
Essay on ACRE Argument PDF


Added on  2020-12-18

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Essay on ACRE Argument PDF_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1ARGUMENT- 1 College degree leads to have Better career opportunities ...................................1ARGUMENT 2 Degree enables Job security and satisfaction........................................................2ARGUMENT 3 NOT ALL GRADUATES GET WELL PAID JOBS...........................................3REFERENCES................................................................................................................................5
Essay on ACRE Argument PDF_2

INTRODUCTIONA career is often composed for term as job held, title earned and work accomplished overa long period of time rather then referring for one position (Goldin and Katz, 2018). Thus,progress and action taken by a person throughout a lifetime and this also relates with personoccupations. In addition to it, job search is performed if an individual is either the unemployedand dissatisfied with their current position. The present report is based on topic as Does a degreeinfluence an individual job opportunities. This is one of the act that is for searching foremployment. This thins will not guarantee that the person can have great job if he have collegedegree it totally depends over skills of an individual.ARGUMENT- 1 College degree leads to have Better career opportunities Earning a college degree is one of the crucial concept in life and it has becomes thedream of each person in life. It is most suitable and common partway to get the better career. Atthe time of taking entering into the college no one have actually idea that what they wants to dowhile they grew up (Granovetter, 2018). Thus, college gives range of skills there are manygraduates who ends up in the fields. In the present environment, majority of high schoolgraduates works in service industry at low paying jobs. The graduate person can able to enhancehis skills and take initiatives to perform their job in better mode. There are both advantages anddisadvantages and this all will be helpful to make the investment of time and money to go tocollege. Thus, the self discipline and ability to get the job done will be crucial to get higher levelof competency in the career. The qualified education leads to enhance the knowledge about theperson and it helps to bring more practical about the things in life. In addition to it, this is veryessential to obtain the college in terms to make the right decision in companies or businessanywhere. Counter argumentYes, getting the college degree allows a person to get hire for some establishment. Withhelp of it, they also get chance to get employed. This helps to reflects the qualification of personin the legal terms. Thus, the one of the associated degree will help the students with a lot ofopportunities. The better job qualification leads to get good and efficient job. Thus, skills helpsto develop the person in the effective manner and it also helps to bring out the best from thecandidate ( Hamilton, Roksa and Nielsen, 2018 ). In addition to this, having the degree butunskilled person do not get employed for the longer term and it also affects affects the1
Essay on ACRE Argument PDF_3

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