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ACC8000 Research in Accounting Practice: Assignment 1


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ACC8000 Research in accounting practice

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Question 1:.......................................................................................................................................3
Question 2:.......................................................................................................................................5
Question 3:.......................................................................................................................................6
Question 4:.......................................................................................................................................7
Question 5:.......................................................................................................................................8
Question 6:.......................................................................................................................................9
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Question 1:
Plagiarism can be defined as the act of using the ideas or words of others and presenting the
same as of your own. This can be regarded as the intellectual theft in research work. The
plagiarism can be regarded as a serious crime and it can incur in many forms such as deliberately
cheating and accidently copying form an unknown source without its acknowledgement.
It is important to avoid the act of plagiarism because:
It is an unethical practice in the form of a theft and it results in stealing someone else
intellectual property.
The practice of plagiarising can result in ruining the academic work of a student and also
can harm the research work of the researcher and can lead to serious implication which
are punishable and considered as an offense.
It is important to insert the in text references in the research work conducted because referring
the sources which you have used in the research work can help the users or the readers in in
following appropriately the arguments that have been given in the research work and he can also
check and verify the accuracy of the sources in context of the objective of the research. The use
of the author’s ideas in the research wok conducted helps in recognizing the information in a
better way.
As per the research work conducted by Done, (2018) in his study a perfect example of
recognizing and identifying the best way of succeeding in your studies is attending the
smorgasbord restaurant. It can be observed when the person attends a smorgasbord restaurant he
is expecting the services of a waiter to serve him the food he requires. In order to fulfil the
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purpose the person needs to stand up from his chair and should start exploring the variety of
foods and dishes available (Done, 2018). In order to perform this function he needs to serve
himself rather than expecting anyone else to serve him. After recognizing the food he need he
needs to get back to his table and start eating that food. In a similar way there are number of
studies and resources available for the students on the university website or the study desk of the
library of university. The student need to pick up the right study and start completing his
research work in order to get better marks in the assignment. The process will also help the
student in enhancing his knowledge and preparing for the future assignments too (Done, 2018).
In order to recognize the way of succeeding in the studies one does not need to just sit and expect
someone else to help in completing his studies and gaining knowledge instead he should try to
collect the information and helps trying by him. This can be appropriately linked with an
example of a smorgasbord restaurant where the customer needs to stand and serve his own needs
rather than expecting a waiter to come in. This has been rightly texted in the study of Done,
(2018) where he quoted that ‘To have a good experience at a smorgasbord restaurant, you
need to get out of your chair’.
The bibliography as associated with the journal article or the source of reference used is
presented below:

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Question 2:
The objective of exploratory research and question framed is to discover the ideas and insights
associated with the research work conducted.
“Are there any problems encountered while using the new timekeeping system of the company
and if the average number of warranty claims per month differs between the standard and deluxe
The objective of descriptive research and question is to describe the relative characteristics and
functions of the research work conducted in the study (Wang & Calvano 2015).
“What is the time each worker is devoting while working on each of the model consisting of
standard model and deluxe model? “
The objective of casual research and question framed is to determine the cause and effect
relationship existing in the research work conducted.
“What is the average number of warranty claims based on and recognizing the difference in
standard and deluxe model? “
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Question 3:
A deductive approach can be referred to as the type of approach used in research work which is
concerned with developing an appropriate hypothesis which shall be based on existing theory
and after that developing and designing a research strategy in order to test the hypothesis
developed above. Thus it can be seen that deductive approach is associated with deducting the
conclusions from various propositions and premises. In order to compare the deductive approach
with inductive approach it can be observed that there is abundance of resources in deductive
approach while there is scarcity of resources in inductive approach. There is very short time
available in order to complete the research work and risk is avoided in deductive approach while
there is no shortage of time in the inductive research and risk is generally accepted. By referring
to the positivist theory the approaches are taken as far as possible to be taken value free away
and also in constructionism the researches accepts that reality is a construct of human mind
(Waples et al. 2009).
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Question 4:
By referring the questions framed and the options available it can be seen that the objective is to
ascertain the frequency of visits of the students into the library and a descriptive question must
have been frame in order to serve this purpose which is not in this case. Also the language is very
informal which affects the quality of research. The options available are excessive not assisting
in brief responses and the user may get confused by variety of options available in this case.
The hypothesis requires will not be fulfilled by the type of question asked and the options
framed. The purpose mentioned are not as per the objectives with which the students visit the
library and the option in the form of “other” should not be used when there are already excessive
multiple choice options availed (Smith et al. 2012).

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Question 5:
The independent variables refers to the variables in the research work which are stable and does
not get affected by the other variables which are tried to be measured in the research work
conducted. It can be regarded as the condition of an experiment which can be systematically
manipulated by the investigator himself (Wang & Calvano 2015).
These refer to the variables which are highly dependent on other factors which are measured in
the research work conducted. It refers to the type of variable in which the researcher is interested
in. The variables can get changed by the experimental manipulation of the various independent
variables or variables.
This refers to the type of variable in research which is not changed at all throughout an
experiment because the unchanging feature of it allows the relationship between other variables
to be tested and being understood better anyways (Wang & Calvano 2015).
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Question 6:
The independent models are:
Business ethics education.
Business ethics instructions (Smith et al. 2012)
The dependent variable models are presented below:
Non-business ethical decisions
Business related ethical decision
By referring to the objectives and the research work conducted it can be observed that the
research is directional hypothesis sin which the relationship is identified between many of the
variable like relationship between Business Ethics Education and Moral Judgments. Thus the
relationships are developed between two variables of research.
By referring to the H1Para of research it can be established that the research has been conducted
in alternate format as it include the variables which are different form each other at the same has
been compared appropriately (Campbell & Stanley 2015).
The word “interact” here signifies and helps in explaining the relationship and the significance
with which the factor gender is affecting the business ethic education among the students. The
way and the perspective regarding this education are explained.
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The treatment and control groups used here helps in making the manipulations with different
variables and identifying the relationship of affection which individual perspective gains while
learning the business ethics education.
The type of designing is used to ensure the internal validity of the research. The design will
include randomly assigning the subjects between various groups and testing and controlling the
group (Niiniluoto & Tuomela 2015).
The disadvantages are:
The participants can have the knowledge form the pre-test and will be able to assume the
hypothesis of researcher.
The participants will get manipulated after implementing this design.
The conduction of research over several weeks will create discontinuance and can cause a
disruption in the hypothesis developed which will result in inaccurate conclusions.
The current behaviours can be recognized and acknowledged.
Researcher will get hypothetical knowledge in advance (Niiniluoto & Tuomela 2015).
Can result in plagiarism.
The researcher might reduce his level of efforts included in the research.

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The control variables are:
Relativism theories of personal ethics perspectives
While considering the research it can be concluded that females are more realistic and the
decision regarding business ethics are based on over care approach while males and relative and
competitive in this approach (Oberreuter & Velasquez 2013).
The purpose includes:
Enhancing the statistical power for subgroups and primary end points.
Improving the estimates of the size of the effect.
Resolving uncertainties.
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Campbell, DT & Stanley, C 2015, Experimental and Quasi-experimental designs for reaserach,
Ravenio books.
Daff, L, Lange, PD & Jackling, B 2012, 'A comparision of Generic Skills and Emotional
Intelligence in Accounting Education', Issues in Accounting Education, vol 27 (3), pp. 627-646.
Niiniluoto, I & Tuomela, R 2015, Theoritical concpets and Hypothetico-inductive inference , D.
Reidel Publishing company, Dordrecht.
Oberreuter, G & Velasquez, JD 2013, 'Text mining applied to plagiarism detection: The use of
words for detecting deviations in the writing style', Expert systems with applications, vol 40, no.
9, pp. 3756- 3763.
Smith, JC, Holland, T, Lane, A & White, S 2012, 'Effect of a Coteaching Handwriting Program
for First Graders: One-Group Pretest–Posttest Design', American journal of occupational theory,
pp. 396-405.
Wang, LW & Calvano, L 2015, 'Is business ethics education effective?', Journal of business
ethics, vol 126, no. 4, pp. 591-602.
Waples, EP, Antes, AL, Murphy, ST, Connelly, S & Mumford, MD 2009, 'A meta-analytic
investigation of business ethics instruction', Journal of business ethics, vol 87, no. 1, pp. 133-
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