4LO 3 & 4
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2Structuring your writing (including examples and evidence)6LO 1 & 23Quantitative data analysis (suggested word count: 300 words)7-8LO 1 & 24Evaluating sources and referencing (suggested word count 150 words)9LO 1 & 25Synthesising and in-text citations (suggested word count: 250 words)10LO 1 & 27Presenting your assignment (include screen shot)11LO 18Editing and proof reading your portfolio: using the marking criteriato get a first!12-13LO 1 & 39Post-presentation reflection14LO 3 & 410End of course self-evaluation checklist15LO 3 & 410Personal development plan (PDP) (suggested word count: )16LO 3 & 4Section 2: Written Tasks(These written tasks should be developed throughout the semester but completed in weeks 9-11)1-10Academic writing [degree-specific focus related to The UK’s exit from The European Union] (900 words)17-18LO19 & 10Reflective writing: summary (300 words)19LO 3& 4Writing word count: Academic writing (900 words), Reflective writing (300 words) and a minimum of600 words in total on the other tasks(+/- 10%)SECTION 1: PORTFOLIO EVIDENCEWeek 1: self-evaluation checklistBelow is a list of the skills you will need during your university and professional career. Tick( ) the appropriate box for each skill, according to how well you think you can do this.SkillsDo notknowabout thisFind thisdifficult/can’t dothisCanpartially dothisCan do thiswellLooking for informationIdentify which books/journals/websites to useSelect relevant parts of a textversion 1.0 2
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Evaluate sourcesUsing sourcesAcknowledge sources of informationSynthesize information from more than one sourceWrite a reference list correctlyAvoid plagiarismPlanning/ writingBrainstorm ideasPlan written workLink ideas effectivelyParaphrase & summarise ideasWrite an introductionWrite a conclusionCritically edit written workIndependent studyWork independently (without lecturers)Work as part of a (study) groupOral presentationGive a presentation on my workBrainstorm ideas with peersDiscuss written work in a tutorialDeal effectively with questionsITAccess the internetUse search enginesCreate word documentsUse PowerPointversion 1.0 3
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SECTION 1: PORTFOLIO EVIDENCEWeek 1: Personal SWOT analysisWatch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBOtnyt7BP4In-class activity: In pairs conduct interviews to create a personal SWOT analysis.InternalSTRENGTHS[Things within my control]WEAKNESSES[Personal barriers; things stopping me, but still within my control]1.I am a loyal to my work.1 Spend too much time in helping others.2. A trustworthy personality.2. Can spend too much time in reading additional information other than important topic.3. Well organised toward my work.3. Hard to self at times if fails in achieving my work.4 Top 5 Strengths/talents (Gallup test): Truthful in doing my work and towards other.4. Take times to plan and not implementing them. ExternalOPPORTUNITIES[People, resources, opportunities]THREATS[Things outside of my control]1. Having wide range of opportunities to grow my career.1. There are many others in the same industry who will be preforming better than me2. Contact with other people to make most of it.2. There are no set goal for me so this will be not enabling me to do better in my work.3. Would like to work for a good organisation and can be able to develop it with my available knowledge.3. Takes myself for granted at times.4. Be with someone who would help me in finding my abilities.4. Spend too much time at learning. Discuss: how are you going to overcome your weaknesses and minimise the threats? (approx 100 words)To overcome my threats I will concentrate on my work rather than working for others. Will seek to make sure that I read additional information at my free time and look forward to concentrate on my important work to befinished. At failure times would take decisions that fight help me to overcome the problems and stop being version 1.0 4
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harsh and self motivate myself. Plan report or other work and make habit of implementing it and learn throughmy mistakes. Stop thinking about other more and develop strategies to overcome my mistakes and work to achieve my goals. Will make habit to revise so to learn easily and work to build myself. version 1.0 5
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SECTION 1: PORTFOLIO EVIDENCEWeek 2: Structuring your writingDuring your lecture and tutorial you will learn how to group ideas and develop paragraphs to give structure to your academic writing. You can use the outline below as a model, although others will be discussed in your lectures and tutorials.Title:Group ideas and develop paragraphs to give structure to academic writing1.0 An introduction (150 words) [use evidence/ research throughout]What is your question about? (give the background to your topic)Include some detail on the topic (narrow your focus; what exactly are you focusing on?) Who are the key ideas/ people involved/ organisations etc.?)What will your report show? Be specific [you should write this section last]2.0 Discussion point 1: .................................... (300 words) [Use evidence/ research throughout]:Identify one point from your area of focus and say why it is a key issue.Describe how leaving the EU will impact on thisWhat are the opportunities it could create?What are the possible problems?What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?3.0 Discussion point 2: .................................... (300 words) [Use evidence/ research throughout]:Identify another point from your area of focus and say why it is a key issue.Describe how leaving the EU will impact on thisWhat are the opportunities it could create?What are the possible problems?What can you conclude from this? What are the implications?4.0 Conclusion (150 words) [refer back to key evidence/ research]Give a summary of your key points from 2 & 3Include a summary of your key conclusions from both 2 & 3What would you recommend needs to happen now?INTRODUCTIONThe writing and planing in the academic session suggest that there is non one way to write. There are different patterns of writing in every disciplines although there are many variations in every subject. Here we are going to learn about how to give paragraphs to effectively structure the writings. Plan to write the paragraphs in details and in what criteria to change the paragraph. A paragraph is a bunch of related sentences that is considered to support one main idea. The question arises where to change the paragraph and start new one. The present report shows the requirement of changing the para according to the topic and discovering ideas to generate ways in which the written plan can work. version 1.0 6
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