Profitability statement of Jack’s for the year ended on 31stJuly 2014 is enumerated below: Profit and loss account for the year ended 31st July 2014 ParticularsAmount(£) Sales52000 less: COGS Opening stock9000 purchases38500 closing stock850039000 Gross profit13000 Sundry Income : Interest received80 13080 less: expenses rent1580 rates600 wages and salaries3000 Bank charges80 Telephone100 Light and heat215
Postage20 Advertising750 Outstanding electricity expenses125 Outstanding repairs5206990 Net profit6010 Balance sheetof Jack’s for the year ended on 31stJuly 2014 is enumerated below: Balance sheet at 31st July 2014 Fixed assets : Fixtures and equipment2750 computer equipment1225 Motor vehicle775 Total fixed assets4750 Current assets : Stock8500 Trade debtors750 Cash at bank2761037360 Total current assets 42110
Current liabilities : Trade creditors12125 Accruals645 Electricity bill125 Outstanding repairs520 Total current liabilities12770 29340 Non-current liabilities capital24750 Profit for the year601030760 less: drawings2000 Total liabilities29340